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All I want for Winterfest is presents! Head to Fortnite’s Winterfest Cabin during Winterfest to receive presents, then drop into the snow-covered Battle Royale Island and fight with frosty firepower like the Blizzard Grenade to celebrate the season. Plus, sled into the Shop to pick up festive Outfits like Mariah Carey, Santa Shaq, and Guffmas Tree! Winterfest is live now until January 7, 2025, at 9 AM ET.

Get Cozy by the Fire and Unwrap Presents![]

You’re gonna need a whole lot more than just a stocking upon the fireplace. The Winterfest Cabin is back for 2024, where you’ll find a shiny new present every day from now ‘til January 7! Hidden away inside these presents are festive Outfits, Back Blings, Pickaxes, Gliders, and a whole lot more. Unwrap the frosty yet fearless Yulejacket Outfit, the minty fresh Peppermint Paraglider, and the super-chill Santa Dogg Outfit!

Yulejacket and Peppermint Paraglider - Promo - Fortnite

Santa Dogg - Promo - Fortnite

The Winterfest Cabin is accessible through the Snowflake tab in the Lobby of any Fortnite experience. Presents are available to unwrap until Winterfest ends on January 7 at 9 AM ET.

Don’t care about the gifts ‘neath the tree? Watch the fire in the cabin and you’ll earn bonus XP just for taking some time to relax.

All of the items inside presents are not exclusive to Winterfest 2024, as they may become purchasable in the Shop at a later date.

Winterfest Cabin (2024) - Promo - Fortnite

A Winterfest Wonderland Has Arrived[]

Mariah Carey is freed from the ice block! Spreading Winterfest cheer, she’s bringing more than just rhythm to this year’s Winterfest: she’s also bringing lots of snow! From now until the end of Winterfest, certain parts of the Island are covered in a wintery blanket. You may encounter some snowfall as well!

Winterfest Oninoshima - Promo - Fortnite

Speaking of the queen of Winterfest, dance with Mariah on the Island and she’ll reward you with a Holiday Present! — a gameplay item you can throw to uncover the loot inside.

Unleash an Arctic Arsenal![]

Take a page from Sgt. Winter with the Blizzard Grenade! After blasting your foes with it, they’ll be swept up in a blizzard that slows movement and deals damage. Slide in for a finishing blow with the Icy Feet item, which you can use to move at high speed — even on water!

Blizzard Grenade and Icy Feet (2024) - Promo - Fortnite

You can find both of these items in Chests around the map until the end of Winterfest.

Set Out on Winterfest Quests![]

Who's been naughty and who’s been nice? Sgt. Winter needs your help to complete his Wintervestigation and find out who deserves a special delivery this Winterfest. Each time you finish one of his Quests, you’ll be awarded with XP!

Sgt. Winter (2024) - Promo - Fortnite

In the Shop: Mariah Carey, Shaq, and More![]

There’s snow such thing as too much Winterfest. Festive goodies will be available in the Shop during the snowy season, including Mariah Carey and Shaq Outfits! Look out for these bundles as Winterfest goes on:

Mariah Carey Bundle
The Mariah Carey Bundle is equal parts festive and fabulous. It is packed with the Santa Suit Mariah Outfit and the glamorous gold Mariah Carey Outfit, which were both inspired by the cover art for Mariah’s Merry Christmas and The Emancipation of Mimi albums. Both of these Outfits have LEGO Styles too!

The bundle also includes the Angelic Wings and Gilded Honey Wings Back Blings, as well as Mariah’s Mic and the All I Want For Christmas Is You Emote. Alongside the bundle, Mariah's mega-hit All I Want For Christmas Is You will also be available in the Shop as a Jam Track.

Mariah Carey Set - Promo - Fortnite

Guffmas Tree Bundle
He’s fluffy, decorated, and all ready to celebrate Winterfest. The Guffmas Tree Bundle includes the Guffmas Tree Outfit (with a LEGO Style), Celebration Bell Back Bling, Present Pummeler Pickaxe, and Guffy’s Gift Wrap.

Guffmas Tree Bundle - Promo - Fortnite

Santa Shaq Bundle
There’s Sgt. Winter, then there’s the general. The Santa Shaq Bundle includes the Santa Shaq Outfit which features a hood, beard, glasses, and hat that can be individually toggled on or off. Something else to be jolly about: Santa Shaq has a LEGO Style!

The Bundle also includes the Santa Shaqpack Back Bling, Hittin’ Mittens Pickaxe, Shaq Wrapped Wrap, and Nice List Emote. (He’s checkin’ it twice.)

Santa Shaq Bundle - Promo - Fortnite

Snowy Ops Bundle
The Snowy Ops Bundle will be frosting up the Shop! Become an icy infiltrator with the Snowy Ops Outfit (with a LEGO Style), Crisp Chopper Dropper Glider, Icespike Pickaxe, Sleet Storm Wrap, and Snowshadow Slingback Back Bling.

Snowy Ops Bundle - Promo - Fortnite

Snoop Dogg | Cadillac Bundle
Pair Santa Dogg with a new ride with the Snoop Dogg | Cadillac Bundle! It contains the 1966 Cadillac DeVille Car Body, the newly-unwrapped Snoop Wrapped Decal, and three additional Decals to customize the Cadillac with — the Blue Pinstripe, White Pinstripe, and LBC ‘93. Plus, pop it like it’s hot with the SD Whitewall Wheels.

Here’s one last thing for the Doggs: the Dogghouse Sleigh Emote! It’ll be available in the Shop alongside the Cadillac Bundle.

Snoop Wrapped 1966 Cadillac Devile - Promo - Fortnite

Tournament Notes[]

  • All gameplay features part of this year’s Winterfest will not be included in tournaments.

You heard Mariah… Winterfest is here! Join the celebration until January 7 at 9 AM ET.

Frostnite Challenge Week 4: Superheated

Frostnite Super Heated - Promo - Fortnite

Starting on December 18 at 7pm ET, The Burner’s heating up! Keep yourself and your structures at a safe distance or feel the intensity of the burner.

Complete this toasty Frostnite Challenge to unlock the Ginger Blaster pistol and a unique banner.

The Ginger Blaster

Gumdrops? Yes please! A potent and quick revolver with modest recoil that drops healing gumdrops on Husks elimination.

Available from the Superheated Frostnite Challenge until December 25th at 7pm ET.

Ginger Blaster - Promo - Fortnite

Pain Train

Slow and steady wins the race! Also starting December 19, the Pain Train — Slow and steady wins the race with this powerful assault rifle! — returns to the Event Store at 7 PM ET.

Pain Train - Promo - Fortnite

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was causing structures to not be editable and prevented Traps from being placed on structures that B.A.S.E. or depleted Traps were previously on.
  • Fixed an issue where Husks could destroy wall and floor traps.
  • Fixed an issue where placing a Trap on a building, upgrading the building, and then leaving the zone would cause the Trap and materials used to disappear.

Known Issues
