Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Schematic - Icon - Save the World This page is under construction.
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Disambig gray This article is about Harvesting Tools as a Cosmetic Item. For the Harvesting Tool used as a weapon, see Pickaxe (Weapon). For the Loading Screen, see Harvesting Tools (Loading Screen).

Pickaxes (also known as, and originally called, Harvesting Tools) are tools used for gathering resources in Fortnite. They exist in Save the World as well as in Battle Royale, performing a similar function. While pickaxes can be used as a weapon, dealing 20 damage per hit (formerly 10), they are better used to gather resources for building. In Chapter 2: Season 1, certain harvesting tools got a fresh look, as well as gliders.

As of Update v10.20, these cosmetic pickaxes can also be used in Save the World. Also, if you purchase Save the World as of now, you get the 7 different Save the World Pickaxes by upgrading your pickaxe in Save the World.

Additional features available for Pickaxes[]

Selectable Styles - Icon - Fortnite
Reactive - Icon - Fortnite
Built-In - Icon - Fortnite
Selectable Styles Reactive Built-In

Types of Pickaxes[]

Default Pickaxe - Subtype - Fortnite
Dual-Wield - Subtype - Fortnite
Spinner - Subtype - Fortnite
Single-Hand - Subtype - Fortnite
Fist - Subtype - Fortnite
Classic Dual-Wield Spinner Single-Hand Fist
Switching - Subtype - Fortnite
Claw - Subtype - Fortnite
Sword - Subtype - Fortnite
Dual Flail - Subtype - Fortnite
Bat - Subtype - Fortnite
Switching Claw Sword Dual Flail Bat
Staff - Subtype - Fortnite
Spear - Subtype - Fortnite
Single-Wield - Subtype - Fortnite
Dual Spinner - Subtype - Fortnite
Flail - Subtype - Fortnite
Staff Spear Single-Wield Dual Spinner Flail

Some of these animations can be slightly altered for a few Pickaxes, but not enough to be considered brand new or unique.

Page Navigation[]

Solo - Icon - Fortnite
Battle Pass - Icon - Fortnite
Item Shop Mannequin - Device - Fortnite
Bundle - Icon - Fortnite
Fortnite Crew - Icon - Fortnite
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite
Default Battle Pass Item Shop Packs Fortnite Crew Challenges
Tournament - Icon - Fortnite
Party Royale Placeholder
Code Green - Wrap - Fortnite
Techie - Back Bling - Fortnite
Holiday Presents! (Sgt. Winter) - Item - Fortnite
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite
Competitive Promotional Redeem-a-Code Logging in Winterfest Presents Event Pass
Storm King - Icon - Fortnite
Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Music - Icon - Fortnite
Instruments (Tab) - Icon - Fortnite
Exclamation - Emoticon - Fortnite
??? - Mystery Reward - Fortnite
Save the World OG Festival Instruments China Exclusive Unreleased
Placeholder - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Stop - Emoticon - Fortnite
TBD Removed

Default Solo - Icon - Fortnite[]

Pickaxe (Chapter 3) - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Default Pickaxe

Battle Pass Battle Pass - Icon - Fortnite[]

Item ShopItem Shop Mannequin - Device - Fortnite[]

Season Shop Timer - Icon - Fortnite[]

Raiders Revenge - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Raider's Revenge
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,500 V-Bucks
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite 2,000,000

Limited Time Timer - Icon - Fortnite[]

Champion Balisong - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Champion Balisong
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Maceball Bat - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Maceball Bat
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Eyes of Victory - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Eyes of Victory
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Star Jet - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Star Jet
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks

Packs Bundle - Icon - Fortnite[]

Fortnite CrewFortnite Crew - Icon - Fortnite[]

Fortnite CrewFortnite Crew - Icon - Fortnite[]

Schematic - Icon - Save the World This page is under construction.
Please refrain from editing the page if another user is actively doing so as to avoid edit conflicts.

Schematic - Icon - Save the World This page is under construction.
Please refrain from editing the page if another user is actively doing so as to avoid edit conflicts.

Schematic - Icon - Save the World This page is under construction.
Please refrain from editing the page if another user is actively doing so as to avoid edit conflicts.

