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We need you to distract The Society, so Jones and I can find and extract Peely. - Hope Good job! Those Society jerks seem suitably distracted. - Vengeance Jones Secure Capture Points, Forecast Towers or Combat Caches
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If they've got Peely in one of those vaults, I hope they cracked a window... - Vengeance Jones No sign of Peely in the Society's vaults. Where could he be? - Hope Open Society Vaults
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The Society get their power from these Medallions. So, let's power up. - Vengeance Jones These will come in handy in our hunt for Peely. - Hope Collect Society Medallions in different matches
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We're going to have to get used to dealing with The Society's hired goons. - Hope I've had a "chat" with some of those goons. They gave me some clues about Peely. - Vengeance Jones Eliminate Legion Tactical enemies
0/ 10
We want to get The Society running scared. Let's take out their lieutenants. - Vengeance Jones Those Heavies gave me some relevant info. It's gotten us closer to finding Peely. - Hope Eliminate Legion Heavy enemies
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It's time to confront the big cat about where The Society is keeping Peely. - Vengeance Jones Maybe this will remind Oscar of his roots. He doesn't need The Society - Hope Defeat Oscar
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My sister knows everything. She has to know where they've got Peely. - Hope Valeria doesn't have Peely... but whatever she's working on, she's not going to stop. - Hope Defeat Valeria
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Nisha's better than this. I hope, if she knows what they've done with Peely, she'll let it slip. - Hope I hope Nisha can walk away from The Society and rebuild things with her brother, Kavel. - Hope Defeat Nisha
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I bet that fancy Montague guy is the one who's got Peely. Let's take him down. - Vengeance Jones I hope Montague enjoys watching us tear his little Society apart. - Vengeance Jones Defeat Montague
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Deal damage to Society enemies Deal damage to Society enemies Deal damage to Society enemies
0/ 2,500
Eliminate opponents with Legendary or greater rarity weapons Eliminate opponents with Legendary or greater rarity weapons Eliminate opponents with Legendary or greater rarity weapons
Peely, it’s time to come home! Complete Takedown Quests to unlock The Great Peely Rescue Loading Screen.
February 22nd 2024
Takedown Quests It's time to take down the Society and rescue Peely! Complete Takedown Quests to get The Great Peely Rescue Loading Screen now until the end of the Season.