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The Island has been taken over by Hip Hop legends - Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Ice Spice, and... Juice WRLD!! Join Chapter 2 Remix!
— Blogpost

Snoop's Enterprise is an organization in Fortnite: Battle Royale that was first introduced in Chapter 2 Remix.


Snoop's Enterprise is an organization founded by Snoop Dogg that brings together several Hip Hop legends - Eminem, Ice Spice, and Juice WRLD. In addition, the organization contracts both GHOST and SHADOW, whose henchmen are responsible for ensuring their security. Higher ranked agents from both GHOST and SHADOW such as Meowdas, Chaos Director, 1-Ball, Undercover Skye and Dynamo TNTina were also contracted, with the Hip Hop Legends, they sit on the board of The Doggpound.[1]

Locations, Members and Technology[]


Name and Image Information
The Doggpound
The Doggpound - Promo - Fortnite
The new headquarters and home base for Snoop's enterprise.

Owned Business's[]

Name Image Description
Spaghetti Grotto
Spaghetti Grotto - Location - Fortnite
Eminem's new restaurant/chainsaw store. GHOST was contracted to protect it.
Ice Isle
Ice Isle - Location - Fortnite
Ice Spice's neon-lit shopping mall. GHOST was contracted to protect it.

Owned Locations[]

Name Image Description
WRLD's Point
WRLD's Point - Landmark - Fortnite
Juice WRLD's reality bloom biome. Home to Rift Butterflies and Bouncy Slurpshrooms.


Name Description
Snoop Dogg (Y2K Snoop Dogg) - Outfit - Fortnite

Snoop Dogg
Founder and Leader of Snoop's Enterprise. He lives at The Doggpound.
Rap Boy Reloaded - Outfit - Fortnite

One of the Leaders of Snoop's Enterprise. He opened a restaurant called "Mom's Spaghetti" at The Grotto, now known as Spaghetti Grotto.
Rap Princess Ice Spice - Outfit - Fortnite

Ice Spice
One of the Leaders of Snoop's Enterprise. She took over an abandoned shopping mall at the Shark Island, now known as Ice Isle.
Juice WRLD - Outfit - Fortnite

Juice WRLD
One of the Leaders of Snoop's Enterprise. Could have found his giant form in the skies at WRLD's Point.

Contacts & Allies[]

Name Description
LBC '93 Dogg - Outfit - Fortnite

LBC '93 Dogg
Alternate Version of Snoop Dogg. He was summoned to the Island in Remix: The Finale.

Contracted Agents[]

Name Description
Chaos Director - Outfit - Fortnite

Chaos Director
Director of SHADOW and boss of Chaos Agent. She delegated her duties to Chaos Agent, but took them back after realizing it was a mistake.[2]
Dynamo TNTina - Outfit - Fortnite

Dynamo TNTina
The Operative with a short fuse, she is an explosives specialist. She was stationed in The Rig with SHADOW Henchmen. She went on her own way after Midas' disappearance, before returning upon Marigold's call. One of the eight best agents of The Agency. During Chapter 2 Remix, she regained her SHADOW status and resided at The Rig.
Meowdas (SHADOW Meowdas) - Outfit - Fortnite

Boss of SHADOW with great authority[3] who resides at The Marigold Yacht. He stole a diamond from GHOST.
Undercover Skye - Outfit - Fortnite

The cheerful adventurer & scout, and previous agent of GHOST, she went her own way after Midas' disappearance, before later returning upon Marigold's call in Chapter 5: Season 2. One of the eight best agents of The Agency.[4] Currently a member of Midas' Crew contracted by Snoop's Enterprise.
1-Ball - Outfit - Fortnite

An agent of GHOST who was contracted by The Doggpound. Rival of 8-Ball.


Name Description
Guard Dogg Heavy - AI - Fortnite

Guard Dogg Heavies
Snoop Dogg's personal guards at The Doggpound.

Contracted Henchmen[]

Name Description
GHOST Tactical Henchman - AI - Fortnite

GHOST Henchmen
Contracted Henchmen of GHOST. Their main bases were The Doggpound, Ice Isle, GHOST House and Spaghetti Grotto.
SHADOW Tactical Henchman - AI - Fortnite

Shadow Henchmen
Contracted Henchmen of SHADOW. Their main bases were The Yacht, The Rig, SHADOW Safe House - Alpha, E.G.O. Hangar, E.G.O. Barracks and E.G.O. Staging Post.

