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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki

Thermal Vision is a Gameplay Mechanic in Fortnite that was introduced in Season 3. It highlights players and certain objects in the environment, enabling longer-distance and unobscured viewing of them.


Thermal Vision works by highlighting players or certain objects in the environment, by contrasting them greatly with the background. Thermal Vision will either highlight a player warm colors, such as orange and red on a dark blue backdrop, or it will highlight them white or grey, on a dark backdrop. This allows the objects to contrast and be seen easier.

Thermal Vision works through transparent objects, such as damaged or under construction structures. This allows players to be highlighted and identified easier through them. Thermal Vision also works through fog and smoke, so things like The Storm's obstructing purple mist, or the smoke from a Smoke Grenade will be ignored with Thermal Vision.

However, Thermal Vision can make it difficult to gauge distance, as the backdrop created by Thermal vision is bland and similar, meaning an object that is large and far away, may appear similar to one close and smaller. On top of this, Thermal Vision can make it difficult to identify Targets. For example, a player may attack an AI such as a IO Guard instead of an enemy player, as it is very difficult to distinguish between them when they are highlighted the same color.

Things that are highlighted with Thermal Vision include:

  • Opponents (Enemies, AIs etc.), and Friendly Players
  • Vehicles


Thermal Vision can be applied with various items.

Name Icon Rarity Category Description Season
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle (v20.00) - Weapon - Fortnite
Assault Weapon An Assault Weapon that applies thermal vision when scoped in. Season 4
Suppressed Sniper Rifle
Suppressed Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Sniper Rifle A Spy Games upgrade of the Suppressed Sniper Rifle that applies thermal vision when scoped in. Chapter 2: Season 2
Thermal Fish
Purple and Orange Thermal Fish - Thermal Fish - Fortnite
Legendary Consumable A Consumable Item that applies thermal vision when consumed. Chapter 2: Season 4
Thermal Taffy
Thermal Taffy - Item - Fortnite
Common Consumable A Consumable Item that applies thermal vision when consumed. Chapter 2: Season 4
Night Hawk
Night Hawk - Weapon - Fortnite
Exotic Pistol An Exotic version of the Scoped Revolver that applies thermal vision when scoped in. Chapter 2: Season 5
Amban Sniper Rifle
Amban Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mythic Sniper Rifle A Sniper Rifle that appliesthermal vision when scoped in. Chapter 2: Season 5
Titan Tank (Cannon)
Titan Tank (IO) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Titan Tank (The Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Common Vehicle A Vehicle with a cannon that applies thermal vision when scoped in. Chapter 3: Season 2
Huntmaster Saber's Thermal Rifle
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle (v20.00) - Weapon - Fortnite
Mythic Assault Weapon A Mythic version of the Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle that also that applies thermal vision when scoped in. Chapter 3: Season 2
Thermal DMR
Thermal DMR - Weapon - Fortnite
Marksman Rifle A Marksman Rifle that applie thermal vision when scoped in, which can be tured on and off. Chapter 4: Season 3
Diamond's Thermal DMR
Thermal DMR - Weapon - Fortnite
Mythic Marksman Rifle A Mythic version of the Thermal DMR that also applies vision when scoped in, which can be tured on and off. Chapter 4: Season 4
Thermal Optic
Thermal Optic - Weapon Mod - Fortnite
N/A Weapon Mod A Weapon Mod that can be apllied to various Moddable Weapons. Chapter 5: Season 2
Save the World
Neon Sniper Rifle
Neon Sniper Rifle - Schematic - Save the World
Sniper Rifle Epic
Sniper Rifle with a scope that can detect enemies through walls. Season 3


Season 4[]

Update v4.40[]

  • Introduced.

Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Update v20.00[]

  • Changed Thermal color from Black and White to Blue and Orange.

