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Fortnite Wiki

PERK-UPs are an Account Resource in Fortnite: Save the World that are used to upgrade the rarity of Perks on Schematics.

PERK-UP! Types[]

Main Article: Perk Recombobulator
Icon Name Cost Perk Upgrade Found
Uncommon PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Uncommon PERK-UP! 100x CommonUncommon Found in Plankerton and Canny Valley.
Rare PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Rare PERK-UP! 150x UncommonRare Found in Canny Valley.
Epic PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Epic PERK-UP! 225x RareEpic Found in Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
Legendary PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Legendary PERK-UP! 345x EpicLegendary Found in Twine Peaks.

Perk Cache (Map) - Icon - Save the World Cache Drops[]

Icon Name Info Found
Uncommon Perk Cache - Resource - Fortnite Uncommon Perk Cache Contains a random amount of Uncommon PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Uncommon PERK-UP! and RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite RE-PERK! Found by defeating Mini-Boss - Icon - Fortnite Mini-Bosses or searching high-tier Chests.
Rare Perk Cache - Resource - Fortnite Rare Perk Cache Contains a random amount of Rare PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Rare PERK-UP! and RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite RE-PERK!
Epic Perk Cache - Resource - Fortnite Epic Perk Cache Contains a random amount of Epic PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Epic PERK-UP! and RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite RE-PERK!
Legendary Perk Cache - Resource - Fortnite Legendary Perk Cache Contains a random amount of Legendary PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite Legendary PERK-UP! and RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite RE-PERK!


Update v4.20[]

Update v5.00[]

  • Increased the PERK-UP amount received from Mission Alert rewards by 30-33%.
  • Enabled RE-PERK! and PERK-UP! to drop in Storm Mission rewards.

Update v6.00[]

  • Introduced Cram Session.
    • For the duration of the event, Mini-Boss Mission Alerts will drop two PERK-UP! rewards instead of one.
    • Also added staged Quests that grant PERK-UP! rewards in increasing amounts per stage.
