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Fortnite Wiki

Prop Disguise is a Game Mechanic in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It was introduced in Season 9. It is used to disguise the player as a prop, to hide them from opponents.


Prop Disguising allows the player to transform into a prop, in which they can move, swim and jump as normal, but cannot build, use items or access vehicles. Players cannot Emote either, and attempting to use Glider Redeploy will disable the disguise. As a prop, the player can also use the alternate fire button (Aim Button) to rest on a surface, and sit naturally on it.

Disguises can be disrupted by:

  • Receiving Damage (Aside from use by the Prop-O-Matic).
  • Attempting Glider Redeploy.
  • Opening Containers.
  • Manually picking up items, or those which are not picked up normally without the Auto Pickup option enabled.
  • Being abducted into The Mothership.
  • Manually removing the disguise.


Prop Disguise can be applied using the following methods:

Name Icon Description
Prop-o-Matic - Item - Fortnite
Creative exclusive. Allows to transform into a prop of any size by shooting at it.
Activate Prop Disguise
Disguise-Intel - Interaction - Fortnite
Bought from Characters for 75 Bars. Temporarily transforms the player into a small prop.
Prop Disguise Pad
Blue Abductor (Rift Device 2) - Object - Fortnite
Transforms the player into a prop for a very short time
Prop-ifier - Item - Fortnite
Tranfroms the player into one of the fifteen props for an indefinite time.
Moisty Palms
Moisty Palms - Location - Fortnite
Entering Moisty Palms allowed the player to disguise as a Prop by Crouching.


Season 8[]

  • Update v8.00: Introduced the Prop-O-Matic, enabling the player to disguise as a prop for the first time. Players in this state cannot build or use items, but can enter vehicles, and emote.

Season X[]

  • Update v10.30: Moisty Palms is added, with the ability to turn into a Prop in Battle Royale for the first time. Players activate this by Crouching whilst in the location.

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

  • Update v11.00: Removed Moisty Palms. Players can no longer turn into a Prop in Battle Royale.

Chapter 2: Season 6[]

  • Update v16.00: Players can now turn into a prop for Bars at the request of certain Characters.

Chapter 2: Season 7[]

  • Update v17.30: Some Hologram Pads will turn the player into a random prop.
  • Content Update v17.30: Added the Prop-ifier, allowing players to change into a variety of props without spending Bars. Players can also choose the prop they want to turn into.
    • Players can no longer Emote or use vehicles whilst playing as a Prop.
  • Update v17.40: Removed Hologram Pads.

Chapter 2: Season 8[]

See Also[]

  • Hideouts - A similar mechanic which allows the player to take the place of a prop, and hide from Opponents.