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Fortnite Wiki
Disambig gray This article is about the Containers in Battle Royale. For the 'lootboxes' in Save the World, see Llama Pinatas.


The Supply Llama is a Container in Fortnite: Battle Royale, introduced in Season 3. In Chapter 2: Season 7, it was updated to be an Animal, but the container version was added back in Chapter 4: Season OG.



Supply Llamas spawn at random locations across the map and can either be searched or destroyed for Loot.


When a player gets close to a Llama, it will be alerted and flee. As the Llama flees, it will drop Ammunition and Shield Potions. After a while, the Llama will begin glowing. It will then rise into the air and disappear in a bright beam of light—one of which, as of Chapter 3: Season 2, will produce a Rift. However, if the Llama is eliminated before the time runs out, it will drop a notable amount of loot.

When Supply Llamas receive ~200 damage, fall from a great height, or are hit by a Vehicle, Saucers laser cannon, Rail Gun, or the Plasma Cannon, they become stunned for a short time.


When searched or destroyed, Llamas will drop the following items:

Loot Dropped
Name Icon Rarity Type Amount
Light Ammo
Light Bullets - Icon - Fortnite
Common Ammo 54x
Medium Ammo
Medium Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite
Common Ammo 46x
Heavy Ammo
Heavy Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite
Common Ammo 18x
Shells - Ammo - Fortnite
Common Ammo 12x
Icon logs
Common Material 350
Icon Stone
Common Material 350
Icon IBeam
Common Material 350
Bandages - Healing Item - Fortnite
Common Healing 5x
Medkit - Item - Fortnite
Uncommon Healing 1x
Small Shield Potion
Small Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite
Uncommon Healing 3x
Shield Potion
Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite
Rare Healing 1x
Proximity Mine
Proximity Mine - Item - Fortnite
Rare Throwable 1x
Crash Pad
Crash Pad - Item - Fortnite
Rare Throwable 1x

Please note that Materials will not spawn from a Supply Llama in Zero Build modes. They will only drop 1 type of healing item and 2 types of throwbles, if any in the loot pool.


Season 3[]

Update v3.30[]

  • Introduced as a Container.
  • 3 will spawn per match.
  • Must be searched or destroyed to be opened.

Season 4[]

Update v4.10[]

  • Increased Pickaxe damage to 50 damage per hit.

Content Update v4.30[]

  • Decreased material stacks from 500 to 200 per resource.
  • Removed Rockets - Ammunition - Fortnite Rockets as a drop.

Season 9[]

Content Update v9.30[]

  • Increased the material count from 200 of each to 350 of each.
    • Increased spawn limit per match from 3 to 5.

Chapter 2: Season 2[]

Update v12.00[]

Update v12.10[]

  • Unvaulted.

Chapter 2: Season 7[]

Update v17.00[]

Chapter 2: Season 8[]

Update v18.00[]

  • Supply Llamas can now be stunned briefly from damage and take fall damage.

Update v18.10[]

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

Update v19.00[]

Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Update v20.00[]

Update v20.30[]

  • Supply Llamas now spawn a Rift when disappearing.

Chapter 3: Season 3[]

Update v21.00[]

Chapter 4: Season 3[]

Update v25.11 Hotfix[]

  • Supply Llamas now drop the Exotic Slap Splash.
    • Vaulted Chug Cannon, so Supply Llamas no longer have unique loot.

Update v25.11 Hotfix 2[]

  • Supply Llamas now drop 6 Exotic Slap Splash instead of 2.

Update v25.30[]

Chapter 4: Season 4[]

Update v26.00[]

  • Unvaulted.

Update v26.10[]

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

Update v27.00[]

Chapter 5: Season 3[]

Update v30.00[]

Chapter 2 Remix[]

Update v32.00[]

  • November 2nd 2024: Unvaulted.
  • November 7th 2024: All Supply Llamas have been themed around Eminem.

Update v32.10[]

  • Updated the icon to match its current model.



  • A Llama used to always spawn at Llama Homestead.
  • Supply Llamas are the only Legendary, as well as the only non Common Animal in the game. This is due to them existing as a Legendary container prior to being made an animal.
  • In Update v13.00, Supply Llamas were commonly found in flooded areas, causing players to be unable to open them, and rather had to shoot the llamas with weapons.
  • The code-name for Supply Llamas is "Labrador" in the game files.
  • On LTMs such as Siphon, Llamas won't drop Healing Items when eliminated.
  • Supply Llamas can open and go through doors.
  • Supply Llamas can bounce off of a Launch Pad, Bouncer and The Cube.
  • During The End (Chapter 2), llamas can be seen falling to death in the bridge's factory.


Supply Llamas are sentient pinata created by the Imagined Order in their Supply Drop Factory. Countless Snapshots of llamas are sent into The Loop to help any lucky Loopers to get a good amount of Materials and Ammunition.

During Season 4 after the Blast Off event, some llamas were rifted to real life.

  • London, England
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Cologne, Germany
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • France, Cannes

Those llamas were most likely recaptured by the Agents that were investigating the Durr Burger in the desert.
