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Fortnite Wiki

The Primal Weapons Set is a Weapon Set in Fortnite: Save the World.
Certain Schematics from this set can be obtained from the Raptor Wrangler Event Questline, and the rest from the Event Store, during the Blasted Badlands Venture Season.

It contains no Melee Weapons and 5 Ranged Weapons.



Primal Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal Pistol Icon Pistol Primal Rifle Icon Assault Primal Shotgun Icon Shotgun Primal SMG Icon SMG
Primal Stink Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal Stink Bow Icon Sniper


  • All Weapons in this set are based on their Battle Royale counterparts.
    • The said Battle Royale counterparts are based on Black Metal Weapons from Save the World, which came first.