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Fortnite Wiki
File:Retractable floor spikes.png

Traps are placeable items in Fortnite: Save the World used to fight monsters and assist the player. They are an integral part of Fortnite's "Tower Defense" style gameplay.

Players must place a trap on a solid, unmodified structure tile---that is, a tile without spaces cut for windows, doors, holes, or archways. An exception is the "Wall (Fence)" type which can be placed on any wall tile with a solid bottom row. The game will signal players whether a placement location is valid using colored icons and providing an explanation if not valid. Placing traps is made to be simple and intuitive, and experimenting in the game world is an effective way to learn the system.


Traps provide stationary defenses to zones, player buildings, and objectives. They damage and stun, displace and heal, and they operate automatically without the need for player management. Traps cannot harm heroes.

Players may place traps by attaching them to structures. Traps are divided into three placement types - wall traps, ceiling traps, and floor traps - and each trap may only fasten to its matching structure type. It is not possible to place a ceiling trap on a wall, for example.

Like weapons, traps are a storable commodity carried in the player's backpack. They may be found in the game world as loot or crafted by the player with the use of schematics. Trap items are consumable and disappear from the player's inventory after a single use. Players replenish or stockpile their trap inventory by looting or crafting.

Trap schematics can be leveled up to grant bonus attributes and increase the general strength of the crafted traps they yield.

Ceiling Traps

Name Target Role Damage
File:Ceiling Zapper Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite.png Ceiling Zapper Single-target Damage 277 - 390
Ceiling Gas Trap Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Ceiling Gas Trap Area Damage over time 34 - 45
File:Icon Weapons electric ceiling Trap.png Ceiling Electric Field Area (Extended) Damage 50 - 60
Ceiling Drop Trap Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Ceiling Drop Trap Area Damage 41 - 50

Floor Traps

Name Target Role Note
Retractable Floor Spikes Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Retractable Floor Spikes Area Damage 108 - 144
File:Flame Grill Floor Trap Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite.png Flame Grill Contact Damage
Wooden Floor Spikes Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Wooden Floor Spikes Contact Damage, Slow 14 - 20
Bouncer - Trap - Fortnite Bouncer Area Launch No fall damage
Floor Launcher Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Floor Launcher Area Launch Knockback
Floor Freeze Trap Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Freeze Pad Area Stun
File:Healing Pad Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite.png Healing Pad Single-target Healing 140 - 186 Healing
Icon Weapons S Ward Proto L Patrol Ward Prevent spawning Utility
Icon Weapons JumpPadD floor L Player Jump Pad (Directional) Contact Utility

Wall Traps

Name Target Role Damage
Wall Darts Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Wall Darts Projectile Damage 50 - 66
Wall Spikes Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Wall Spikes Contact Damage 70
File:Wall Dynamo Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite.png Wall Dynamos Area Damage 183 - 245
Wall Launcher Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Wall Launchers Area Launch
Wall Lights Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Wall Lights Area Stun
Sound Wall Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Sound Walls Area Stun
Broadside Schematic - Weapon - Fortnite Broadsides Area Stun