Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki

Update v11.00 of Fortnite released on October 15th 2019. It brought Chapter 2 and chapters in general to Fortnite.

What's New?[]

Drop in to a New World

Choose your landing spot and explore an all-new island featuring 13 new locations.

New Water Gameplay

Swimming, Fishing, Motorboats, and more!

Support Your Squad

Heal your squad with the Bandage Bazooka, carry your fallen teammates to safety, and celebrate with new group emotes like high fives!

Hideouts and Explosives

Hide in Haystacks and Dumpsters to get the drop on your opponent or go in blazing by blowing up gas tanks and explosive barrels.

Upgraded Combat

Get back to basics and battle enemies with a streamlined weapon arsenal. Upgrade weapons using resources at the Upgrade Bench.

More Fun, Less Grind

Level through an all new Battle Pass featuring a brand new XP system and Medals you earn in match.

Weapons and Items[]

  • Motorboats
    • A new 4-player vehicle that can travel on both land and water.
    • It has a missile attack that deals 35 damage and has to recharge for a few seconds.
    • It has 800 health.
  • Fishing Rod
    • A Common Item that is used to fish up Fish, Weapons, Materials etc.
  • Pistol
    • Added Epic and Legendary variants.
  • Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
    • Added Common and Uncommon variants.
      • The Common variant was nearly immediately vaulted in a hotfix.



What's New?[]

  • AFK / Leeching Improvements!
  • In-game AFK has been F.O.R.Tified!
    • We’ve significantly reduced the time before AFK players will be removed from matches.
    • Players not contributing in public matches will receive a warning message on their screen, their team will be alerted, and then automatically removed from the session if they haven’t shaped up.
    • Players who are not contributing to objectives will receive less rewards than those who are actively participating.


Weapons + Items[]

  • Wild West Llama
    • Revamped and available for a limited time! Cost 500 event tickets.
