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Fortnite Wiki

The Rocket is a spacecraft created by The Seven stored and launched from Launchpad. Two out of the seven have launched.

During Chapter 1, it was located at the Villain Lair and created by The Visitor. The Rocket was launched on June 30th 2018. It was utilized by The VisitorThe ScientistThe Paradigm, and the rest of The Seven throughout the storyline. It was used to create a Rift, which would start the entire story of Battle Royale. It was launched for the Blast Off and The End (Chapter 1) events.


Season 4[]

The rocket is built as a movie prop for the superhero film "Prepare for Collision". The Visitor later used Hop Rocks to modify it into a usable vehicle. It blasted off in the Blast Off live event and created the Sideways Rift.

Season X[]

The Rocket has been created again, but this time by The Scientist who has been placing Rift Beacons around the island. The Rocket launched once again during The End event.

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

The seven rockets are stored in the Launchpad near Sanctuary. One rocket has launched to collect war materials but returned without any. So another rocket is being prepared to launch. The second rocket would launch on January 25th 2022.

Chapter 3: Season 2[]

A rocket can be seen on The Ice Moon.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

The Scientist's rocket at Dusty Divot could be seen in the trailer during the Season X part. A small rocket toy can be found in Jones' Time Machine truck in Pleasant Park.

It was finally used in The Big Bang event, with Kado's time machine attached to it, the Rocket was seen glitching in the event thanks to the influence of the time machine, morphing into various objects.


