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Fortnite Wiki
Disambig gray This article is about the mainstream reality of Chapter 4 Season OG. For other chapters' realities, see Mainstream Reality (disambiguation).
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This page may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect.
This Reality uses an unofficial designation assigned by the wiki for internal purposes only, until an official designation is provided by Epic.

Jones. Slone here. You know when and where you are, and that means you know what you have to do... and what will happen on this side when you're done.
Doctor Slone

Reality: UN-0-C4OG (also referred to by the date 2018 07 12 on Thorne's Time Machine) is a Reality in Fortnite: Battle Royale that was first introduced during Chapter 4: Season OG.

It is an alternative timeline that diverged from Reality Zero's Season 1/Season 2 era.[1] It is the Reality in which Chapter 4: Season OG took place.


Reality: UN-0-C4OG is an alternate timeline of Reality Zero whose events diverged from it during Season 1/Season 2 period. Kado Thorne intended to go into that Reality with his Time Machine before it was stolen by The Heist Crew. Jones later used it to go in this alternative timeline's past in order to generate a Big Bang and create new Realities, all of this in order for the inhabitants of Reality Zero to escape their doomed Reality.

Although very similar to Reality Zero, many characters and events are different. Renegade Raider, Skull Trooper, the Fort Knights, Raven, Rex and Omega do not exist in this world. Instead, other characters have taken their roles, the Lynx, Recon Expert, Cuddle Team Leader, Aura and Brite Gunner of this world being known respectively as Renegade Lynx, Skull Scout, Raven Team Leader, Saura/Brite Hunter and Omegarok. The Spectra Knight, a knight not existing in Reality Zero fills the role of all the Fort Knights. In this world, although the Meteor, Rocket Launch, and World Collide did occur, the events that followed were very different. The Cube emerged directly below Loot Lake, and having no runes to store energy, did not attack the island, allowing it to survive much longer. It instead attempted to open the vault containing the Zero Point to devour its energy. The iceberg in this timeline already had lost its Polar Peak castle, preventing the arrival of The Ice King, The Prisoner, the Hybrids, and The Devourer, preventing the Ice Storm, The Unvaulting Event and The Final Showdown events from occuring.

The Zero Point[]

The Zero Point (Chapter 4) - Object - Fortnite

The Zero Point is the heart of all of reality itself and the creator of The Island. As this Reality is a diverged timeline of Reality Zero, it also has an instance of The Zero Point.

The Island[]

The Island was the home and creation of The Zero Point. The Island of this Reality is Athena however, unlike it's original counterpart, it evolved differently over time, although it suffered the exact same ending as its counterpart in the end.

Dimensional separation[]

Just like Reality Zero, this Reality was split into two perfectly identical sub-dimensions by the Imagined Order using The Zero Point, The Last Reality's Storm and advanced technology from The Bridge[3]. One was called The Loop and the other the Extra Loop. Although the environment is the same, and what happens on one side affects the other, people in The Loop cannot interact with those in The Extra Loop and vice versa, even if they are at the exact same location[4].

The Loop[]

The Loop erases people memory, mutes them, and forces them to fight, as they forget everything each loop. A Loop ends after 22 minutes with The Storm killing all remaining survivors if there are any and then a next one start, with everyone ressurected and deprived of their memory of the previous Loop. The Loop is constantly monitored by The Imagined Order, either from inside The Bridge [5] or from another Reality[6], their technology being responsible for controlling all of The Storm's movements, as well as memory loss, which is handled by the PsyOps Division.

It is possible to escape the loop by standing alone at the very center of The Storm when no other combatants are left.

The Extra Loop[]

This is the place where Loopers who escaped The Loop are located, completely identical to The Loop. Here The Storm does not exist. Once they are there, this will gives escaped Loopers their voices and memories back, however they will only remember their time in the loop. They are not affected by the fights, and when eliminated, are permanently dead, unlike the trapped Loopers who will respawn next round.


