The Great Turtle
We have banished the dark thorns that menaced The Great Turtle and located his lost love!
— Ryūji
The Great Turtle is an Unnamed Location in Fortnite: Battle Royale , that was added in Chapter 6: Season 1 to the island Oninoshima .
History [ ]
The Great Turtle was added.
The Great Turtle can spawn in 6 different spawns on the map whenever the game starts.
Ryūji now stands directly on The Great Turtle , moving from northwest of Lost Lake .
There are now two turtles that spawn on the map.
Both turtles have a set spawn SE of Hopeful Heights .
Ryūji now stands infront of the two turtles.
The Great Turtle Spawns (V33.20) [ ]
Athena Named Locations Unnamed Locations Former Locations Former Unnamed Locations
Apollo Named Locations Landmarks Unnamed Locations Former Locations Former Landmarks Former Unnamed Locations
Artemis Named Locations Landmarks Former Locations Former Landmarks
Asteria Named Locations Landmarks Unnamed Locations Former Locations Former Landmarks
Helios Named Locations Landmarks Unnamed Locations Former Locations Former Landmarks Former Unnamed Locations
Oninoshima Named Locations Landmarks Unnamed Locations Former Locations Former Landmarks Former Unnamed Locations
Papaya Named Locations Landmarks
Venture Named Locations Landmarks Unnamed Locations
Oasis Named Locations Unnamed Locations
Other Islands Battle Royale Playground Impostors Ballistic LEGO