Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Pot Of Gold - Emoticon - Fortnite This cosmetic has not been seen in the Item Shop for more than 500 days.
This cosmetic last seen on January 12th 2023, 768 days ago.

Sharp and sticky.
— In-Game Description

Stickers is a Rare Pickaxe in Fortnite, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks. Stickers was first released in Chapter 2: Season 1 and is part of the Final Reckoning Set.

Item Shop Appearances[]

Stickers has appeared in 13 different Item Shops.

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Jawbreaker and Teef - Promo - Fortnite The nightmare lurking under your bed🦷
The new Jawbreaker Outfit, Teef Outfit, Goo Glider, Globber Pickaxe, Stickers Pickaxe, and Noshy Wrap are available now!
#Fortnitemares returns: October 29
October 24th 2019
Jawbreaker and Teef (2020) - Promo - Fortnite The hunter has a knack for snacks, and the hunted creeps through the forest with ease.
Who's the real hunter? Get Jawbreaker and Teef in the Item Shop now!
October 4th 2020

Image Description Date
Jawbreaker and Teef (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Open Wide
Grab the new Jawbreaker and Teef Outfits now!
October 24th 2019
Jawbreaker and Teef (2020 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Jawbreaker and Teef
The hunter has a knack for snacks, and the hunted creeps through the forest with ease.
October 4th 2020
