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Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This page may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect.

Unseen Characters in Fortnite: Battle Royale Lore.


The Nothing[]

The Blackout - Event - Fortnite

The entity behind The Last Reality, seeking people worthy of receiving their power and the one who controls Chrome. Although we saw manifestations of it, such as a black hole during The End (Chapter 1) or when it spoke through TVs Bytes Quests, we never saw their "appearance".

The Shapeless Man[]

In Oathbound Quests, Rift Warden Stellan describes him as "A being. A Shapeless Man. He watches us with dark purpose" and "He always said he imagined a world of perfect order". It is suggested however that it is either The Nothing or Geno.


The owner of the Hot Saucers podcast. She is good friends with Sunny, a fellow Alien enthusiast.


A character from Save The World who talked to Mari during one of her podcasts in the Foreshadowing Quests.


Meowscles' Grandfather mentioned by him in the Purradise Meowscles Quests.

The Great Kraken[]

Some kind of Atlantean deity mentioned by Bryne in Snapshots Quests.


Project Cyber Bruce - Board - Fortnite

An Imagined Order office worker in The Bridge that has been feeding Laser Chomp despite warnings not to.

Old Guardians[]

Unknown magical entities that Raz worshipped. Mentioned in The Spire Quests.

Exiled Sages[]

Sages of the Oathbound having been exiled long ago.


The Weaponsmith of The Pantheon. God of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes. Hephaestus is the creator of the divine weapons of the gods, including Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun, The Thunderbolt of Zeus, and Ares' Warforged Assault Rifle. Zeus enticed Hephaestus to copycat Medusa's smithwork into hourglasses that harnessed Zeus' essence, capable of boosting Zeus' godly power.


The Third Triarch[]

An unnamed entity who ruled along with Triarch Nox and Triarch Aurora an unknown realm. While their realm fell, Triarch Nox fled while they disappeared mysteriously according to Triarch Aurora.

"The Decaying force"[]

An unidentified entity whom Triarch Aurora speaks to The Looper about, telling them that Triarch Nox encountered them after the fall of their realm and was likely corrupted by them. This entity may, however, actually be The Nothing or The Shapeless Man.

Bus Driver[]

The driver of the Battle Bus. Not much is known about them, but it is hinted by Farmer Steel that they may be an older individual, since he tells us to "respect our elders" in a Daily Quest to thank them.

Agent Jones' Family[]

Wife, children, grandchild and descendants of John Jones mentioned in Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War.

Chapter 3 Quests Giver[]

In Chapter 3, the Season and Daily Quests contain dialogues from an unknown individual. They seem to be aligned with The Seven as in a Season Quest, it is required to recover Seven supplies from the IO Locations.

Human Bill's Father[]

The supposed creator of Saucers and Motherships. Bill could be bluffing about this, however.

The Ice King's Knights[]

Polar Peak - Promo - Fortnite

A group of unknown warriors that fought alongside The Ice King in a mission to collect powerful objects and lock them on The Ice Moon. They were all frozen on The Moon alongside Ice King after The Prisoner's betrayal.

Original Owner of Drift's Mask[]

Unknown individual that gave Drift his Fox Clan mask.

The Island's Biographer[]

Unknown writer of the Character Collection Book's Bios. According to Slone's Chapter 2: Season 7 Bio, he interviews the characters individually. He was mentioned in Kymera's character Bio where he went missing. Another Biographer has presumably taken his place since then until Chapter 5: Season 4, where the character bios were removed.

