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Fortnite Wiki
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite
Due to lack of official information, this article/section may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations
Some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect or factually incorrect.

"The Society" is pulling the strings in secret, and they've taken Peely in their spite. Join "The Underground" and take down The Society's bosses — including its most notorious boss Valeria.
— Blogpost

The Society was an organization in Fortnite: Battle Royale that was first introduced in Chapter 5: Season 1. They were a corrupt group of wealthy individuals founded by Montague and lead by him and four other bosses. The last generation of bosses wished to find Pandora's Box to get more power, thinking themselves as gods.

They were the main antagonist faction of Chapter 5: Season 1.


The Society presents itself as a conglomerate run by elites. With the exception of Silas Hesk, all the elites of the Island have joined The Society. They are the owners of the Grand Glacier Hotel, Reckless Railways's Grand Station as well as the Train, Fencing Fields, Lavish Lair castle, Snooty Steppes village, The Marigold Yacht and some smaller mansions, villas and bases.

In truth, they are a corrupt group, an order made up of elites seeking power and a strict class hierarchy. All the families members of The Society are part of the lineage of the Greek Pantheon. They are led by five bosses: Valeria the most notorious Boss, Montague the original founder, Oscar, Nisha and Peter Griffin. They are opposed by The Underground, a faction of fighters and rebels wishing to put an end to their group.

As of Chapter 5: Season 2, The Society has been largely defeated and broken up because of The Underground and The Pantheon, with only a few active members remaining.

As of Chapter 5: Season 3, only some remnants remain, acting as a company responsible for the Island's railway system, Lavish Lair, Reckless Railways and Grand Glacier Hotel.

As of Chapter 5: Season 4, Kingdom of Doom took control of the Island railways system, however they didn't took over Grand Station, for an unknown reason. Lavish Lair was also replaced by Doomstadt, leaving only Reckless Railways, Grand Glacier and Sandy Steppes under the control of The Society. However, after Absolute Doom Event, Reckless Railways disappeared and was replaced by Freaky Fields.

Locations, Members and Technology[]

Major Bases[]

Name and Image Information
Grand Glacier Hotel
Grand Glacier (v31.40) - Location - Fortnite
A luxurious European-inspired hotel next to the Grand Glacier owned by Montague and The Society. During The Underground’s fight against Doom a Rift Beacon was lunched to Grand Glacier where it began to malfunction, with pumpkins and vines beginning to appear as Ultima Carver's Halloween Reality merged with the Hotel.
Sandy Steppes
Sandy Steppes - Location - Fortnite
The remains of Snooty Steppes. The abandoned village is owned by Peter Griffin and The Society. Since Chapter 5: Season 3, The Underground has taken refuge on the outskirts.

Minor Locations[]

Name and Image Information
Loot Island
Loot Island (C5S1) - Landmark - Fortnite
A floating island from an unknown location owned by Valeria.
Coastal Comms
Coastal Comms (v31.00) - Landmark - Fortnite
Communication Station guarded by The Society. Protected by a Commander. Formerly protected by a Legion Heavy Elite.

Former Bases[]

