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Fortnite Wiki
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Playground is a low-pressure environment where friends can let their creativity run wild. Build massive structures. Practice with the weapons and items. Fight against your friends. Have fun!
— In-Game Description

Playground was a mode in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It loaded players into the Athena island with some adjusted settings.

Players can battle and build with an extended period of time (4 hours) to roam around the map, as well as increased resource generation by 10. All treasure chests and ammo crates will be spawned, so players can try dropping in different spots to scope out the loot. Friendly fire is on so they can scrimmage with their squad (up to three friends per match), with near-immediate respawns. In Chapter 2: Season 1, Playground was removed and replaced with Battle Lab

Objective 1 Have Fun
Playground mode is all about friends hanging out and having fun on the Battle Royale island.
Objective 2 Practice
Try out new weapons and items or scrimmage against friends.
Objective 3 Build
Resource gathering is easy in this mode, so try building huge structures!


  • There can be up to four players in each match.
  • Each match lasts for 4 hours.
  • Players can swap into 4 different teams.
  • Loot galore: 100 llamas total, 100 supply drops total.
  • 10x more materials.
  • 3x more Floor and Chest loot.
  • Containers, Quadcrashers, Driftboards, and Ballers spawn 100% of the time.
  • Chug Jugs are very common, and bandages are very rare.
  • Players can adjust starting health, starting shield, time of day, and gravity.


Season 4[]

  • Update v4.50: Introduced Playground. due to the amount of players attempting to play the mode because playground allowed players to open their own instance of the game, the mode was shortly removed to fix server issues.
    • Playground returned on July 2, 2018 (4 days later), once server issues were fixed.

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

  • Update v11.31: Playground was permanently replaced with Battle Lab, which is essentially the same as Playground, but with many additions and changes, and on the new Apollo island.

