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Captain Zain of the Starlit Hunt, putting out a signal on all frequencies. What is my location?

This place is strange. But whatever war is being fought here... I have my own to get back to.

Zain during Zain Quests

The Starlit Hunt is a mysterious group from another system[1], possibly from another reality[2], that was first introduced during Chapter 5: Season 4. One of their member ended on Helios, right during the war against Doom.


The Starlit Hunt is an armed group from another solar system traveling through space. They are currently at war with an enemy named Akkari.

Locations & Members[]

Elytra Squad[]

Name Description
Zain (Chitin Armor) - Outfit - Fortnite

Captain of the Elytra Squad. Due to unknown circumstances he was separated from his group and ended up on the Island. After getting some help from The Looper, he managed to leave Helios to return on his own war


Chapter 5: Season 4[]

During a mission, Captain Zain of the Elytra Squad was separated from his group and found himself on The Island, with his space-hooper damaged. However, he was helped by The Looper who gathered the materials needed to repair his space-hooper. Before leaving, Zain wished The Looper and the islanders good luck in their war against Doom[3], before promising The Looper that he would be their ally if they ever found themselve in his system.[4]


  • Captain Hypatia might be related to this group.
    • Just like Zain, she came from space and lost her crew before ending on the Island.
    • Her armor is reminiscent of insects, just like Zain's. Additionally, the Starlit Hunt seems to be based on insects.


  1. I'm returning to my own war... but if you find yourself in my system, you have an ally among the Starlit Hunt. -Zain during Zain Quests
  2. Captain Zain, to the Hive. No sign of Akkari presence on this world. Still working to return to the front. -Zain during Zain Quests
  3. Captain Zain, on all frequencies. Good luck in your war against this "Doom". I'm returning to my own war... -Zain during Zain Quests
  4. but if you find yourself in my system, you have an ally among the Starlit Hunt. -Zain during Zain Quests