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Fortnite Wiki

Update v3.30 was released on March 15th 2018.


Top o’ the mornin!

The battle is really BOOM-ing with Battle Royale’s latest weapon… Remote Explosives! Save the World’s Spring it On! event sees the addition of a new, lucky questline and gains a new Hero who’s as green as a four-leafed clover.

One more thing… Fortnite Battle Royale is coming to Mobile! We couldn’t be more excited to bring the game you all love to your hand-held devices. Head to for more details.

Remote Explosives (Battle Royale)
Topple fortresses at the click of a button.


Supply Llama (Battle Royale)
Find loot in the most unexpected of places. The Supply Llama has joined the battle.

Supply Llama - Promo - Fortnite

Luck of the Storm Questline (Save the World)
Uncover treacherous treasures, track mythical creatures, and brave springtime shenanigans in ‘Luck of the Storm’!

Luck of the Storm - Event - Fortnite

Shamrock Reclaimer Outlander (Save the World)
Charge your abilities by defeating enemies and be the lucky charm we’ve always needed!


  • Wondering what’s happening with Fortnite? Find real-time info via the Epic Games Status Page here.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved server performance and reduced bandwidth usage when players are jumping.
  • Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages will display properly in the UI when changing languages while playing the game.


Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our snazzy new Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.

Battle Royale[]

Fortnite Battle Royale Announced for Mobile![]

  • Click here to sign-up for the Invite Event on iOS.

Weapons + Items[]

  • Supply Llama added.
    • Extremely rare - only 3 created per match.
    • Location is chosen at random.
    • Opened like a treasure chest. Contains:
      • 500 Wood, Stone, Metal.
      • 10 stacks of each ammo type.
      • 3 Traps and consumables.
  • Remote Explosives added.
    • Detonated by using the "Aim Down Sights" button.
    • Rare rarity.
    • Found in Supply Llamas, Treasure Chests, Floor Loot or Supply Drops.
    • Stacks of 4 (Max of 10).
  • Smoke Grenade has been vaulted.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the ‘No Scope Hunting Rifle’ name to simply be ‘Hunting Rifle’.
  • Fixed missing environmental impact FX on Hunting Rifle projectiles.


  • Limited Time Mode: Blitz
    *NOTE: This mode will be enabled on 3/19.
    • Blitz has much shorter storm times resulting in faster & more intense matches!
      • Maximum match length is 15 minutes.
    • The match will start with the storm circle already closing in over the island.
    • Adjustments to loot availability:
      • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 80-90%.
      • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 85-95%.
      • Floor Loot spawns nearly 100% of the time.
      • Supply Drop spawn interval lessened from 180s (+/- 30s) to 80s (+/- 20s).
      • Supply Drop descent time shortened from 60s to 30s.
      • Launchpad spawn likelihood greatly increased.
    • Harvesting resources doubled.
    • Resources found in loot increased from 30 to 100.
  • Treasure chest health increased from 200 to 500.
  • Ammo box health increased from 120 to 250.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing the unintentional rotation of stairs.
  • Fixed an issue causing an eliminated player’s collision to stick around temporarily, making it difficult to pick-up their dropped items.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the News window not displaying once you select Battle Royale.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made characters appear with the wrong orientation when previewing items in the front end menu.

Art + Animation[]

  • Updated the circular bullet impact FX so that they help indicate the direction the shot came from.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed gunshot sound stuttering that would occur when firing an automatic weapon at low ammo counts.
  • Fixed issue that caused gunfire and other sounds to play at louder volume than usual.


  • Optimized shield effects on players to improve overall frame rate.

Save the World[]

This patch includes a reversion of the Critical Chance re-balance done in the v3.2 update, and a pass to fix bugs and balance problems with the stat caps.


  • Next chapter of Spring it On! unlocks - ‘Luck of the Storm’.
    • Battle lucky Husks, uncover treacherous treasures, track mythical spokescreatures, and brave springtime storm shenanigans!
    • Quest rewards include an Epic Leprechaun Survivor + your choice of one of three Legendary St. Patrick’s themed Heroes:
      • Luck Demolisher Wildcat
      • Highland Warrior Wildcat
      • Battle Hound Jonesy
  • Rebalanced Stat Caps.
    • Party shared F.O.R.T. stat caps have been reverted to their old balance relative to the personal F.O.R.T. stat caps.
      • One high-level friend can share enough F.O.R.T. stats to boost your duo to the 4-player balance point, if they are far enough above your level.
    • F.O.R.T. stat caps in Stonewood have been reverted to the end-of-zone threshold.
    • F.O.R.T. stat caps have increased across the other three locations.
      • They begin being offset upwards in mid-Plankerton, and this offset increases at higher difficulties.
      • These caps are now at or above the caps present at launch:
        • In the top 2 difficulties of Plankerton.
        • In the top 3 difficulties of Canny Valley.
        • In the top 4 difficulties of Twine Peaks.
    • Weapon level caps have been increased to match character level caps.
      • Increased starting cap from 12 to 20.
      • Caps increase in increments of 10 until they reach 50.
    • The points where Weapon and Character level caps increase has been moved a few difficulties earlier.
  • Set base Weapon Skill to 50 for all heroes.
    • This allows low-level players to effectively use high-level guns while playing in high-level areas.
    • As a result of this change the Weapon Skill skill tree nodes no longer function. We will replace or remove these nodes in a future patch.

Bug Fixes

  • Stat caps for Storm Shield Defenses were lower than intended and have been raised to their intended levels (equivalent to end-of-zone missions).

Weapons + Items[]

  • Critical Chance weapon and trap perks increased from 11.5% / 16.5% / 21% to 14% / 21% / 28%.
    • This reverts the change made to Critical Chance in the v3.2 patch.


  • Shamrock Reclaimer Outlander is available in the Event Store.

Bug Fixes

  • The Outlander subclass Flash now unlocks Loot Llama at level 1 and ‘Phase Shift’ at level 2.
  • Fixed issue stopping Flash Eagle Eye and Flash A.C.'s abilities and traps from scaling with Tech.
  • Fixed issue stopping Flash Eagle Eye and Flash A.C. from interacting with Fragments at level 1.
  • The Speed Boost Pad no longer grants Utility for every activation.


  • Added sound for adding item to storage locker.
  • Added sounds for clicking items in the Collection Book.