Challenges Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite[]

Website Refer a Friend - Icon - Fortnite[]

Bottom Feeder - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Bottom Feeder
Fishing Frenzy

Competitive Tournament - Icon - Fortnite[]


Promotional Party Royale Placeholder[]

Instigator - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Twitch Prime Pack 1
Tenderizer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Twitch Prime Pack 2
Controller - Pickaxe - Fortnite
PS+ Celebration Pack 3
Resonator - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Eon Bundle
Pinpoint - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Double Helix Bundle
Stellar Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Stellar Axe
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Angular Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Angular Axe
GeForce Fortnite Bundle 1
Rose Glow - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Rose Glow
Founder's Pack
Stealth Angular Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Stealth Angular Axe
GeForce Fortnite Bundle 2
Dark Razor - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Dark Razor
Dark Apex Bundle
Mean Streak - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Mean Streak
Founder's Pack
Pneumatic Twin - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Pneumatic Twin
PS+ Celebration Pack 7
Psycho Buzz Axes - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Psycho Buzz Axes
Borderlands 3
Perfect Point - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Perfect Point
PS+ Celebration Pack 11
Electri-claw - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Fleet Force Bundle
Wavecrest - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Intel CPU
Synaptic Hatchets - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Synaptic Hatchets
PS+ Celebration Pack 13
Dark Splitter - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Dark Splitter
Midnight Drive Pack
Cymitar - Pickaxe - Fortnite
PS+ Celebration Pack 16
Snowtooth - Pickaxe - Fortnite
PS+ Celebration Pack 17
Dazzle Daggers - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Dazzle Daggers
Xbox Cloud Gaming
The Dish-stroyer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
The Dish-stroyer
GeForce NOW
Saber's Fang - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Saber's Fang
Gilded Hunter Pack
Ember Baton - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Ember Baton
Blue Phoenix Pack
Velocity Edge - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Velocity Edge
Amazon Luna
Petrol Pump - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Petrol Pump
Blazin' Wheels Gear Pack
Yeetus Hammer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Yeetus Hammer
Fall Guys Mobile
Starforged Blades - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Starforged Blades
Samsung Device
Indigo Inverter - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Indigo Inverter
Cobalt Snowfoot Bundle

Redeem-a-Code Code Green - Wrap - Fortnite[]

Merry Mint Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Merry Mint Axe
Sunfall Scythe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Sunfall Scythe
Midnight Scythe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Midnight Scythe

Logging inTechie - Back Bling - Fortnite[]

Shooting Starstaff - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Shooting Starstaff

Winterfest Presents Holiday Presents! (Sgt. Winter) - Item - Fortnite[]

Peppermint Pick - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Peppermint Pick
Shortbread Slicers - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Shortbread Slicers
Snowplower - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Holly Hatchets - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Holly Hatchets
Sledgecracker - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Dogg Treat - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Dogg Treat
Humbug Slicer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Humbug Slicer

Event Passes Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite[]

Double Tags - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Double Tags
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite Most Wanted
The Vault Guardian - Pickaxe - Fortnite
The Vault Guardian
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite Most Wanted
Maul's Poleaxe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Maul's Poleaxe
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Find the Force
Slaughter Demon - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Slaughter Demon
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Break the Curse!
Shredder's Steel Claws - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Shredder's Steel Claws
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Cowabunga
Super Shredder's Steel Claws - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Super Shredder's Steel Claws
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Cowabunga
Sokka's Space Sword - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Sokka's Space Sword
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite Elements
Air Nomad Staff - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Air Nomad Staff
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Elements
Jack's Cutlass and Bane - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Jack's Cutlass and Bane
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite Cursed Sails
Jack Sparrow's Sword - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Jack Sparrow's Sword
Icon Mission Journal (Golden) - Fortnite Cursed Sails

Save the WorldStorm King - Icon - Fortnite[]

Ol' Woody - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Ol' Woody
Basic Basher - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Basic Basher
Tech Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Tech Axe
Hydraulic Wrecker - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Hydraulic Wrecker
Vindertech Elite - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Vindertech Elite
Laser Pick - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Laser Pick
Axehammer - Pickaxe - Fortnite

