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Fortnite Wiki

The Switch is a Device in Fortnite: Creative, added in Update v18.20.


A configurable two-state Switch that can trigger other devices depending on that State or a change on it.

All Settings[]

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Enabled at Game Start Yes, No Determines whether the device is enabled when the game starts. Disabled devices ignore all events except being Enabled.
Initial State On, Off Determines the initial state of the Switch if there is no saved player data to override it.
Visible During Game Yes, No Determines whether the device will be visible during the game.
Turn On Text "Turn On", {Custom Text} Sets the interact text for turning the Switch to the on position.
Turn Off Text "Turn Off", {Custom Text} Sets the interact text for turning the Switch to the off position.
Device Model Default, Antique Level, Toggle Switch, Default (Unlit), Antique Level (Unlit), Red Button, Circuit Breaker, Ancient Level, Checkbox Determines which of the available models should be used for the device
Sound Enabled, Disabled Determines whether a sound is played when the device changes states.
Allow Interaction Yes, No Determines whether the device can be interacted
Interact Time Instant, 0.1 Seconds - 20 Seconds Determines the length of interaction required to toggle the switch.
Limit Times Can Change Yes, No Determines the number of times this device can be toggled before being disabled.
Infinite Cooldown Yes, No Determines whether the interactions have an infinite cooldown or a custom cooldown time.
Cooldown Time Instant, 1 Second, 2 Seconds, 3 Seconds, 4 Seconds, 5 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 20 Seconds, 30 Seconds, 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes, 4 Minutes, 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 20 Minutes Determines the cooldown time between interactions with the device.
Allowed Class No Class, Any, 1 - 16 Determines which Class can activate the device
Allowed Team Any, Team 1 - Team 100 Determines which Team can activate the device
Interaction Radius 0, 0.01M - 2.5M Allows players to interact by looking at any point within the radius of the specified size, rather than having to look directly at the button. Use in conjunction with the Visibility setting to make it appear as though players are interacting with out props.
Auto-Save State Yes, No Determines whether thee Switch state is saved automatically when it changes.
Auto-Load State On, Off Determines whether the Switch state is auto-loaded at game start, or if it needs to be loaded through a received signal.
Store State Per Player Yes, No If set to Yes, each player has their own value for the Switch state which is independent of other players. If set to No then the switch has the same state for all players and will use the Resolve Conflicts setting when loading.
Resolve Conflicts First Players, Majority, Prioritize On, Prioritize Off Applies when Store State Per Player is set to No. First Player uses the data from the oldest active player. Majority will pick the most present value, ties will use the Initial State value. Prioritize On and Prioritize Off options will load one of those values if at least one player has it.
Check State at Game Start Enabled, Disabled Determines whether the device will check its state at game start, triggering the corresponding On Check Result On or the On Check Result Off event.
Check Switch State When Disabled Yes, No Allows to check the switch state even if disabled.
Use Persistence Use, Do Not Use Whether or not this device should save or load any data from the backend.

Functions and Events[]

Option Description
Enable When Receiving From Enables the device.
Disable When Receiving From Disables the device.
Turn On When Receiving From Sets the Switch state to On.
Turn Off When Receiving From Sets the Switch state to Off.
Toggle State When Receiving From Toggles the Switch state.
Load State When Receiving From Loads any saved data.
Save State When Receiving From Saves state data.
Check State When Receiving From Check the current state of the Switch. This will then activate either On Check Result On or On Check Result Off.
Clear Player Persistence Data When Receiving From When Store State per Player is set to Yes, clears any saved data for the instigating player.
Clear All Persistence Data For Current Players When Receiving From Clears saved data for all players on the island.
Save State for All When Receiving From Saves state data for all players.
Load State for All When Receiving From Loads state for all players.
Option Description
On Turned On Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices when the Switch state is set to On.
On Turned Off Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices when the Switch state is set to Off.
On Check Result On Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices if the switch is On when the state is checked.
On Check Result Off Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices if the switch is Off when the state is checked.
On State Save Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices when the device state is saved. This only functions when Auto-Save is Off and Save State is activated. When Auto-Save if Off and Save State is activated.
On State Changes Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices when the Switch state is changed.
On State Load Send Event To Send an Event to linked devices when the device state is loaded.
On Cleared Send Event To Sends an Event to linked devices when the persistent data is cleared.
