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Fortnite Wiki
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This page may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect.

Our goal is to stop The Order, liberate The Zero Point, and destroy The Loop.
— The Foundation

The Seven were a group of individuals who swore to protect The Zero Point at any costs. They were the one who started the Fortnite: Battle Royale storyline back in Season 3.

As of Chapter 4: Season 1, all seven members are Missing.

They were the main protagonistic faction of Fortnite: Battle Royale until Chapter 4.


The Seven first appeared in Battle Royale within the end of Season 3 in the Comet. However, the Comet was not known to be related to the Seven until the start of the next Season. Their main goal is to stop the Imagined Order, liberate The Zero Point, and destroy The Loop. Their armors were all air-tight, which made them immune to the Loop's memory resets. They were also knowledgeable about The Omniverse, Rift, and The Cube. The Seven was made up of 7 inner members, hence the name and had under their command an army of loopers, fighters freed from The Loop who act as outer agents.

Locations, Members and Technology[]

Main Bases[]

Location Name and Image Information
Mecha Repair Site
Mecha Team Leader (Stage 4) - Lobby Background - Fortnite
A base built on The Ice Moon outside the Island to repair The Mecha
Sanctuary - Location - Fortnite
Former main base of The Seven during Chapter 3, located in Artemis. Totems of every Seven member can be found there.
Synapse Station
Synapse Station (C3S4) - Location - Fortnite
The Scientist's building station. Formerly an oasis owned by Haven.
Spawn Island
Spawn Island (Chapter 3 - Season 1) - Location - Fortnite
The reorganized version of the formerly Imagined Order-owned Spawn Island.

Minor Bases[]

Location Name and Image Information
Dusty Depot
Dusty Depot (C1S10 - White Warehouse - Roof) - Location - Fortnite
A warehose that was taken over by The Visitor and The Scientist to build their rocket.
Villain Lair
Villain Lair - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
A movie set used as Omega's lair, then taken over by The Visitor to build his rocket.
Launchpad - Landmark - Fortnite
A launchpad of which the rockets of The Seven resides.
Mighty Monument
Mighty Monument (C3S2) - Landmark - Fortnite
A stone statue of The Foundation built near Sanctuary.
Haven's Oasis
Haven's Oasis - Landmark - Fortnite
An oasis owned by Haven with a Seven hut.
Seven Outposts
Seven Outpost I - Landmark - Fortnite
Seven Outpost III - Landmark - Fortnite
Seven Outpost V - Landmark - Fortnite
Outposts for the Seven that contain Vaults and Rift Generators.
Seven Camp
Unnamed Seven Camp - Landmark - Fortnite
Campsites from The Seven.
Resistance Bases
Coney Crossroads (Update v20-20) - Location - Fortnite
Tilted Towers (5-14-2022) - Location - Fortnite
Condo Canyon (Update v20-20) - Location - Fortnite
Locations formerly besieged by the Imagined Order, they were liberated by The Seven and are now occupied by The Resistance.
Resistance Aligned
The Joneses (Ch3S2) - Location - Fortnite
Camp Cuddle (C3S2) - Location - Fortnite
The Resistance's supporters.

The Seven[]

Name Description Status
The Foundation - Outfit - Fortnite

The Foundation
Leader[1] of The Seven, he saved the Island during The End and the Zero Crisis Finale. Chromed,[2] existence rewritten[3]
The Origin (Armored) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Origin
Field General[4] of The Seven and tactician. The former Cube King from The Last Reality. Chromed,[5] existence rewritten[3]
The Visitor (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Visitor
Explorer[6] of The Seven and navigational expert. The first member of The Seven that landed at Athena Island by the Capsule inside the Meteor. He made a Rocket inside the Villain Lair and used it to create a Sideways Rift. Chromed,[5] existence rewritten[3]
The Scientist - Outfit - Fortnite

The Scientist
Engineer[7] of The Seven. He is an eccentric and sarcastic mastermind. Self-proclaimed "handsomest of The Seven." He was the one who made the Rift Beacons and the Rocket for The End. Chromed,[5] existence rewritten[3]
Paradigm (Reality-659) (Moonbase Battlesuit) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Paradigm
Pilot[8] of The Seven, a member of the Reality Warriors and best Mech captain of all Reality [9]. She was thought to be a traitor who helped the IO kill The Devourer but the truth was revealed that she did it as otherwise the IO would destroy The Island. She was welcomed back after being found on The Ice Moon. Deceased [10]
The Imagined (Combat Elite) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Imagined
Maverick[11] of The Seven, she operates solo, usually without orders. Daughter of the founder of Imagined Order. She was The Order's twin sister prior to being discorporated and therefore killed by the Zero Point.[12] Deceased[12]
The Order (Target Locked New) - Outfit - Fortnite