The Board's Armory[]

Tech Name and Icon Description
Snoop Dogg's Drum Gun
Snoop Dogg's Drum Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Snoop's remixed version of Midas' Drum Gun.
Juice's Chug Cannon
Juice's Chug Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite
Juice WLRD's remixed Chug Cannon that applies a low gravity effect onto its user.
Ice Spice's Rifle
Ice Spice's Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Ice Spice's remixed Assault Rifle with an icy cold look and a spicy hot finish with the chili pepper effect.
Ice Spice's Grappler
Ice Spice's Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite
Ice Spice's remixed Chilly Grappler, giving the user icy feet.
RG's Minigun
RG's Minigun - Weapon - Fortnite
Eminem's remixed heavy weapon with great tunes.
Meowdas' Peow Peow Rifle
Heavy Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Heavy Assault Rifle that is carried by SHADOW's Boss, Meowdas, at the The Yacht.
TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow
TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Boom Bow that is used by Dynamo TNTina in The Rig.


Chapter 2 Remix[]

Arriving on an alternate version of the Apollo Island, The Agency was rebranded by Snoop Dogg into The Doggpound. There, he would welcome GHOST and SHADOW operatives to join the board of Snoop's Enterprise alongside Eminem, Ice Spice and Juice WRLD. Together, they would give the henchmen of GHOST and SHADOW jobs as Security Guards for each member on the board of The Doggpound. SHADOW Henchmen would be contracted to guard the SHADOW operatives, Meowdas and Dynamo TNTina, at their respective locations, The Yacht and The Rig, while GHOST Henchmen would be contracted to guard The Doggpound itself. Kit would later reform his father's Box Factory for SHADOW, yet he is seemingly not on the board of the Doggpound.

Over time, Eminem would be working on creating his Spaghetti Grotto business, where he would contract GHOST Henchmen to guard it. Likewise, seeing how successful Eminem had been, Ice Spice creates her Ice Isle location, a neon-lit mall with an ominous aura.

Near the end of the season, the legend, Juice WRLD himself, finally showed up as a giant in the sky next to The Rig. Through special waves caused by his godlike power, he transforms a part the Island's coast into WRLD's Point, a reality bloom biome playing Lucid Dreams music. WRLD's Point, albeit small, thrives with Bouncy Slurpshrooms, Rift Butterflies, and regular rifts. When The Storm emerges on the Island, it alongside all clouds around him dissipate, allowing the Island to retain full view of Juice WRLD's giant form.

A few days later, the special waves had caused the WRLD's Point biome to spread a little bit further, and with it, the Lucid Dreams beat shifted, and Juice WRLD himself can now be seen with his right hand up to his chest, closed, but with a glowing blue aura surrounding it, as if he's holding something. Finally, the glow around his hand brightens as the biome completes its growth and the background music shifts to include his song "Empty Out Your Pockets". The beings from his album, "The Party Never Ends" surround Juice.

During Remix: The Finale, Snoop Dogg activated his version of The Device. His device acted as a microphone for Snoop. During his performance, LBC '93 Dogg would teleport onto the Island to perform and send the audience into space. Each rapper was in a giant form, or became one in Ice Spice's case, in an effort to perform a grand show. Next up, Eminem faced off and won against a version of himself that was disguised as Mecha Team Leader, whom had rockets built-in for combat. Ice Spice performed in a city far away from the Island with an appearance from Travis Scott. Lastly, when Juice WRLD performed, his audience was transformed into a Rift Butterfly for a short time, able to fly around and enjoy his songs. At the end of Snoop's Enterprise's concert, The Looper, Hope and Jones were rifted to the Oninoshima Island inside of Reality: 783 alongside a shard of The Zero Point.



  1. Chapter 2 Remix Trailer
  2. "Lesson learned. Don't send an Agent to do a Director's work." -Chaos Director's In-Game Description
  3. "I'm the cat with the golden paws. Whatever I say, goes." - Meowdas (Loading Screen)
  4. Chapter 2: Season 2 blogpost (Xbox)
  5. Fortnite's Slayer Juice WRLD Announcement Tweet
  6. Juice WRLD Tribute Video
  7. "Come back later. The show in the sky will be legendary." - Undercover Skye when asked "What can we do now?", Chapter 2 Remix
  8. "I've heard the sunset is beautiful out here." - Undercover Skye when asked "What are you looking for?", Chapter 2 Remix
  9. Fortnite's "Finale" Tweet
  10. Juice WRLD Event Teaser
  11. The Device Teaser
  12. Dynamo TNTina Event Teaser