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Fortnite Wiki

Repeatable Quests are a set of Quests in Fortnite: Save the World that can be repeated. They reward players with Gold - Currency - Fortnite 200 Gold and RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite 100 RE-PERK!.


Active Quests

Beta Storm - Icon - Save the World Beta Storm Alert!
We're seeing some strange weather patterns in the area. Complete some Beta Storm missions, for Science (and Gold)! Note: This is a repeatable Quest.
Complete 2 Beta Storm missions
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 2
Storm - Icon - Save the World Killer Storms
Storms are rapidly spreading. Look at all that purple turbulance on the map! Complete some missions in those hexes. Note: This is a repeatable Quest.
Complete 2 Mutant Storm or Elemental Storm missions
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 2
Horrors - Icon - Fortnite Danger in the Mist
Now that you have access to a Perk Recombobulator, eliminate as many Mist Monsters as you can to earn PERK-UPs to power it. Note: This is a repeatable Quest.
The Perk Recombobulator feature is available after completing the Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2 Quest.
Eliminate 50 Mist Monsters in successful missions
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 50

Inactive Quests

Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite A Watery Grave
Now that you have access to a Perk Recombobulator, eliminate as many Water Husks as you can to earn PERK-UPs to power it. Note: This is a repeatable Quest. Water Husks can be found in Plankerton or higher areas.
The Perk Recombobulator feature is available after completing the Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2 Quest.
Eliminate 300 Water Husks in successful missions
FROST-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 300
Mini-Boss - Icon - Fortnite Epic "Mini-Boss"
Eliminate as many Epic Mini-Bosses as you can, Commander! Note: This is a repeatable Quest.
Eliminate an Epic Mini-Boss in a successful mission
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 300
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Forces of Nature
Now that you have access to a Perk Recombobulator, eliminate as many Nature Husks as you can to earn PERK-UPs to power it. Note: This is a repeatable Quest. Nature Husks can be found in Plankerton or higher areas.
The Perk Recombobulator feature is available after completing the Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2 Quest.
Eliminate 300 Nature Husks in successful missions
AMP-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 300
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Set the World on Fire
Now that you have access to a Perk Recombobulator, eliminate as many Fire Husks as you can to earn PERK-UPs to power it. Note: This is a repeatable Quest. Fire Husks can be found in Plankerton or higher areas.
The Perk Recombobulator feature is available after completing the Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2 Quest.
Eliminate 300 Fire Husks in successful missions
FIRE-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 300


Update v1.5

  • Introduced Repeatable Quests as a new way to earn Gold - Currency - Fortnite Gold, with the Killer Storms Quest.

Update v4.00

  • Introduced the Epic "Mini-Boss Repeatable Quest.

Update v4.20

  • Introduced the A Watery Grave, Forces of Nature, and Set the World on Fire Repeatable Quests, along with the Perk Recombobulator.

Update v6.10

Update v6.20

Update v8.00

Update v8.10

Update v8.20

Update v8.30

Update v8.40

  • The Beta Storm Prospecting Repeatable Quest can now be progressed by completing the returning Test the Limits Beta Storm Mission.

Update v8.50

Update v9.00

  • The Beta Storm Prospecting Repeatable Quest has been removed, as Beta Storms have concluded.

Update v12.00

  • Removed the A Watery Grave, Forces of Nature and Set the World on Fire Repeatable Quests from the available pool.

Update v32.10