The Order
Spy[13] of The Seven who serves the Seven from the shadows. Daughter of the founder of Imagined Order. She has a great sense of honor and is The Imagined's twin sister. Chromed,[2] existence rewritten[3]


Name Description Status
The Looper (Animated) - Character - Fortnite

The Looper
A Looper with exceptional combat and espionage skills. Former GHOST agent, former IO undercover agent and member of The Seven's elite combat squadron known as the Covert Ops. They helped Origin, Imagined and Jones throughout the war and became Paradigm's co-pilkt. Active
Vengeance Jones - Outfit - Fortnite

Betrayed the IO to fix the Zero Point and promised The Foundation to find Geno, the leader of the Imagined Order. After Operation: Sky Fire, he was captured by Doctor Slone and was about to get terminated but he was saved by The Foundation, officially joining the side of The Seven after the Island Flipped. He played a crucial part during Zero War. Active
AMIE - Character - Fortnite

Artificial Machine Intelligence Engine, shortened to as AMIE is an unkillable AI assistant created by The Scientist running on quantum drive. She is an evolved version of the Seven's armor AI as well as The Looper and Jones's partner until Chapter 4: Season 1 in which she went missing after creating herself a body to try to save The Scientist. Active
Mecha Strike Navigator (Mecha Strike Sentry) - Outfit - Fortnite
Mecha Strike Defender (Mecha Strike Sentinel) - Outfit - Fortnite

Mecha Strike Team
A group of Loopers assembled by The Origin to help co-pilot the Mecha Strike Commander. Inactive
Bushranger (Dream Ranger) - Outfit - Fortnite

Former GHOST agent, he was reformed and volunteered to explore the Reality Tree in Reality Falls. Left after disbandment


Name Description Status
Seven Sentry - AI - Fortnite

Seven Sentry
The Seven Sentries are a group of loopers The Seven rescued and recruited to fight against The Imagined Order. Disbanded
Seven Sentry - AI - Fortnite

A male Seven Sentry. Inactive
Svenja - Outfit - Fortnite

A survivor of the Chrome ambush that joined a group of lonely Henchmen. Left after disbandment


Name Description
Iron Man Zero - Outfit - Fortnite

Iron Man
Leader of Reality-616 forces of The Resistance, got a new hulkbuster armor created by The Scientist.
Wolverine Zero - Outfit - Fortnite

Recruited by Jones and The Imagined to find The Zero Shard, participates in the final fight. The Imagined's lover.
Spider-Man Zero - Outfit - Fortnite

Member of The Resistance, he had the idea of returning to Reality-616 to get help from other heroes, got a new armor created by The Scientist.
Shuri - Outfit - Fortnite

Princess of Wakanda. She joined Jones' team when they went to Wakanda, looking for the The Zero Shard.
Doctor Strange - Outfit - Fortnite
Storm (Punk) - Outfit - Fortnite

Other Avengers from Earth-616 who helped The Seven during the Zero War.
Batman Zero - Outfit - Fortnite

The Batman of Reality: NF-1935 who teamed up with The Foundation to close the Sideways Rift above Metropolis.

The Resistance[]

Main Article: The Resistance


Name Description
Panther - Outfit - Fortnite

An IO agent tasked with infiltrating The Seven. She has shown the information of the Mech to the Imagined Order.


Weapon Name and Icon Information
MK-Seven Assault Rifle
MK-Seven Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Fast-firing Assault Weapons with red dot sight.
The Foundation's MK-Seven Assault Rifle
MK-Seven Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Personal MK-Seven Assault Rifle of The Foundation.
Seven Railgun
Seven Railgun - Storyline Object - Fortnite
A railgun that can rift people it shoots at.
Seven Pistol
Seven Pistol - The End - Fortnite
A pistol that can rift people it shoots at. It was lost by Jones after he dropped it into The Zero Point.
Laser Bomb
Laser Bomb - Storyline Object - Fortnite
Bombs used by The Scientist to cut objects.