OGGrenade - Item - Fortnite[]

Renegade Reaver - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Renegade Reaver
OG Pass - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS1
Rocket Wrecker - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Rocket Wrecker
OG Pass - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS1
Spinal Slicer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Spinal Slicer
OG Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS1
Sparkling Star - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Sparkling Star
OG Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS2
Cuddle Carvers - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Cuddle Carvers
OG Pass - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS2
Conqueror's Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Conqueror's Axe
OG Pass - Icon - Fortnite OG PassS2

FestivalMusic - Icon - Fortnite[]

Shamisen Electric - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Shamisen Electric
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7
Neko Miku Keytar - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Neko Miku Keytar
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7
Neko Miku Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Neko Miku Guitar
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7
Shatter Sonic - Guitar - Fortnite
Shatter Sonic
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7

InstrumentsInstruments (Tab) - Icon - Fortnite[]

Weeknd Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Weeknd Mic
Chromatica Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Mic
Burial Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Burial Mic
Bichota Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Bichota Mic
MSB Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Masterpiece - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Iced Out Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Iced Out Mic
Mariah's Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Mariah's Mic
Mic Chuck (v28.01.01) - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Mic Chuck
The Meltdown - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
The Meltdown
Crooner - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Sunbird's Scream - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Sunbird's Scream
Gorgonik Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Gorgonik Mic
Venus Eye Trap - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Venus Eye Trap
Scorch'd - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Elix Vox - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Elix Vox
Drip Trip - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Drip Trip
Beach Bum - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Beach Bum
Loud Pipes - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Loud Pipes
Cir-kit Mic - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Cir-kit Mic
Nightlife - Microphone - Fortnite Festival
Mercurial - Microphone - Fortnite Festival

XO 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
XO 6-String
Chromatica Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Guitar
Red Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Red Guitar
Kirk's Gibson "Greeny" Les Paul - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Kirk's Gibson "Greeny" Les Paul
James's ESP Snakebyte - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
James's ESP Snakebyte
Bichota 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Bichota 6-String
G-Funk '93 - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
G-Funk '93
MadKat Smirk Axe - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
MadKat Smirk Axe
Wolverine's Axe - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Wolverine's Axe
Iron Spider - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Iron Spider
The Black Cat - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Black Cat
Hobie's Wicked Electric Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Hobie's Axe
Seven-string Hallikset - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Seven-string Hallikset
Johnny Silverhand's Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Johnny Silverhand's Guitar
Nanner Jammer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Nanner Jammer
Spacefleet Kontrol - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Spacefleet Kontrol
Leo's Shredder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Leo's Shredder
Ageless Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Ageless Guitar
Glacier Electric - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Glacier Electric
Filigree - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Super Shredder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Super Shredder
Beastly - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Grand Olympus - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Grand Olympus
Pincer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Axecutioner - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Mirage Glimmer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Mirage Glimmer
Dramyin - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Astral Eye - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Astral Eye
Slurp Blaster - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Slurp Blaster
Guppy Sonic - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Guppy Sonic
PCB Six-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
PCB Six-String
Dusk Light - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Dusk Light
Hex Phase - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Hex Phase
Strummy Mummy - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Strummy Mummy
Edward Axe-Hands - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Edward Axe-Hands
Flux Silvera - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Flux Silvera
Guffy 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Guffy 6-String
Frosted Frets - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Frosted Frets

XO Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
XO Keys
Chromatica Keytar - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Keytar
Sleeper Keys - Keytar - Fortnite
Sleeper Keys
WRLD Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Platinum Chromatica Keytar - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Platinum Chromatica Keytar
Venom Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Venom Keys
Nalargon Keytar - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Nalargon Keytar
Sludgie - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Key Bo-ard (v28.01.01) - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Key Bo-ard
Mochamint Melodic - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Mochamint Melodic
Orchestrina - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Beast Scales - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Beast Scales
Bugoid Symphonic - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Bugoid Symphonic
The Deepend - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
The Deepend
Festival Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Festival Keys
Chainsong - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Jade Dragon Blade - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Jade Dragon Blade
Stowaway - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Skeleton Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Skeleton Keys
Resistor Keys - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Resistor Keys
Keyon Lite - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Keyon Lite
Keyluxe - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Dark Hex - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Dark Hex