Name and Image Information
Reckless Railways
Reckless Railways - Location - Fortnite
The main city of the Island with the Grand Station owned by Valeria and The Society, who also has a private villa. It was later replaced with Freaky Fields.
Lavish Lair
Lavish Lair - Location - Fortnite
A luxurious French-style château owned by Oscar and The Society. Also has an observatory seemingly owned by Valeria. It was later taken over by Doctor Doom and replaced with the capital of Latveria Doomstadt.
Fencing Fields
Fencing Fields - Location - Fortnite
A provincial estate and FlowBerry farm owned by both Nisha and Kavel. Destroyed by Wasteland Warriors and replaced by Nitrodrome
Snooty Steppes
Snooty Steppes - Location - Fortnite
An Italian-themed coastal village with a large estate owned by Peter Griffin. Swallowed up by the sandstorm.
The Train
Train - Landmark - Fortnite
A fortified train with 4 Train Chest - Container - Fortnite Train Chests and a large Combat Cache (Train) - Container - Fortnite Heist Chest. Constantly travels around Helios, before sadly being derailed, after The Society couldn't pay their mortgage.
Grand Station
Grand Station - Landmark - Fortnite
Main train station owned by The Society.
Forecast Towers
Forecast Towers (C5S1 - 3) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
6 Unnamed locations around Helios owned by The Society. Protected by a Commander and Minions. Formerly protected by Legion Heavy Elite and Legion Tactical Elite. Taken over by Wasteland Warriors.
Estate Station
Estate Station (v31.00) - Landmark - Fortnite
A train station owned by The Society. Protected by a Commander. Formerly protected by a Legion Heavy Elite, later taken over by The Kingdom of Doom.
Society Pump Station
Society Pump Station (v28.10) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
A pump station owned by The Society. Protected by a Commander. Formerly protected by a Legion Heavy Elite, later abandoned by them.
Unmoored Manor
Unmoored Manor - Landmark - Fortnite
A manor similar to Lavish Lair. Protected by a Commander. Formerly protected by a Legion Heavy Elite, and sadly covered up by sand.
Ritzy Riviera House
Ritzy Riviera (Society House) - Location - Fortnite
A house and a batiment in Ritzy Riviera owned by The Society. Protected by Legion Heavy Elite. Taken over by Hades and transformed into The Underworld.
Hazy Hillside House
Hazy Hillside (v28.10 - Society House) - Location - Fortnite
A house in Hazy Hilside owned by The Society. Protected by Legion Heavy Elite. Taken Over by Zeus and transformed into Mount Olympus.
The Marigold
The Marigold - Landmark - Fortnite
The Yacht once it was repaired by Midas' crew, but it was taken over by The Society. Protected by Legion Heavy Elite. Reclaimed by SHADOW.


Name Description Status
Montague - Outfit - Fortnite

The founder of The Society and one of its original bosses. He is The Society's steel-nerved thief known to have a heart of diamond and has diamond-based powers[5]. He owns Grand Glacier. After the battle against the gods, he barely survived and escaped with Valeria. Fled[6]
Valeria (Burning Ambition Valeria) - Outfit - Fortnite

The most notorious boss of The Society. She has fire-based powers and is the elder sister of Hope[8], the leader of The Underground. She owns Reckless Railways. After The Society's defeat, she went on her own way.[9]. After the battle against the gods she barely survived and escaped with Montague. Fled[6]
Oscar - Outfit - Fortnite

One of the bosses of The Society with lightning-based powers.[11] He owns Lavish Lair. After The Society's defeat, he went into hiding for a time before returning to recover everything he lost. Defected
Nisha (Midnight Duelist Nisha) - Outfit - Fortnite

One of the bosses of The Society and member since her childhood.[12] she only has honor in swordsman duels and is also the sister of Kavel. She and her brother own Fencing Fields. After The Society's defeat, she remained on Montague's side against the gods until being defeated and fleeing with Kavel. Now that Fencing Fields disappeared she has to find a new purpose in life. Later, she joined The Underground with her brother. [13] [14] Defected
Peter Griffin (Gold Plated Peter Griffin) - Outfit - Fortnite

Peter Griffin
One of the bosses of The Society. He is protected by his golden armor. He owns the village of Snooty Steppes. It is unknown what happened to him after the events of Chapter 5, Season 1. It’s highly likely he left The Society and went back to his own universe. Unknown


Name Description Status
Kavel (Kavel) - Outfit - Fortnite

An Elite of the Society. The elder brother of Nisha, defender and owner of Fencing Fields. After The Society's defeat, he remained on Montague's side before he fled with Nisha. Later, he joined The Underground with his sister. [14] Defected
Mystery Reward - Icon - Fortnite