Device Name and Icon Information
Rift Beacon
Trucker's Oasis (August 22nd 2019 - Rift Beacon) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
Beacons built by The Scientist and The Visitor that creates Rift Zones. It seems to be composed of The Rocket parts.
Foundation Reboot Vans
Reboot Van (C3S1) - Feature - Fortnite
Vans that reboot people back to life after being inserted Reboot cards.
Visitor Tapes
Visitor tape
These were tapes recorded by The Visitor for himself to remember The Seven's plan.
Audio Log
Audio Log - Lore - Fortnite
Audio Logs from the Seven secure channel.
The Device
The Scientist Device - Quest - Fortnite
A communication device created by The Scientist to communicate with The Looper.
Cube Device
Foundation Rift Gun - Comic - Fortnite
The Foundation's portal device used by Batman Zero to close the Sideways Rift above Metropolis. Its power can be enhanced by The Storm.
Rift Generator
Seven Outpost VI (3-13-2022 - Rift Device) - Landmark - Fortnite
Used to make Rifts at Seven Outposts.


Vehicle Name and Icon Information
The Meteor
Rift Rock - Back Bling - Fortnite
Used as a multipurpose item; Used as a "vehicle", whilst protecting them from the outside forces, which the meteor consumes. It is also used for energy, which is consumable by using a Hop Rock.
The Rocket
Rift Tour - Memory 9 - Fortnite
A Rocket was first made by The Visitor to create a Sideways Rift above Athena, and another one was made by The Scientist for The End Event. The rockets are normally used as a device to create rifts manually, possibly by using Hop Rocks.
Mecha Strike Commander
Mecha Strike Commander (Featured) - Outfit - Fortnite
A giant mech first built by the IO to kilk The Devourer. It was repaired and rebuilt by The Seven to then destroy The Collider.
Armored Battle Bus
Armored Battle Bus - Vehicle - Fortnite
Battle busses upgraded for war at Synapse Station by The Scientist with the Loopers' funds.
Titan Tank
Titan Tank (The Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite
IO tanks that were claimed by The Seven after reclaiming IO occupied locations.
Seven Choppa
Choppa (Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Choppas of The Seven built with funds from the Loopers.

Armor Abilities[]

Source Ability
"Not until The Loop that's in progress when they get there ends. But even there, my suit will protect me."
-The Foundation
Loop Immunity
The armor's sealed environment removes the Loop's effects.
Paradigm Mech Repair - Zero War - Fortnite
Suit Repair Tools
The gauntlets can be used to repair tech.
Imagined Flight - Zero War - Fortnite
"Armor integrity compromised. Self-repair initiated."
-Suit AI
Suit Self-Repair
His suit's AI can automatically repair the suit in a short time.
"Armor... kept my body in stasis. The Mech... protected me from the worst of the weather"
-The Paradigm
Suit Stabilizer
The armor was able to keep The Paradigm's body stable on The Ice Moon's cold weather.
Imagined Energy Beam - Zero War - Fortnite
Energy Beam
Unleashes a powerful and long-stretching energy blast from their hands.
Imagined Cloak - Zero War - Fortnite
Invisibility Cloak
The armor provides a force field that turns everything in range invisible.
"I can extend my force-field a little. It won't keep all the weather out, but it'll help."
-The Imagined
A force field that protects her and her surroundings from The Ice Moon's weather.
"Armor that can incinerate you."
-The Imagined
Heat Burst
The armor can likely incinerate anything it touches.
Collider Projection - Zero War - Fortnite
The gauntlets can project any data inserted.


Before Chapter 1[]

Fallen Kingdom (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Foundation has been studying The Zero Point and the Omniverse for a very long time.

Unknown when or how, The Foundation recruits 6 other people with the aim of destroying the IO, and liberating The Zero Point. The last member he recruited was The Origin who was saved from an IO prison after running away from The Last Reality, abandoning his duties as The Cube King. Geno the IO's founder, quickly becomes The Foundation's greatest fear, knowing that they are in control of the Zero Point. The Seven develop sealed environment suits as a way to enter and leave The Loop anytime they want without being affected by the Loop's effects.

Season 3[]

A Meteor is spotted over the island, with its impact zone unknown. Inside is the The Visitor, but this is yet to be revealed until the next season.

Season 4[]

The Visitor (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Meteor strikes the Island, destroying Dusty Depot and creating Dusty Divot. The Visitor, the first member to be revealed, arrives from an unknown world. He came to the island in a metal space capsule embedded within the meteor. Shortly after escaping the capsule in Week 7 of the season. He broke out of the research facility stationed around his landing spot, he went to the Villain Lair near Snobby Shores and used Hop Rocks to modify a movie prop rocket into a functioning vehicle.

Blast Off[]

Blast Off (Rocket) - Event - Fortnite

On June 30th, he launched the Rocket, starting the Blast Off event. During the event, the rocket appeared opened a Rift, sending the rocket into it. The rocket then emerged elsewhere on the map, repeatedly opening rifts until it blasted off into the sky, creating a giant Sideways Rift above the Island.