XO Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
XO Bass
Chromatica Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Bass
Robert's Warwick M72 Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Robert's Warwick M72 Bass
Bichota 4-String - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Bichota 4-String
Platinum Bichota 4-String - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Platinum Bichota 4-String
Snoop's Holladizzle Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Snoop's Holladizzle Bass
DP's Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
DP's Bass
Mark 45 Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Mark 45 Bass
Highwire - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Roadhouse Neon - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Roadhouse Neon
Half-Shell Sai-tar - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Half-Shell Sai-tar
Big Lug - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Big Lug
Deep Thunder - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Deep Thunder
The Kuro Kabuto - Bass - Fortnite Festival
The Kuro Kabuto
Ancient Artifact Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Ancient Artifact Bass
Wicked Point - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Wicked Point
The Underworlder - Bass - Fortnite Festival
The Underworlder
Techna-Classic - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Phenom - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Lavatronik - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Serpent's Eye - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Serpent's Eye
Pop Squid - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Pop Squid
Pineapple Punch - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Pineapple Punch
The Motherboard - Bass - Fortnite Festival
The Motherboard
Voxel Dark - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Voxel Dark
The Fangler - Bass - Fortnite
The Fangler
Golden Nemesis - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Golden Nemesis
Honeybun Bass - Bass - Fortnite Festival
Honeybun Bass

Lars's TAMA Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Lars's TAMA Kit
Top Dogg Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Top Dogg Kit
Platinum Flaming Hi-Hats - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Platinum Flaming Hi-Hats
Endorian Drum Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Endorian Drum Kit
Pit Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Pit Kit
High Society Clasher - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
High Society Clasher
The Woodworker - Drums - Fortnite Festival
The Woodworker
Disruptor Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Disruptor Kit
Rhythmic Eclipse - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Rhythmic Eclipse
Playing Mantis - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Playing Mantis
Potion Master - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Potion Master
Checkmate - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Nana Bash Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Nana Bash Kit
Bucket Brigade - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Bucket Brigade
Cir-kit Breaker - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Cir-kit Breaker
Eerie Orbs - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Eerie Orbs
Metro-Gnome - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Voxelated - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Britemare Kit - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Britemare Kit
Punkin' Basher - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Punkin' Basher
Cobalt Crash - Drum Sticks - Fortnite
Cobalt Crash

China ExclusiveExclamation - Emoticon - Fortnite[]

Pointer - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Power Grip - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Power Grip

Unreleased??? - Mystery Reward - Fortnite[]

Main Article: Unreleased Cosmetics#Pickaxes

TBDPlaceholder - Pickaxe - Fortnite[]

Main Article: TBD Cosmetics#Pickaxes

Removed Stop - Emoticon - Fortnite[]

Main Article: Removed Cosmetics#Pickaxes

Battle Pass Harvesting Tools
Battle Pass Tiers - Season Progression Fortnite

Aquaman's Trident - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Battle Pass Harvesting Tools are exclusive to users who purchased the Battle Pass.

Item Shop Harvesting Tools
Pile of V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite

Global Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Item Shop Harvesting Tools can only be exclusively purchased using V-Bucks.

Limited Time Offers
Cash Grab - Spray - Fortnite

Corrupted Rift Edges - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Limited Time Offers can only be exclusively purchased using real currency.

Promotional Harvesting Tools

Resonator - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Promotional Harvesting Tools are exclusive to the gaming platform that your account associates to. Platforms such as Playstation, XBOX and Nintendo have exclusive Harvesting Tools if you buy their devices.

Unreleased Harvesting Tools
Black Hole - Back Bling - Fortnite

Midnight Scythe - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Unreleased Harvesting Tools are Harvesting Tools that are currently not available to the public of Fortnite. However, it is believed that these are leaked or found in the Fortnite files.

Save the World Harvesting Tools
Axehammer - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Axehammer - Pickaxe - Fortnite

Save the World Harvesting Tools are Harvesting Tools that are currently available and unlockable in Fortnite: Save the World.


Weak Point Impact
Impact Audio


  • The weak points go up in a musical scale (to be exact, the notes of the G Major scale) depending on how many times you hit them consecutively, with 8 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.