Hope & Valeria's Grandfather
Grandfather of Hope and Valeria and a member of The Society. He had a book about Pandora's Box and other artifacts belonging to the gods. That Valeria would use to find Pandora's Box. Unknown
Potentially deceased
The Goldfish - Outfit - Fortnite

The Goldfish[16]
An Elite of the Society and grand don of the deep seas. His true identity is Leviathan, who is disguised as Midas. Unknown
Lustrous Luxe - Outfit - Fortnite

Lustrous Luxe[16]
An Elite of the Society and a bounty huntress with luxurious tastes. Unknown
Gunslinger Calamity - Outfit - Fortnite

Gunslinger Calamity[16]
An Elite of the Society and the most dangerous sheriff of the wild, wild west. Unknown
Commander - AI - Fortnite

Elite heavy armored guards of The Society. They replace the Legion Elites after the defeat of The Society, and were used as an army by Montague to fight against The Pantheon. Inactive
Legion Heavy Elite - AI - Fortnite

Legion Heavy Elite
Elite heavy armored shotgun wielding guards of The Society. They command both Tactical Grunts and Heavy Grunts and protect all the bases unprotected by Bosses and can be summoned by them. Those who remained members of The Society became the Commanders. Inactive
Legion Tactical Elite - AI - Fortnite

Legion Tactical Elite
Elite heavy armored assault rifle wielding guards of The Society. They command both Tactical Grunts and Heavy Grunts, protect Forecast Towers and can be summoned by Bosses. Inactive

Former Elites[]

Name Description Status
Shadow Blade Hope - Outfit - Fortnite

A former Elite of the Society and member since her childhood and younger sister of Valeria, she left the organization after finding out how terrible they were and founded The Underground. Defected
Mystery Reward - Icon - Fortnite

Kavel & Nisha's Father
Father of Kavel and Nisha former owner of Fencing Fields and once a member of The Society. Deceased
Mystery Reward - Icon - Fortnite

Kavel & Nisha's Mother
Mother of Kavel and Nisha former owner of Fencing Fields and once a member of The Society. Deceased
Nisha's Ancestor - Character - Fortnite

Kavel & Nisha's Ancestor
Ancestor of Kavel and Nisha and once a member of The Society. She was present during the inauguration of The Society by Montague [17] Deceased


Name Description Status
Killian - Outfit - Fortnite

An operator of The Society. As his role indicates he acts on behalf of the important members of The Society. After the fall of The Society most of their operators and soldiers left to find new work. Contract Ended
Clara - Outfit - Fortnite

Once The Society's most dangerous operative, and is now Valeria's trusted contact for newer missions. Working for Valeria[20]
Siren (Society Streetwear) - Outfit - Fortnite

A hired assassin and an operative of The Society. After the fall of The Society most of their operators and soldiers left to find new work. Contract Ended
Stash'd (Society Streetwear) - Outfit - Fortnite

An driver and an operative of The Society. Formerly a member of the Peace Syndicate. After the fall of The Society most of their operators and soldiers left to find new work. Contract Ended

Soldier Ranks[]

Name Description Status
Minion (Grey) - AI - Fortnite

Light armored weapon proficient soldiers of The Society. They replaced the Legion Grunts after the defeat of The Society. Inactive
Legion Heavy Grunt - AI - Fortnite

Legion Heavy Grunt
Light armored shotgun wielding lieutenants of The Society, they are the superiors of the Legion Tactical Grunt but under the orders of Legion Elites. Inactive
Legion Tactical Grunt - AI - Fortnite

Legion Tactical Grunt
Light armored assault rifle wielding soldiers of The Society. They are under the orders of Legion Heavy Grunts and Legion Elites. Those who remained members of The Society became the Minions. Inactive

Scrapped Members[]

Name Description
Golden Archetype - Outfit - Fortnite

Golden Archetype
An outfit that was initially made to be an elite of The Society known as Elite Archetype. It ended to be unreleased before being removed during Update v30.10. It was then re-added during Update v33.10 and renamed as Golden Archetype.