Season X[]

The End - Playlist Image - Fortnite

In Season X, after the Zero Point was exposed from the Season 9 Live Event. It caused further destabilization on the Island. As such, a member of the Seven was manipulated by Imagined Order to deal with it. With an alternate reality Meteor sitting stationary above the newly reformed Dusty Depot, The Scientist emerged from inside.

The Scientist worked to create the Rift Beacons, which opened up six rifts in the sky. During this time, the Scientist created several tapes. They were able to be collected and cryptically described his plans and attempts to remember his plan during the Looping process.

The End[]

Freeing The Meteor - The End - Fortnite

In The End event, he launched a rocket into the sky, making a rift which activated the six smaller rifts created by the Rift Beacons. Rockets emerged from each rift, and came together to unfreeze The Meteor and divert it into the Zero Point, causing it to create a black hole and to rearrange the island's matter and form the Apollo and Artemis islands.

Chapter 2: Season 5[]

During the opening cutscene of the Season, John Jones enters The Loop in order to stop anyone escaping it, after the result of the Devourer of Worlds event. The Seven was mentioned by John Jones' boss, Dr Slone, after he rushes off into the Loop. Towards the end of the season, in teaser information, Jones makes attempts to gain information about the Seven in his reality logs. He was unable to obtain it, and so attempted to take it for himself.

Zero Crisis Finale[]

Foundation Entrance - Zero Crisis Finale - Fortnite

Jones manages to recruit a member of the Seven into helping him seal the Zero Point. The Foundation answers the call, and is the leader of the Seven. Similar to the Visitor and the Scientist, he arrives in a meteor with a capsule encased inside. After a little bit of convincing from Jones (offering to get The Foundation to Geno, and "The Sisters"), the Foundation helps him to fix the Zero Point. After realizing that the power of the Zero Point is too much because of the damage it has taken, the Foundation creates The Spire and requests Jones to overload the Portal Device to seal in the Zero Point with him. Jones does what he says (even though it means that he will be stuck in the loop), and the Zero Point and the Foundation is encased in the Spire successfully.

Chapter 2: Season 7[]

It was shown that when The Last Reality took The Spire, The Foundation was unsealed and blasted him into a large body of water.

Batman/Fortnite: Foundation[]

Search for Jones - Foundation - Fortnite

During Batman/Fortnite: Foundation, The Foundation still under water begins to reactivate, and eventually appears in Gotham Harbor, in Reality NF-1935. The Foundation assists Batman in sealing the rift in Metropolis, and returns to the Island, The Batman Who Laughs manages to go back with him, and becomes trapped in the loop. The Foundation's suit is damaged in the brawl with The Batman Who Laughs, causing him to be unimmune to the loop, but he escapes before the loop starts again. He remembers his goal, and sets off to find Jones.

The End[]

The Visitor & The Scientist arrive to rescue the Loopers - The End Event - Fortnite

The Foundation breaks into The Bridge and saves Agent Jones. Doctor Slone was surprised by this, thinking he had died at some point in the past. The Foundation then removes his mask, revealing him to be played by none other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson himself. The Foundation then locked Slone inside the room by punching the door lock.

Jones and The Foundation then head into The Bridge. The Foundation reverses the gyroscopic orientation of the Island, while Jones fights off IO Guards. The Scientist and The Visitor, flying over the Island, rescue the loopers and bring them to safety inside the hidden bunker at Guava Fort. The Visitor flies off while The Scientist leads the Loopers into the bunker, after blowing up some Caretakers with a bomb.

The Scientist then leads the loopers through the Bridge as the Island begins to horizontally rotate and the complex starts to collapse. The players are led to the Zero Point Chamber where they remain until a Caretaker smashes the skylight, causing the looper to emerge in the ocean, far from the Island.

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

Sanctuary Rising (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Island flipped, revealing the Seven's home, Sanctuary. Their flipping of the Island was not only an attempt to stop The Cube Queen, but also to severely cripple IO. The attack also leaves them vulnerable, meaning if IO were to attack, they would be finished. The Scientist, the Visitor, and the Foundation return to the Island and can be found as Characters.

The Scientist attempts to contact the Paradigm, informing her the Seven need her help. He explains that they had more ambitious goals than simply flipping the Island, but also one step in a plan to reduce IO to a "smoking crater." He also explains that they are vulnerable, and if IO were to attack, they would be finished. The Scientist says that their history is "complicated" and that something happened between the Paradigm and the rest of the Seven. He says that they do not deserve her help at all, but they need it.

