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Fortnite Wiki
Vader's Saber - Emoticon - Fortnite The media represented on this page has been created by a second/third party.
This content is not originally part of the game but has been introduced through a special collaboration.

Get hammy and go whammy.
— In-Game Description

Put 'er There is a Marvel Series Emote in Fortnite, that can be purchased in the Item Shop with Spider-Ham's Mallet for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks or with the Across the Spider-Verse Bundle for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 2,600 V-Bucks. Put 'er There was released in Chapter 4: Season 2 and is part of the Across the Spider-Verse Set.

Put 'er There was also available to unlock for free from the Web Battles Event.

Item Shop Appearances[]

Put 'er There has appeared with the Spider-Ham's Mallet in 51 different Item Shops, on 49 different days.

Bundled with the Spider-Ham's Mallet

Why are there shops labelled as 'parts'?
For varying reasons, Epic Games may decide to add or remove items from the Item Shop before the usual rotation occurs. The Fortnite Wiki treats each change to the Item Shop within a single day as a separate 'part' that makes up the day's Item Shop History.
Why are there two different numbers for Put 'er There's appearances?
Put 'er There has, on at least one occasion, appeared in more than one shop in a single day. This has resulted in its count for appearances in the Item Shop being higher than the amount of days it has appeared in it. Both counts are listed by the Fortnite Wiki in order to be as accurate as possible, unlike other sources.

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Web Battles - Promo - Fortnite Put your opponent in a sticky situation with Web Battles. A friendly neighborhood Spider-Man competition where you choose your team and aim to take down the other. Earn rewards, points, and put your Spidey-Sense to the test 🕸️

Learn more:
May 18th 2023

Image Description Date
Web Battles (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Web Battles
Log in with your Epic Games account on the Fortnite Web Battles website. Choose a team and complete in-game tasks to earn cosmetic rewards, including the Put 'er There Pickaxe!
May 18th 2023


  • Put 'er There replaces the equipped Pickaxe with Spider-Ham's Mallet.
  • The animation is reminescent of Spider-Ham passing Miles his Mallet before returning to his home dimension in the first film.
  • The song used is Spider-Ham's part in "Aunt May and the Spider-Shed" (at 2:56) from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse's score.
  • Spider-Ham wears Miguel's Dimensional Travel Watch even though he's not implied to have been in the Spider-Society nor does he appear with it when joining Gwen's "band" in Across the Spider-Verse.

External Links[]