Weapon Name and Icon Information
Boss Weapons
Striker AR - Weapon - Fortnite
Hammer Pump Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Stronger personal weaponry of Society leaders.
Montague's Medallion - Item - Fortnite
Valeria's Medallion - Item - Fortnite
Peter Griffin's Medallion - Item - Fortnite
Nisha's Medallion - Item - Fortnite
Oscar's Medallion - Item - Fortnite
Special artifact originally belonging to The Pantheon that the bosses carry around, they slowly regenerate the players shields.
Modular Enforcer AR
Enforcer AR (v28.10) - Weapon - Fortnite
Fully automatic Assault Rifle. Fires slower and hits harder, especially at range. Well suited for medium to long range.
Hyper SMG
Hyper SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Fires at a very high fire rate, dealing significant damage at close range while consuming ammo quickly.
Ranger Pistol
Ranger Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite
Automatic Pistol: Very effective at close range.
Reaper Sniper Rifle
Reaper Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle. Powerful and accurate, with a slow rate of fire.


Vehicle Name and Icon Information
Grandeur Trailsmasher
Grandeur Trailsmasher - Vehicle - Fortnite
Luxury all-terrain vehicle owned by The Society.
Scorpion (Society Decal - Featured) - Car - Rocket Racing
A unique paint for the Scorpion.


Post-Big Bang[]

Brilliant Cut Montague (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

The Society was founded at an unknown time period several decades if not centuries ago by Montague, who presented his idea to the other elites of the Island during an an inauguration in Grand Glacier[1]. This led elites such as Nisha's and Valeria's family to join The Society. Decades later and once they were born, Hope, Nisha, Valeria, and Kavel were raised in The Society[22][23]. Nisha and Valeria later took the place of their parents as heads of their respective families and rose to the highest rank, joining Montague at the top of The Society. Oscar was also offered a place[24] after having climbed the ranks when he was an outsider[25]. Peter Griffin, after becoming quite strong thanks to Meowscles' expired Slurp, became rich and also joined The Society becoming one of the bosses under unknown circumstances. The Society gradually took control of the Island hiring goons and people like Killian and Clara to become their Operators, along with all other elites joining their cause, except Silas Hesk, who decided to stand against them[26] despite the multiple invitations to join the organization from Montague.[27] However, Hope realizing how terrible they were, was driven by her sense of justice, rejected the ideals of The Society and left the organization before founding The Underground, a rebel organization dedicated to fighting The Society that Jones later joined. Seeking more power, Valeria would dig into her grandfather's old books on The Pantheon where she would read about the powers of Pandora's Box, she would share her findings with the other leaders leading them to search for Pandora's Box. Believing Jones had the answers, the Bosses kidnapped Peely[28]. By this period, the bosses each had a medallion with a fraction of the gods' power to make themselves stronger, it's unknown when they got them and how nor if previous generations bosses had their own.

Chapter 5: Season 1[]

The Great Peely Rescue (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

However, this plan backfired, as Jones, who had no knowledge of the Box yet was willing to go to extreme measures to save his friend, went to war with them with the help of The Underground[29] led by Valeria's younger sister Hope as a collective resistance against the Society.

Over the course of the Takedown Quests; Jones, Hope, and The Looper work together to eliminate Legion Guards and Elites, steal Society Medallions, and defeat the leaders of the Society, which culminate in Jones finally rescuing Peely from Fencing Fields[30]. These attacks cause the Society's control of the Island to begin to falter. However, Valeria continued her search for Pandora's Box near Ruined Reels, where she set up a new camp.