Tilted Titans (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

After sending that message, the Scientist broadcast to the rest of the Seven that they had received a ping from The Paradigm, but weren't entirely sure it was her and had to check. He tells the rest of the Seven that they need to think of her as an ally despite what happened, saying that they have a duty to overcome grudges and petty disagreements for the greater good and the sake of survival. He states that despite the past, there is no future without her.

The Scientist employs the help of the looper for various tasks throughout the season, such as stopping vandalism from Peelys or launching rockets. Near the end of the season, the Scientist finds out that the Looper has been listening in on his audio logs. He informs them that war is coming, and they should be prepared.

Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Turning Point (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Imagined Order finally unleash their attack on Artemis and The Seven prepares to defend the Island with the Resistance. As a giant drill emerges from underneath Artemis, proven to be the cause of the previous earthquakes plaguing the island. Titan Tanks and Airships are deployed against the Loopers and The Seven, who clash with the invaders. The IO proceed to disable the building features, and overrun the defenders, who are subsequently saved by Doctor Strange, who opens a portal and reveals Iron Man, The Visitor, The Scientist, as well as Black Widow and two never-before seen members of the seven called The Origin and The Imagined, with the latter being one of the Sisters.

The Campaign Begins (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

Jones, The Origin, and The Imagined have the looper help them with various tasks throughout the season. The Imagined, with the help of The Looper, restores building and establishes a communication link with The Paradigm. The Paradigm helps indirectly by sending schematics for the Anvil Rocket Launcher. Jones has the Looper teach Peely how to drive, among other things, and The Origin gets them to do various wartime tasks such as security sweeps. As the season progressed, the Resistance slowly pushed back the Imagined Order, claiming one location at a time. Eventually, the Imagined Order are pushed so far back, they only have control of Command Cavern, The Fortress, and Loot Lake.

However, weeks later, an IO Doomsday Device was discovered under Loot Lake, later revealed to be The Collider. The Seven begin to prepare for the final battle against the IO, starting by sabotaging the IO and simulating the activation of The Collider. The simulation leads the Seven to discover that the Island is on the brink of being destroyed, prompting The Seven to recommission the Mecha and to attempt to bring The Paradigm back to the Island.

Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War #1-4[]

The Ice Moon - Zero War - Fortnite

The Visitor comes up with a plan to stop The Collider by using The Paradigm's Mecha Team Leader that was left on The Ice Moon. The Scientist suggests that going to The Ice Moon would be risky, but Spider-Man has the idea to call heroes from his reality to help them, specifically Thor and Storm with their abilities to manipulate the weather. The Origin tasks the group heading to Reality: 616 to retrieve The Zero Shard. Everyone agrees and splits up.

The Resistance Charge - Zero War - Fortnite

The Foundation, Jones, The Imagined and Spider-Man stealthily infiltrate The Bridge. Jones guides everyone through The Bridge, until he is distracted when he finds his office, and takes a picture of his late family with them. When they reach The Zero Point, they are stopped by Doctor Slone and Gunnar. Jones opens a Zero Point portal to Reality: 616, and he, Spider-Man, and The Imagined enter. On Slone's command, Gunnar strikes The Foundation through the ceiling. With her enemies out of the picture, Slone ignores the others with the little time they have left.

IO vs Seven & Avengers - Zero War - Fortnite

Spider-Man, Jones, and The Imagined arrive in Reality: 616, and they quickly send the Avengers to the Island to help the resistance. They head to fetch Wolverine to help track the The Zero Shard. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom is chosen by the inner circle of the Imagined Order to join them as a valued addition and Geno is able to recruit him.

The Imagined is able to track The Zero Shard at Mena Ngai, Wakanda. After a battle against the Wakandans, the princess of Wakanda, Shuri, quickly dispatches the fight and welcomes the group into Wakanda. Although The Imagined's tech is not able to trace down the exact location of the Zero Shard due to Wakanda's Vibranium interfering, Wolverine's scent determines that The Zero Shard was no longer there, and the smell of lizards remained. When Shuri leads the group to Serpent Valley, they discover a base guarded by Hybrids. As the group battles the lizard ninjas, the base is destroyed and they lose the trail for the Zero Shard. Spider-Man suggests heading to the Savage Land to find Stegron the Dinosaur Man, who is most likely responsible for taking the Zero Shard.

