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Fortnite Wiki
Quick Challenges

Quick Challenges were challenges introduced in Chapter 2: Season 3 that gave you a small amount of XP and were normally easy to do. In Season 3 they gave 14,000 XP, in Season 4 they gave 10,000 XP.

After completing a quick challenge, one would replace it the next game, although it would only give a tenth of the XP (1,000 Currently). This repeated indefinitely, until the next day when the challenges reset back to their full amount.

With Chapter 2: Season 5, a new system replaced these - Quests.

Quick Challenges[]

These were the quick challenges that were in the game just before Chapter 2: Season 5 began.Categories listed below are not an in game merit, they are just categorized for organisation purposes here.

Weapons and Damage[]

Harvesting and Interacting[]


  • Place top 10 in Solos, Duos, or Squads (1)
  • Reach 100 of Both Health and Shields (1)
  • Outlast Opponents (75)
  • Survive Storm Phases (5)

Removed Challenges[]

These were quick challenges that were no longer present just before Chapter 2: Season 5 began, as the requirements were either no longer possible, or much harder to complete.