As The Society's power continued to dwindle, a strange traveler arrived on the Island, named Odyssey, and a strange Mosaic that bears a warning was discovered. After hearing about The Looper and seeing part of their fate, she recruited them to help her in her research about The Mosaic that she believed to herald something and that it's linked to the ancient power that she feels on the Island. As The Looper managed to find more fragments of The Mosaic, Odyssey revealed that the Society Medallions that the leaders of The Society possessed, contained a fragment of this power, and that this same power grows stronger[31]. Later, after a series of earthquakes near Valeria's camp, a giant hand emerged from the ground, holding the chained Pandora's Box, meaning Valeria finally found it. Sometime later, the box was broken free from the chains by Valeria, and unleashed a giant beam of light and countless souls out of the box.

Chapter 5: Season 2[]

Conqueror Zeus (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

After opening Pandora's Box, Valeria disappeared[32], and the gods arrived on the Island with Zeus intending to put an end to mortalkind. The Society is largely defeated by The Underground, with only a few members such as Montague, Oscar, Nisha, Kavel. Valeria contacts Clara, a Society Member [33], for an unknown mission. Montague, viewing his Society as godlike and unstoppable, confronts the wrathful gods with the remnants of The Society[34], notably Zeus[35], Artemis[36] and Poseidon[37], on several occasions with little to no success. The Society members including Valeria proven no match for the gods, barely surviving their wrath.[6] After this Montague[38] and Valeria both escaped the Island, with Valeria draining The Society coffers while Oscar, Nisha and Kavel when into hiding, keeping a low profile for a while.[6]

Chapter 5: Season 3[]

After this, The Society's remaining minor bases were abandoned by the Minions who guarded them. The organization is no more than just a company and a group of elites now, still being responsible for the Island's railway system, the entirety of Reckless Railways and the management of the Grand Glacier Hotel, but without the power they once had. However as The Society stopped paying No Sweat Insurance, The Underwriter attacked one of their remaining infrastructure: the train and took it out of service. Oscar and Nisha later came out of hiding after the gods had left the Island. Oscar returned to take back everything he lost, he settled at Classy Courts. He holds little to no grudges against Hope, Jones and Peely, and

Nisha (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite

is just determined to continue life and recover everything he lost.[39] Since the fall of The Society and Fencing Fields disappearance, Nisha must rebuild her life from scratch.[40] Hope, believing in Nisha, tries to convince her to fight for something good[41]. Jones also try to convince her[42].

Chapter 5: Season 4[]

After Doom brought Latveria to the Island along with The Raft and created his new kingdom, The Society restored their train and Orchard Station. However Doom took control of it and painted it in his image, taking over the whole railways system, though he did not take control of Grand Station. Nisha and Kavel finally decided to reluctantly join The Underground, turning their back on their Society brethren. Artemis, the last of The Pantheon still on the island later reveals to The Looper that "every family" in The Society, including Hope's and Nisha's are from the lineage of The Pantheon, making Hope, Valeria, Nisha, Kavel and potentially Montague descendants of Greek Gods. After The Undergrounds fight against Doom[43], a Rift Beacon was sent flying, landing at Grand Glacier where it began to malfunction merging Ultima Carver's Halloween Reality with the hotel, leading it to be consumed by pumpkins and vines.

Chapter 2 Remix[]

Hope would contact Valeria, to talk about her own future as well as the Island's future. She encourages Valeria to meet up with The Underground and rebuild things with the help of Nisha, saying that otherwise The Underground wouldn't stay gone.


