Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
The Island (Card) - Collision - Fortnite The media represented on this page has been created by a second/third party.
This content is not originally part of the game but has been introduced through a special collaboration.
Regal Visage (Decal) - Spray - Fortnite This article is about a location that has been removed from the map.
Steamy Stacks (TIE Fighter Crash Site) - Location - Fortnite

Some TIE Fighter Crash Sites were added in the Live At Risky event in Fortnite: Battle Royale. In the event, the Millennium Falcon shot down numerous First Order TIE Fighters. As a result, there are five crash locations spread across the map. These crash sites had First Order Stormtroopers there, highly intelligent bots that drop Small Shield Potions and their First Order Blaster Rifle. If you clear all First Order Stormtroopers, you can change the banner there to your own banner.

Known Crash Sites[]


  • This is the 2nd landmark in Chapter 2 that was added to the map after the season started (the 1st one being the Isle Of The Storm).
  • The crash site near Slurpy Swamp may be a reference to the planet Dagobah, from Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.