For the article on the The Event of the same name, please see The End (Chapter 1).
“ | Press play and begin again.
” |
- — In-Game Description
The End is a Rare Lobby Music in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that could have been unlocked by reaching Level 48 of the Chapter 2: Season 1 Battle Pass.
The End begins with the music from the last part of The End (Chapter 1) event, then moves on to a soundtrack simply based on that of the event, and finishes with music heard in part of the Chapter 2: Season 1 trailer.
- The End is the main theme of The Zero Point and The Seven.
- The Timeless Questline in Save the World featured the Zero Point's leitmotif before it's debut.
- The End was played during The End Event, but different parts of the music are mixed up in a different order. In the opening of Chapter 2: Season 1's intro, part of the The End was played. Probably as a reference to The End Event.
- The image shown on the track is actually part of the Last Stop Loading Screen, due to it being the final Season X Loading Screen, and since there is no other Loading Screen to represent The End Event. However, the image on the music track is different than the Loading Screen. On the Loading Screen, Skull Trooper is present, while on the Music, Raven replaces him. This was done because of China's taboo with skulls and skeletons.
- It was composed by Phill Boucher.[1]