  • Unlike other factions led by a single person, The Society is led by a group of people bonded by a common interest.
    • Ranks in The Society are mainly determined by wealth [44] and to a lesser extend skill[45][46]. The Legion Grunts being at the lowest rank, followed by the Operators, competent agents serving the Elites and Bosses and acting on their behalf, the Elites being both wealthy and competent and finally the Bosses, accumulating the most wealth and enough skills.
    • Most of the Island's elites are said to have joined The Society, with Silas Hesk being the last one still defying them.
  • According to Jones in the Takedown Quests, the Society get their power from their Medallions[47].
  • According to Oscar, Nisha and Hope grew up as members of The Society [48], indicating that their families were either already part of it or joined when they were too young to decide on their own.
    • This fact is reinforced by Hope's dialogue reaction with Oscar during Chapter 5: Season 1 "You weren't always part of The Society. I'm still holding out hope." which was the first clue Oscar was a more recent addition than the others.
    • Nisha, Hope, Kavel and Valeria are often referred to as "Society brats" by other members of The Society like Oscar and Clara, supporting the fact that they were already members of The Society at a very young age.
    • Nisha later confirm her family has been part of The Society for generations.
  • It is noted by both Nisha and Clara that despite the bad actions of The Society, it gave The Island a needed stability and order.[49][50]
  • Peter Griffin is the only member of The Society to not be featured on The Underground's Bounty Board.
    • Early concept art showed Peter Griffin was originally intended to be part of The Underground's Hitlist. But it was cut as they didn't want to make him out to be a bad guy players would want to shoot.
      • Though this reason is questionable as Peter Griffin himself has done many horrible deeds in Family Guy that could justify his antagonistic role.
      • Despite his removal from The Underground hit list, Peter Griffin remained a boss of The Society and an actual villain of the game, making the reason for the removal even more confusing because the basement of his mansion clearly shows that he also sequestered Peely, just like the other bosses.
  • The Society medallions empowering the bosses are tied to the Gods powers likely because every family in The Society are from the lineage of The Pantheon.
  • Valeria and Nisha's families seem relatively prominent in The Society [51][52], and it's possible that their parents were bosses of The Society before them as previous heads of their respective families.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Brilliant Cut Montague Loading Screen
  2. Many quests and In-Game Dialogues from NPCs
  3. Following Cosmetic Items related to The Society: High Society, High Society Clasher, High Society Glider and High Society Ranker
  4. Montague has The Society's logo on his coat.
  5. Montague's Brilliant Cut Style
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "We survived the wrath of the gods. Barely. Montague and Valeria both ran off. Good riddance. And Nisha... poor little rich girl will have to build a life for herself, now." -Oscar when asked about The Society, Chapter 5: Season 3
  7. Valeria has The Society's logo on her belt.
  8. "When will you get it? I'm not your little sister anymore." -one of Hope's outfit reactions for Valeria, Chapter 5: Season 1
  9. ”She's the only one of those Society brats whose calls I'll still take.” -Clara
  10. Oscar has The Society's logo on his belt and on the back of his vest. Some items in his set also feature the logo.
  11. Oscar's Shock Brawler Style
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 "I didn't grow up a Society brat, like Nisha and Hope." -Oscar when asked about his Backstory, Chapter 5: Season 3
  13. "I'm Nisha. I'm new to The Underground." - Nisha's special dialogue with Blair
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Our parents would despise The Underground. That... almost makes this fun." - Nisha's special dialogue with Kavel
  15. Just like Nisha, Kavel has a pin with The Society's logo on his chest.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Silas Hesk's NPC description mentioned other elites joining The Society: "The mysterious heir to the Hesk fortune is perhaps the last elite still defying The Society's reign."
  17. Brilliant Cut Montague
  18. Killian has a pin with The Society's logo on his chest. His set is called "Society Operator".
