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Fortnite Wiki

Update v6.01 was released on October 3rd 2018.

Stay Frosty,[]

A ‘cool’ trap debuts in Battle Royale and pummel those Husks with a new weapon in Save the World.

Chiller (Battle Royale)
Don't get cold feet! Freeze your foes and slide around for a quick getaway.


Playground Custom Options (Battle Royale)
More options have been added for you to play around with. Tweak starting health, gravity and more!

Playground - Promo - Fortnite

Lead Sled Hammer (Save the World)
Knock those Husks into the ground with this new weapon.

Lead Sled Hammer - Promo - Fortnite

Known Issues[]

Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.

Battle Royale[]

Limited Time Mode: Playground[]

Playground Custom Options

  • Added more custom options to Playground. Allowing you to change settings such as starting health, time of day, gravity, and more!

Weapons + Items[]

  • Chiller added.
    • Common Trap.
    • Can be placed on floors, walls, or ceilings.
    • Drops in stacks of 3 in Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, Vending Machines, Supply Llamas, and floor loot.
    • Applies icy feet to friends or foes, causing them to slide around with low friction.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause vehicles to become uncontrollable.


  • Made improvements to the motion controls for the Switch to make it feel more accurate and responsive.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed a change that was inadvertently introduced in v6.01 which caused Bonesy to bark more than was intended.
  • Pets are now hidden along with your character when the camera is too close to you.
  • Toys now respect the streamer mode setting for player names in minigame messages.
  • Slightly increased the hitbox size on the Fancy Tomato to match its visual size.


  • The following adjustments have been made to Glider audio tells:
    • Muffled the audio if there isn’t a clear line of sight between you other gliding players.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where incorrect audio would play when a teammate was eliminated.


Bug Fixes

  • Added star ratings to the UI elements of all trap items.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players occasionally couldn’t interact with items.
    • NOTE: This fix has been delayed as we continue testing and will be available in a future release.

Save the World[]


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Keep Out!!!’s damage area was smaller than intended.

Weapons + Items[]

  • Lead Sled Hammer added to the Weekly Store.
    • A fast-swinging hammer that gains speed with each hit.
    • Leap Attack: Heavy attack that jumps to the targeted foe and damages and knocks down nearby enemies.
    • Available Wednesday, October 3 at 8 PM ET until Wednesday, October 10 at 8 PM ET.
  • Obliterator Sniper Rifle added to the Weekly Store.
    • A slow firing Sniper Rifle with high base damage and a heavy kick.
    • Shots pierce through walls and husks alike, and can quickly obliterate structures.
    • Available Wednesday, October 3 at 8 PM ET until Wednesday, October 10 at 8 PM ET.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Walloper Hammer sometimes wouldn’t do damage while using the Leap Attack.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a hitch while using the Leap Attack with the Walloper Hammer.
  • Elemental visual effects on weapons are now hidden along with your character when the camera is too close to you.