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Fortnite Wiki

Shotgun: Spec Ops. A pump-action shotgun that deals high damage and knockback at a slow rate of fire. Short range and limited magazine size.
— In-Game Description

The Browbeater is an Epic and Legendary Shotgun in Fortnite: Save the World.


The Browbeater is available as featured loot in Spy Llamas purchased from the Llama Shop.


The Browbeater The Browbeater
Pump Shotgun (v11.00 - High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Pump Shotgun (v11.00 - High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Epic Legendary
DPS: 28.98 DPS: 31.64
Damage: 41.4 Damage: 45.2
Magazine Size: 5 Magazine Size: 5
Fire Rate: 0.7 Fire Rate: 0.7
Reload Time: 4.4s Reload Time: 4.4s
Durability: 280 Durability: 375

The Browbeater is a hitscan weapon, but fires a spread of 10 pellets when both aiming down sights and hipfiring. Aiming down sights tightens the spread of pellets. The stats above are base stats (Schemetic level 1 and a Offense stat of 1).

Based On[]

  • The Browbeater is based on the Italian SPAS-12. This is the same render used for the Pump Shotgun in Battle Royale at identical rarities.