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Comet Jr. Gather intel at the site of the meteor impact. Meteor investigated
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I Collect Coins Destroy coin-operated machines and collect coins to test Lars' theory of colliding realities. Hint: Best found in urban, suburban, or industrial zones. Destroy coin-operated machines and collect the coins dropped
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And Dennis Jr. Makes Three Search for DNA testing equipment for Dennis Jr. Hint: Best found in urban, suburban, or industrial zones. Find DNA blood testing equipment
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Tell Me Everything Find boxes of hypnosis equipment to help jog Dennis Jr.'s memory. Find boxes of hypnosis materials
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Ray Array Explore parks where versions of Ray may have returned from the future in suburban and urban zones. Search parks in suburban and urban zones
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It's a Lot to Give Help Ned escape his time loop by destroying fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances to collect nedkits. Destroy fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances to collect nedkits
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Timeless Fashion Dennis Jr. needs materials to build a stabilization suit. Eliminate Husky Husks or Smashers to collect the needed Dense Violentium.
Sending the Suit Explore potential hiding locations for Dennis Jr. Explore a restaurant Explore a construction site Explore a park
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Deadbeat Destroy bookcases and collect "Psychology for Dummies" books in suburban or urban zones. Destroy bookcases to collect books
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Dark Days Help set up a tribunal for Dark Ray by collecting judge wigs. Collect judge wigs
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This Time Deploy boomboxes to broadcast Dennis Jr.'s messages from the future. Deploy Boomboxes
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The Big Slurp Deploy sensor balloons to help Lars determine if reality is collapsing. Deploy Sensor Balloons
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Darkerest Days Eliminate Mist Monsters to avoid a Dark Future. Eliminate Mist Monsters
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Long Road Home Destroy cabinets and collect canned supplies to prepare Dennis Jr. for his return to his own reality. Destroy cabinets and collect cans of food
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The Forever Ned It's not a time stabilization suit, but the next best thing: deploy Ned Packs while looking for other ways of helping Ned. Deploy Ned Packs
August 7th 2020: Dennis Jr is now available for purchase in the Event Store for 3,200 Gold, and The Long Road Home does not make a return going forward.