The Paradigm Is Alive - Zero War - Fortnite

The Foundation, Scientist, Iron Man arrives on The Ice Moon safely with help of Thor and Storm's weather calming abilities. The group finds the broken Mecha Team Leader lying on the icy surface with The Paradigm alive in the mech. The Paradigm is awaken from stasis, and attempts to convince The Foundation that she is not a traitor, as her reason for siding with the IO during The Final Showdown was to prevent them from building a doomsday device that could destroy the entire island along with The Devourer. She goes on to explain that their plan to repair to the mech would not work unless they had a power source, unknowing of

Back in Earth 616, Spider-Man, Jones, The Imagined, Wolverine, and Shuri travel to the Savage Land, where they manage to find more Hybrids. After defeating them all, the group camp for the night. The Imagined explains her relationship to Geno to Wolverine as Jones explains his past with the Imagined Order to Spider-Man and how he worked with them to ensure his family's safety, but was never able to rest with them when they all passed and he remained immortal. The next day, Wolverine and Shuri tracked the Hybrids to a lab in the Savage Land, where they find Stegron and primal creations of the High Evolutionary using the power of The Zero Shard.

Zero Shard Portal - Zero War - Fortnite

The group battles the High Evolutionary and Stegron as a distraction for Spider-Man to break into the lab, only to discover that leading the group to the lab and battling the High Evolutionary was Doctor Doom's plan to steal The Zero Shard himself using the Hybrids as his minions. As Doctor Doom uses the Zero Shard to escape, the battle against the High Evolutionary ends, as he only wanted to defend the Zero Shard. The High Evolutionary informs the group that Doctor Doom traveled to Reality Zero, and the group quickly use Jones' Portal Device to chase after him.

The Ice King - Zero War - Fortnite

The group track Doctor Doom to The Ice Moon, where they find a castle trapping The Ice King and several of the powerful items he collected in ice. The Ice Moon proceeds to become colder despite Thor and Storm's efforts. Doctor Doom appears and battles them using The Zero Shard and many of the powerful items in the castle. Despite his efforts, Spider-Man is able to retrieve The Zero Shard and get it to the Mecha, fully repaired but requiring a power source. With The Zero Shard, the Mecha is repaired and Doctor Doom flees to the Island. The Mecha retrieves the group on the ground, destroys The Ice King's castle, and prepares to travel to the Island.

Collision / Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War #5[]

Ready to Launch (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

Before the launch of the event, Agent Jones and members of The Seven conversed with each other, preparing for the attack. 90 seconds before launch, The Origin gave the Loopers a mission briefing, stating that The Seven has intercepted communications from Geno originally intended for Doctor Slone, believing that the Imagined Order's weapon system, The Collider, will be soon reaching critical mass sooner than they had expected. If it is not stopped now, it will destroy all life on the island. The Origin then introduces the Loopers to the one who will be leading the mission and piloting the the Mecha, The Paradigm. The Paradigm enters the Mecha, and The Origin tells the Loopers that they will be handling the weapons while The Paradigm mans the helm of the Mecha. The Origin then leaves the rest to The Paradigm before signing off. The Paradigm then tells the Loopers of the plan: putting an end to the Imagined Order once and for all, with the main target being The Collider. The Paradigm then contacts the ground team, led by Agent Jones, who tells her that they'll have the shields down by the time they reach the island. Afterwards, The Paradigm initiates the launch sequence and the Loopers head to their battle stations. The Mecha blasts off from The Ice Moon and begins their journey to Reality Zero, with The Loopers clearing a path to it by destroying incoming asteroids and dodging Abductor debris along the way.

The Paradigm - Collision - Fortnite

The Mecha prepares for re-entry onto the island. The Mecha lands at Synapse Station, only to be greeted by battalions of the Imagined Order's tanks. As the Mecha fights its way towards the Collider, it is struck by a laser from The Fortress. The Paradigm redirects power to the heartbreaker, in which the Mecha fires a laser back at The Fortress, destroying the location. The Mecha resumes its path towards the Collider, but is then overwhelmed by a barrage of missiles from IO Airships, heavily damaging it. Agent Jones contacts The Paradigm to see if she's ok, with her replying that she is albeit barely. She tells Jones that the Mecha cannot move or function without repairs, which prompts Jones to send in Peely to deliver a Slurp truck using a Mudflap. The Mecha then grabs the Slurp truck and heals itself with it by crushing the truck in its fist and The Paradigm pouring the Slurp onto it, while diverting power to the Mecha's emergency recovery system. After finishing up the Slurp, the Mecha throws the depleted Slurp truck at a IO airship, destroying it. The Slurp not only restored the Mecha's functions, much to The Paradigm's surprise, it also overcharged the weapons of the Mecha, thus negating weapon overheating.

