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Fortnite Wiki
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This page may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect.

Brutal Bastion, This headquarters of the Reality Warriors is located among the snowy mountains.
— The Fortnite Team[1]

The Reality Warriors are an organization Fortnite: Battle Royale that was first introduced in Chapter 4: Season 1. Their headquarters was pulled to the Island alongside chunks of multiple realities during the Fracture event, due to the Paradigm activating Zero Fusion at the cost of her own life.


The Reality Warriors are a very mysterious organization with almost nothing known about them. Their only known member is The Paradigm, who is also a member of The Seven. From the name of their organization they seem to share a common goal with The Seven.


Major Locations[]

Name and Image Information
Brutal Bastion
Brutal Bastion - Location - Fortnite
The headquarters of the Reality Warriors.
The Stone Tower - Landmark - Fortnite
Smaller bases around the Snow Biome.


Name Description Status
The Paradigm (Reality Warrior) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Paradigm
The pilot of The Seven and a member of the Reality Warriors. Deceased



