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Fortnite Wiki

The Replay Client is a feature in Fortnite that allows players to watch replays of Battle Royale, Creative games, and Limited Time Modes. It can be accessed in the Career tab. Players can also watch replays of Tournament matches even if the player did not participate in. Additionaly, players can watch replays of any match by entering a unique session ID. By default, the game automatically saves replays after each Battle Royale and Creative game but it can be disabled in the Game Settings.

Players can also enter replay mode during an active match. This functions as a spectator mode allowing players to spectate a match. This can be accessed by watching an ongoing tournament match in the Compete tab or entering a session ID of an active match. Tournament games that are broadcasted on streaming platforms make use of this feature.


Replays are only compatible if a match was played and the replay saved on the current patch and prompts you if any saved replays from previous updates needs to be deleted. This is due to updates changing the map and loot pool and that replays are not videos of matches, but more of the server 'recreating' the match as it was played.

Replay types[]

There are two types of replays: the personal Replay Client and the tournament Replay Client.

The personal Replay Client are replays played from the Career tab and has the following limitations:

  • The replay area is a 250 m radius around the player. The POV of enemy players can be selected only if they are within the replay area.
  • Numerical health and shield values are not displayed for enemies.
  • The inventory section is not displayed.
  • The materials and number of builds are not displayed.
  • Battle Map camera mode is not available.

Tournament Replay Client are replays of Tournament matches from the Compete tab and does not have any limitations.


  • Playback controls: Restart from beginning, skip forward/backward, play/pause, skip to end
  • Time skipping
  • Replay Settings
  • Change player POV
  • HUD visabillity: Fully Visable HUD, Game Only HUD, Replay Only HUD
  • Camera Mode
    • Third Person: Follows the player and allowing only rotating the camera.
    • Drone Follow: Camera always faces the selected player while allowing camera movement.
    • Drone Attach: Follows the player and allows camera movement but does not lock in to the selected player.
    • Drone Free: Allows free movement of the camera.
    • Gameplay: Camera follows on the selected player as is during a game.
    • Battle Map (Tournament replays only): Overlays the path of the selected player and all Storm circles.
  • Playback speed: Change the playback speed, range 0.10x to 4.00x.

Game HUD differences[]

In addition to the replay controls there are differences in the Game HUD in the Replay Client:

  • The minimap is on the bottom right corner and shows the position of all players. The Storm phase and timer is displayed under the minimap.
  • The number of players alive and the total players is shown on the top right corner. In a team-based match, the number of teams is also displayed.
  • The elimination feed is icon based instead of text based and displayed below the number of players alive.
  • In a team-based match, the teammates of the selected player is displayed on the bottom left. Clicking it changes the POV to that teammate.
  • The health and shield meter uses the Chapter 1 style, in the bottom center.
  • The number of builds is shown next to the health and shield meter. This is calculated by taking the total number of materials and dividing it by 10 (the cost of a build).
  • The inventory section is below the health and shield meter.


Below is a table of settings when watching a replay:

Setting Options Action
Auto Exposure On, Off Automatically adusts the camera exposure.
Focal Length 10 mm - 200 mm Adjusts the camera zoom.
Player Outlines On, Off Displays outlines of players.
Storm Effects On, Off Show effects when the camera is in the Storm.
Safe Zone Opacity 0.00 - 1.00 Adjusts the visabillity of the Storm eye border.
High Quality FX On, Off Shows high quality effects.
Damage Effects On, Off Show damage tags when players receive damage.
Share Lens Settings On, Off
Session ID Watermark On, Off Shows the Session ID on the bottom right corner, below the minimap.
Name Plates On, Off Shows the players' name, health, and shield above each player.
Team Color On, Off Shows the team color on the left edge of the name plate.
Low Detail Distance 0 - 300 m Hides the health and shield bar of each player name plate if the camera is farther than the set distance.
Arrow Distance 0 - 300 m Shows the arrow above each player if closer than the set distance.
Off Distance 0 - 300 m Hides the name plate if the camera is farther than the set distance to each player.
High Detail Scale Min/Max 0.00 - 2.00 Adjust the size of the name plate in high detail.
Low Detail Scale Min/Max 0.00 - 2.00 Adjust the size of the name plate in low detail.
Arrow Scale Min/Max 0.00 - 2.00 Adjust the size of the player arrow.
Squad ID Off, Hold, On Shows the team ID on the player name plate.


In Battle Royale, the Replays are handled by the Archives division of the Imagined Order, they are possibly still working due to the replay client not being disabled. It may also explain events having replays disabled.


  • Replay Mode can be used to make Fortography or gameplay trailers.
  • By renaming an incompatible file to an already existing one while the Replay list is open, you can watch said file.