Mecha Light Blade - Collision - Fortnite

As the Mecha drew nearer to the Collider, the IO began to send in B.R.U.T.E.s to attack the it. Eventually, Agent Jones and the ground team disable the shield protecting the Collider, exposing it. The Mecha then pulls out its Light Blade, slashing through the remaining IO Airships as it made a beeline towards to the Collider. After the final IO vehicles have been destroyed, the Mecha reaches the Collider and prepares to destroy it as The Paradigm diverts all power to the Light Blade. However, before this can happen, an earthquake causes the ground beneath the Mecha to collapse, and the Mecha falls into the ground below, with The Paradigm and the Loopers being ejected from the Mecha.

The Loopers land at the bottom of the Collider, where they are met by Agent Jones. However, Doctor Slone appears in a tank and begins to attack them. Jones and the Loopers, both armed with an Epic Assault Rifle, make their ascent towards the Collider, where alongside The Foundation, they fight their way through IO Guards and a B.R.U.T.E. while evading Slone's attacks from her tank. At the same time, The Paradigm attempts to get the Mecha back online. As the group fights their way up to the Collider, the Zero Point has been exposed, and it begins to rise towards the top of the Collider, shifting realities along the way. The Paradigm manages to get the Mecha back online, but the group is stopped by Slone and her tank. Jones distracts Slone with a speech, and The Paradigm uses the Mecha's fist to crush Slone and her tank, destroying part of the bridge.

Geno vs Sisters - Zero War - Fortnite

Meanwhile, Geno joins the battle on the collider upper levels and fight against his daughters. Though Geno doesn't want to kill them, The Imagined sacrifices herself and falls into The Zero Point alongside Geno. Geno seemingly unharmed, angrily commands the IO to wipe these failures out of existence before entering the Zero Point.

The Paradigm then begins to lift the Loopers, Jones, and The Foundation upwards towards the top of the Collider, with the latter two jumping into the Zero Point when it focuses on Geno. The Loopers then fire upon the four crystal detonators that are lifting the Zero Point up to the Collider. The Loopers destroy all four crystal detonators, and the Zero Point falls back below. The Collider then begins to collapse, and The Paradigm protects the Loopers by putting the Mecha's hand over them, shielding them from the Collider's destruction.

The Realm - Zero War - Fortnite

Meanwhile, Jones and the Foundation enter Geno's reality, where they fist bump. They get to see Geno and The Imagined slowly discorporate, getting scattered across The Omniverse. Geno's remants travel through multiple Realities, winding up at a singular spot and reforming Geno.

Chapter 3: Season 3[]

The Visitor Clue - Quest Item - Fortnite

After The Imagined Order is defeated; The Seven regained control of the island. The Scientist however has noticed something was wrong with The Zero Point as the reality tree was draining its power. The Zero Point then summons relics from other reality's and sends the looper to collect them. The scientist realizes the Zero Point is bringing them in as a distress message/signal.

The Foundation Clue - Quest Item - Fortnite

Near the end of the season The Imagined, The Order, and The Foundation have gone missing. The Origin, The Visitor, and The Scientist head to Sanctuary's underground laboratory to analyze The Chrome that's infecting the island. Sometime later, The Paradigm joins them underground. During the analysis the Chrome multiplied brutally and consumed The Scientist, The Origin and The Visitor. However, The Paradigm manages to escape the laboratory before it was consumed and crashes into loot lake where she uses The Zero Point to escape to Reality 659.

Chapter 3: Season 4[]

Scientist Chromified - Cinematic - Fortnite

With the members of The Seven missing and The Paradigm gone in Reality-659 as seen in the Chapter 3 Season 4 Cinematic Trailer, Jones reactivates AMIE and contacts The Looper in an attempt to figure out what's going on and find a solution. The group managed to recontact The Paradigm who explained something to them about The Nothing but the message mentioning The Nothing was slightly distorted. a little later, they find themselves trying to finish The Scientist's experiments on Chrome, However being inconclusive they set about researching The Origin's battle plan. After finding her, The Looper and AMIE attack The Herald and defeat her, however the chrome is still there. The Paradigm sends them a last message telling them that she must cut off communications and asks them to hold on. Jones then tells The Looper that he will contact him later when the second phase of the plan is active.


Zero Tendrils - Fracture - Fortnite

In order to rebuild a new island by initiating Zero Fusion after The Herald destroyed the Island, The Paradigm asks The Looper, AMIE, and Jones to retrieve the fragments from Zero Point in order to restore its energy. After that Paradigm speaks her last words to the group and initiates the Zero Fusion, seeming to be initiating at the cost of her sacrifice.

