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Fortnite Wiki
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Endearing and helpful, Sprites are the living representation of Magic returned to the Island. Found roving all over, these innocent creatures provide unique effects.
— Fortnite

Sprites are a type of item, gameplay mechanic, and passive wildlife AI in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They were introduced in Chapter 6: Season 1.

Description and Behavior[]

Sprites are a type of gameplay mechanic which will roam around certain areas of the map, Some Sprites are AIs and can potentially flee from the player when they get close. Sprites have a wide range of uses, from mobility, to unlocking loot to aid in battle.

Water and Air Sprites[]

Water and Air Sprites will flee from the player and can be picked up and carried, which enables the player to access shrines. When a carried Sprite is not the currently held item, it will take the place of the player's Back Bling. Carried sprites can be given to Bushranger in Nightshift Forest to shift the time to day and grant the player a vault key. Depositing a Sprite into a Sprite Shrine will free the Sprite and grant the player loot including a Boon corresponding to the element of the Sprite. When picked up, both Water and Air Sprites are of Epic rarity. When dropped, Sprites will go back to being Wildlife. Only one Air or Water Sprite may be carried by the player at a time.

Earth Sprites[]

Earth Sprites can be found in various locations, unlike other sprites they will not flee from the player and cannot be picked up or carried, meaning they cannot be used to access shrines or given to Bushranger. When a weapon is dropped near an Earth Sprite, it will eat the weapon, giving back a random Legendary weapon, most commonly a Shotgun. Earth Sprites have an indicator Earth Sprite (Map) - Icon - Fortnite on the map that shows where they are.

List of Sprites[]

Sprites in Chapter 6: Season 1
Sprite Description
Water Sprite - Item - Fortnite

Water Sprite
Throwing a Water Sprite causes them to emit a burst of healing as well as healing rain that heals both health and shield.
Air Sprite - Item - Fortnite

Air Sprite
Throwing a Air Sprite causes them to briefly stand still and emit a field that boosts players into the air and grants glider redeploy.
Earth Sprite - Character - Fortnite

Earth Sprite
Can be fed any Weapons, and will return you a random Legendary weapon


Earth Sprite: I hunger! Feed me and my gifts will be yours.
Earth Sprite: Choose wisely. What is given cannot be returned.


Chapter 6: Season 1[]

Update v33.00[]

  • Introduced Air, Water, and Earth Sprites.

Update v33.10[]

  • December 17th 2024: Increased the amount of Earth Sprites in a match from 3 to 5.

Update v33.20[]

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Sprites (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite
Befriend Sprites
Chill out with Water Sprites to heal up your squad. Throw Air Sprites and take to the skies with a wind vortex. Feed Earth Sprites items in exchange for a reward!
December 4th 2024


Promotional Images[]

Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This section may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this section may therefore be partially incorrect.

Endearing and helpful, Sprites are the living representation of Magic returned to the Island. Found roving all over, these innocent creatures provide unique effects.
— Fortnite

Sprites are spirits roaming around Oninoshima following the return of Magic on the Island. Before the Shattering War, Sprites were worshipped to the now forgotten Sprite Shrines.


Sprites are described as innocent, endearing, helpful creatures. Water and Air Sprites can sometimes be fearful of strangers depending on the situation, while Earth Sprites remain much calmer. Moreover, while the first two are unable to speak, the latter are able to do so and are endowed with a great intelligence.

The sprites at Nightshift Forest are friends of Bushranger.[2]


Air Sprites: Soft, glowing, cloud-like creatures with a creamy white body. It has a swirl design on its chest denoting its element and expressive, large black eyes with sparkling highlights. Its rounded, marshmallow-like shape gives it a gentle and cute demeanor.

Water Sprites: Bubbly, water-inspired creatures with a translucent, gradient body transitioning from blue to teal. It features tiny bubbles rising from its head. Like the Air Sprite, it has adorable black eyes, a circular mark on its torso denoting its element, and a playful, cheerful appearance.

Earth Sprites: Robust, nature-themed entities resembling a humanoid tree trunk laid and surrounded by mossy rocks. It has glowing pink eyes, moss growing on its shoulders, and leafy branches sprouting from its head.

Guardian: A walking embodiment of Sprite Shrine, one well versed in both air and water.


  • Water and Air sprites are respectively named Mizu and Kaze.
    • Mizu is a Japanese word meaning Water, while Kaze is a Japanese word meaning Wind.



  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. "Bushy can talk to spritefriends. Help sun come home. Wake up forest!" - Bushranger when asked about Night & Day, Chapter 6: Season 1