  19. Clara's Character Collection Book description: "Once The Society's most dangerous operative, the graceful and intense Clara is ready to start from scratch. After all, she didn't become the Island's pre-eminent mercenary without a flair for perfect execution."
  20. "Do you really think I'll inform on my top client? She's the only one of those Society whose calls I'll still take." -Clara when asked about Valeria, Chapter 5: Season 2
  21. 21.0 21.1 With the release of C5S1, Siren and Stash'd recieved a new style called "Society Streetwear"
  22. "I didn't grow up a Society brat, like Nisha and Hope." -Oscar's Ask about dialogue: Backstory
  23. "She's the only one of those Society brats whose calls I'll still take." -Clara's Ask about dialogue: Valeria
  24. "Though offering a spot to riffraff like Oscar... Hmph." -Clara's Ask about dialogue: The Society
  25. "I didn't grow up a Society brat, like Nisha and Hope. I fought for everything I got. I earned it. First on the streets. Then in the ring. Then in The Society. And whatever comes next, I'll earn that too." -Oscar's Ask about dialogue: Backstory
  26. Silas Hesk's Character Collection Book description: "The mysterious heir to the Hesk fortune is perhaps the last elite still defying The Society's reign. Silas Hesk is willing to quietly assist The Underground's efforts."
  27. Silas Hesk's special dialogue with Montague: "I have no interest in joining your Society, so sssssstop asking me."
  28. Vengeance Jones' special dialogue for Valeria: "I don't know anything about this relic you're looking for. You should've left Peely out of this."
  29. Hope's special dialogue for Vengeance Jones before Update v28.30: "I get it, this is personal for you. It is for me, too."
  30. The Great Peely Rescue Loading Screen
  31. "The Mosaic is very old... and connected to a power I feel here on the Island. A power whose echoes I feel within those "Medallions". And... why do I feel that mysterious power growing stronger?" - Odyssey, Odyssey Quests"
  32. Hope's dialogue about Valeria: "Leave it to my sister to literally open Pandora's Box... ...and then leave me to clean up the mess. Valeria always liked to make a dramatic exit."
  33. Once The Society's most dangerous operative, the graceful and intense Clara is ready to start from scratch."
  34. "The Society realized they weren't gods once actual gods showed up." -Hope when asked about The Society, Chapter 5: Season 2
  35. Conqueror Zeus Loading Screen
  36. Immortal Artemis Loading Screen
  37. Poseidon (Loading Screen) Loading Screen
  38. Montague (Loading Screen) Loading Screen
  39. "I came up from nothing before, and I'll do it again." -Oscar, Chapter 5: Season 3
  40. Oscar's dialogue about The Society: "And Nisha... poor little rich girl will have to build a life for herself, now."
  41. "Now that everything's changed... don't you want to be part of something good?" -Hope's special dialogue wearing Nisha in C5S3
  42. "Hope really believes in you. Don't squander that." -Vengeance Jones' special dialogue wearing Nisha in C5S3
  43. Absolute Doom Event
  44. Clara, the best Operative of The Society, has widely implied that the Bosses of The Society obtained their position through their wealth, while she is superior to them in capacity.
  45. Legion Heavy Grunts although not being Elites hold a position of lieutenant -Takedown Quests
  46. Despite being the most Dangerous Operative of The Society, Clara wasn't an Elite, showing that wealth trumps skills.
  47. "The Society get their power from these Medallions. So, let's power up." - Vengeance Jones, Takedown Quests"
  48. "I didn't grow up a Society brat, like Nisha and Hope." - Oscar Character Ask About Backstory Dialogue
  49. "The Society gave this island much-needed stability. Though offering a spot to riffraff like Oscar... Hmph. This Island will always crave a strong hand. Do you expect to defeat these gods and rule yourself?" -Clara Ask About: The Society
  50. "This chaos is exactly what I'd expect the Island to look like with no Society to run things." -Nisha Random Default Dialogue
  51. "My family was in The Society for generations. I will admit, even with all I lost, I am not sad to see it crumble. I made... sacrifices, in order to keep our family name in good standing. Perhaps, in the absence of my family's legacy, I am finally free." -Nisha's Ask about The Society during c5s3
  52. "Growing up, Hope was not what you'd call a 'natural leader' Once she grew a conscience, she became... unpopular with our peers. If her family's background wasn't impeccable... ah, but enough about that." -Nisha's Ask about Hope during c5s3