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Fortnite Wiki

The Rat Rod Weapons Set is an Expansion Weapon Set in Fortnite: Save the World that was introduced in Update v6.00.

It contains 3 Icon Melee Melee Weapons and 5 Icon Ranged Ranged Weapons.


Schematics from this set may be made available for Gold - Currency - Fortnite Gold in the Weekly Shop.

All items from this set can be researched with Flux - Resource - Save the World Flux and Weapon Designs - Icon - Fortnite Weapon Designs.


Melee Weapons[]

Weapon Type Rarities Description Source
Axle - Weapon - Fortnite

Icon Axe Axe Epic
Axe: Light - Rat Rod. A light axe with a good balance of damage and impact. Push and Swipe: Two strike heavy attack with increased damage and knock back. Weekly Store
Drifter - Club - Fortnite

Icon Club Club Epic
Club: Medium - Rat Rod. A medium club with a good balance of damage and speed at the cost of lower impact. Home Run: Heavy attack focused on impact and a knockback that will send enemies flying. Weekly Store
Lead Sled - Schematic - Save the World

Lead Sled
Icon Blunt Hardware Epic
Hardware: Medium - Rat Rod. A fast-swinging hammer that gains speed with each hit. Leap Attack: Heavy attack that jumps to the targeted foe and damages and knocks down nearby enemies. Weekly Store

Ranged Weapons[]

Weapon Type Rarities Description Source
Crankshot - Schematic - Save the World

Icon Sniper Sniper Epic
Sniper Rifle: Automatic - RatRod. A fast firing automatic sniper rifle. Potent at running combat and mid to long range. Weekly Store
Last Word - Schematic - Save the World

Last Word
Icon Pistol Pistol Legendary Pistol: Revolver. Mid-range revolver with a limited magazine but excellent headshot damage. Slow and precise when aiming downsights, or can be rapidly fired from the hip for a more damaging, less accurate spray of bullets. Weekly Store
Rat King - Schematic - Save the World

Rat King
Icon Assault Assault Legendary Assault Weapon: Slug Gun - RatRod. Semi automatic rifle firing powerful rounds. Effective as a mid range rifle with a slow fire rate. Weekly Store
Ratatat - Schematic - Save the World

Icon SMG SMG Legendary Submachine Gun: - RatRod. A fast firing automatic pistol. Extremely effective hipfire weapon at close range. Weekly Store
Swan - Schematic - Save the World

Icon Assault Assault Epic
Assault Weapon: Light Machine Gun - RatRod. Fast firing LMG with a large magazine size and ramp up time. Most effective at suppressing fire after fully ramping up. Weekly Store
Two Step - Schematic - Save the World

Two Step
Icon Shotgun Shotgun Epic
Shotgun: Burst - RatRod. A fast firing shotgun that shoots in double bursts. Effective at decimating large targets at mid range. Weekly Store