Season 1/Season 2[]

At some unspecified time between Seasons 1 and 2, a timeline split occurred, causing this alternate reality to emerge.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

By using the Time Machine, Jones arrived on the past of this alternate timeline. His mission was to recreate the condition of The End, and changing something to generate a new Big Bang that would create plenty of new Realities instead of a blackhole. All of this was to allow Reality Zero's inhabitants to escape in other Realities and find new homes before the Reality collapse. By generating a new Big Bang, Reality: UN-0-C4OG collapsed and The Big Bang created several Galaxies that each contain several distinct Realities allowing Asteria's inhabitants to escape.


Altered Variants[]

Significantly different Alternate Reality Counterparts of Reality Zero's inhabitants.

Spectra Knight - Outfit - Fortnite
Lil Split - Outfit - Fortnite
Renegade Lynx - Outfit - Fortnite
Omegarok - Outfit - Fortnite
Spectra Knight Lil Split Renegade Lynx Omegarok
Raven Team Leader - Outfit - Fortnite
Saura - Outfit - Fortnite
Brite Hunter - Outfit - Fortnite
Skull Scout - Outfit - Fortnite
Raven Team Leader Saura Brite Hunter Skull Scout
Skulldrifter - Outfit - Fortnite
Rift Strider Drift - Outfit - Fortnite
Fishdrift - Outfit - Fortnite
Skulldrifter Rift Strider Drift Fishdrift

Identical Variants[]

Identical Alternate Reality Counterparts of Reality Zero's inhabitants.

Lil Whip (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Peely (v30.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Recruit (Jonesy, Season X) - Outfit- Fortnite
Special Forces Banshee (Rare) - Hero - Save the World
Lil' Whip[7] Peely[7] Recruit Jonesy[8] Recruit Banshee[8]
Support Specialist Hawk Legendary
Pathfinder - Outfit - Fortnite
Drift (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Recruit Hawk[8] Pathfinder[8] Drift[8]

Time Travelers[]

Vengeance Jones - Outfit - Fortnite


  • While initially believed to be Reality Zero's own past, several elements greatly contradict this fact.
    • The alterations of the history made in this Reality such as the absence of the Volcano and the Mecha Team Leader had no impact on Reality Zero, which kept events as they were.[9][10][11]
    • An important point to note, is that while Jones arrived during the Season 5 era, changes had already taken place in previous eras. No Sweat Insurance had appeared earlier and replaced Tilted Tower's Castle Tower, and several characters were removed and replaced with existing characters taking their roles[12] or new ones.[13]
    • However, despite this, Jones' actions had an impact on Doctor Slone in the present, altering the moment when she was recording her message. Doctor Slone also seemed to partially remember each previous time.
      • Doctor Slone is the only known character to have been affected by this.
  • Although locations from alternate timelines of Reality Zero have been encountered by players and characters before, this is the first known alternate timeline to Reality Zero that players and character have had the opportunity to visit.
  • It's possible that Kado Thorne is responsible for the point of divergence (POD) in this timeline from Reality Zero because of his numerous time travels in the past.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Red Knight and Renegade Raider both characters from Season 1 don't exist in this Reality, being replaced instead by Spectra Knight and Renegade Lynx
  2. "The Big Bang introduces new galaxies with the collapse of Fortnite OG." -Fortnite's The Big Bang (Full Event Video)'s Description
  3. Loop Control System in The Bridge
  4. Batman/Fortnite: Foundation
  5. The Device (event)
  6. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point Issue 3
  7. 7.0 7.1 Matcha Lil Split
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 OG Homecoming
  9. LEGO Fortnite Characters dialogues mention every Chapters before Chapter 5, including the Black Hole and the Volcano Eruption.
  10. Rise of Midas Characters and Quests dialogues mentioning the events relating to c2s5, c2s6 and c2s7, with all characters previously met remembering the player character and the quests dialogues from these specifics seasons.
  11. "You used to be a nomad. Why'd you give it up?" "So, you found another crew. Wonder when you'll leave THEM behind."Dara's Special Reaction with Trace and Antonia respectively refer to the events of Chapter 4.
  12. The Ragnarok of this world took Omega's role and was known as Omegarok
  13. The Fort Knights were remplaced by a single Knight named Spectra Knight.