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Fortnite Wiki

Props are items in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They make up nearly the entire game and form everything from trees, rocks, buildings, and more. Most props can be destroyed with a Harvesting Tool and/or Lightsaber and will give off materials, though there are few that are “indestructible.” Most props can also be turned into with the Prop-o-Matic (as seen in the Prop Hunt LTM).

Prop Image Health Material Given Effects
Tree Wood N/A
Rock Pile Stone N/A
Shipping Containers Metal N/A
Pile of Tires Wood Bouncy
Street Light Metal N/A
Fire Hydrant Metal Bouncy (after damaged)
Refrigerator Metal N/A
Bookshelf Wood N/A
Metal Chair Metal N/A
Wood Chair Wood N/A
Desk Wood N/A
Water Cooler Metal N/A
Filing Cabinet Metal N/A
Toilets Metal N/A
Fireplace Stone N/A
T.Vs Metal N/A
Beds Wood N/A
Bathtubs Metal N/A
Teddy Bear Wood N/A
Golden Couch N/A
Golden TV N/A
Golden Teddy Bear N/A
Golden Globe N/A
Golden Copier N/A
Golden Filing Cabinet N/A
Golden Painting N/A
Golden Office Chair N/A
E.G.O. Folder N/A
No Dancing Sign Metal N/A
No Swimming Sign Metal N/A
Clock Metal N/A
Destroyed Clock Metal N/A
Aztec Clock Stone N/A
Futuristic Clock Metal N/A
Car Metal N/A
Police Car Metal N/A
Flatbed Metal N/A
Tractor Metal N/A
Government Truck Metal N/A
Government Dugger Metal N/A
Giant Rock Man Stone N/A
Giant Rock Woman Stone N/A
Cactus Wood N/A
Tent Wood N/A
Durrr Burger Head Metal N/A
Holographic Durrr Burger Head Metal Transparent
Tomatohead Head Metal N/A
Tribal Tomato Head Stone N/A
Holographic Tomatohead Head Metal Transparent
Dumpling Head Metal Spins in circles
Lily Pads Wood Bouncy
SLURP Barrels Metal Gives shield (after destroyed)
SLURP Silos Metal Gives shield (after destroyed)
SLURP Trucks Metal Gives shield (after destroyed)
Pile of Plywood Metal N/A
The Devourer’s Teeth Stone N/A
Christmas Tree Wood N/A
Air Vents Metal Boosts player (when walked on)
Brontosaurus Statue Metal N/A
Triceratops Statue Metal N/A
T. Rex Statue Metal N/A
Hybrid Eggs N/A N/A
Corn Stalks Wood N/A
Submarine Metal N/A
Meteor N/A Low-Gravity
Crashed Battle Bus Metal N/A
Pass 'N' Gas Sign Metal N/A
Hotel 23 Sign Wood N/A
Keyboard Kings Sign Metal N/A
Cooler Wood N/A
Beach Umbrellas Metal Bouncy
Deadpool Beach Umbrella Metal Bouncy
Cardboard Kevin the Cube Wood N/A
Cardboard Meteor Wood N/A
Cardboard Volcano Wood N/A
Cardboard Tilted Towers Wood N/A
Gravestone Stone N/A
Dumpster Metal Hideable
Haybales Wood Hideable
Snowman Wood Hideable, turns into throwable snowball (when destroyed)
Rubber Ducky Wood N/A
Huge Rubber Ducky Wood Large health
Trash Can Metal N/A
Balloons Wood N/A
The Cube N/A Bouncy, shoots lightning at nearest player (when shot at), rolls around map and crushes buildings and players, gives shield to nearby players.
Ghost Decorations Wood N/A
Snowflake Decorations Wood N/A
Rift Beacons N/A N/A

Interactive Props[]

Below is a list of all Interactive Props, or props that can be used. Interactive Props can almost always be Pinged.

Prop Material Given Destructible Location Effects
Haystack Wood Yes Frenzy Farm Can be hidden in.
Portable Toilet Wood Yes Scattered throughout the island. Can be hidden in.
Portable Toilet N/A No Faction bases + SHADOW Safe Houses Takes you to connected “hideout.”
Dumpster Metal Yes Outside houses Can be hidden in.
Dumpster N/A No Faction bases + SHADOW Safe Houses Takes you to connected “hideout.”
Sneaky Snowman N/A Yes During Winterfest 2019 throughout island Can be hidden in.
Creepin’ Cardboard N/A Yes Inside houses and beside some roads Can be hidden in.
Phone Booth N/A No Faction Bases + SHADOW Safe Houses Disguises player to Henchmen
ID Scanner N/A No Faction Bases Opens Henchmen Chests and Henchmen Doors
Vaults N/A No Faction bases Requires Vault Card; opens bunker to a massive amount of goodies
Sentry Cameras N/A Yes Faction Bases Sends a loud signal when it spots an undisguised player.
Propane Tanks N/A Yes The Rig Explodes when destroyed, can be picked up and thrown
Sentry Turrets N/A Yes Faction Bases Fires at spotted, undisguised players after a short charging period
Generators N/A Yes Faction Bases Can be destroyed to disable all Sentry Cameras and Sentry Turrets nearby
Vent Passages Metal Yes Faction Bases Allows crouched players to sneak through vents


Food Fight Prop Collection
Gotham City Prop Collection
Slurp Co. Prop Collection