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

AMIE 1.0 (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Paradigm is taken by the Zero Point to the new island and disappears shortly after leaving one last message for AMIE and The Looper. After AMIE's mission goes beyond our reach, plus Jones' inactivity, The Looper became the organization's last active member. It’s heavily implied that The Seven are being sculpted into something new.

Chapter 4: Season 4[]

A stolen artifact related to the Seven called "Looper Calendar" can be found deep within Kado Thorne's estate. It features the symbols of all members of the Seven except for The Imagined and The Order.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

Going back in time under Dr Slone's orders, Jones collaborated with one or more members of the Seven of that alternate past to use the Blackhole which would end Athena and create new worlds known as galaxies in the aftermath of The Big Bang. This plan, would allow the inhabitants of Asteria in the future to be able to escape and find refuge.

The Big Bang[]

Jones or a member of The Seven piloted the rocket on which the Time Machine was attached, and thanks to it, 6 other rockets appeared and allowed to unfreeze the meteor and rift it above the Zero Point. Subsequently with time machine, the rockets made the temporal existence of the meteor unstable, making it constantly change before colliding it with the Zero Point. Much like The End, this created a black hole that completely absorbed Athena, however the the instability of the meteor's existence caused by the Time Machine allowed the Black Hole to directly explode as Jones intended, generating a new Big Bang that created multiple Galaxies and Realities, such as Helios' Galaxy, the LEGO Galaxy, Rocket Racing's Galaxy and Festival's Galaxy and countless others.

Chapter 5[]

What happened to the members of The Seven of the alternate past after the Big Bang in unknown. As for the present memebrs, despite them being still gone, Jones and The Looper continue carry their legacy, fighting for reality as they always did.


  • Half The Seven's members originally had different names before they were changed to the current ones.
  • The method of inter-dimensional travel The Seven use appears to be meteors, as in all of their appearances before chapter 3 (except for The Paradigm), this is how they have arrived on the Island.
    • All meteors used to arrive on the Island crashed near Dusty Depot in some form.
  • In Update v31.40, The Paradigm received a Reality Warriors edit style for OG owners.
  • Eco is a outfit concept created by a member of the community that was intended to be a member of the Seven, but he is not a member of the Seven. However, he keeps a similar helmet as well as the blade on his forearm that The Visitor, The Scientist and The Paradigm have.
  • Only 3 of the 7 members have logos on their armor, being The Visitor, The Scientist, and The Foundation.
  • The "Seventeen Seas" that the Foundation mentioned in the comic could have been his home.
  • Only 2 of the 7 main members have their outfit icons changed, being The Visitor (Update v10.10, for an outfit icon update wave) and The Order (Update v20.40, to remove the back bling).





  1. "His mission is Everything. Leader of The Seven." -The Foundation Outfit Description
  2. 2.0 2.1 Vibin' Quests#Dialogue
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 "He's different now. They're ALL different now. As we speak, they change..." "It sculpts his existence anew. A fate darker than the worst imaginable..." "You'll find him. But will you get there in time to save him?"-AMIE Fragments 1, 2 & 3Oathbound Quests
  4. " Ah, you must be The Scientist's contractor.They call me The Origin, The Seven's field general and tactician." -The Origin during Resistance Quests Week 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Chapter 3: Season 4
  6. "An explorer and navigational expert, here to help chart the best course of action for the Seven. These days he's more of the strong, silent type..." -The Visitor character's collection book description during Chapter 3: Season 1
  7. "It's hard to say what people admire most about the Scientist: his brilliant engineer's mind, his dashing good looks, or how skillfully he writes his own bios." -The Scientist character's collection book description during Chapter 3: Season 1
  8. "You've always been so much more than just our pilot." -The Scientist's audio log during Chapter 3: Season 1
  9. "Leading the mission will be the finest mech captain in all Reality." -The Origin during Collision Event
  10. The Paradigm indicated several time she was going to die as a result of the Zero Fusion during Fracture: "Prepare my suit for fusion, and disconnect. One of us has to survive." "Our survival is more important than my survival." "Everyone...I hope to see you on the other side... It's been an honor." "I've done everything I can. This is your fight now." -The Paradigm during Fracture Event
  11. "The Imagined may be a member of the Seven, but does things her way, on her schedule, with or without the Origin's permission. You'll help her, right?" -The Imagined Character Collection Book Description during Chapter 3: Season 2
  12. 12.0 12.1 Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War
  13. Stealth Surveillance Loading Screen