Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki

Update v8.30 of Fortnite was released on April 10th 2019, during Season 8.

Battle Royale[]

What's New?[]

  • Reboot Van - Never give up, never surrender! Bring eliminated teammates back into battle with the Reboot Van. Drop in now and become the hero your team needs.
Buccaneer's Bounty - Event - Fortnite
  • Buccaneer's Bounty Event - Avast ye mateys… Drop in and arm yourselves during the Buccaneer’s Bounty event! Test your skills in a fresh LTM every single day and collect your very own treasure in the form of in-game rewards by completing free Challenges.


What's New?[]

  • MultiSelect - Grab the corner house or the whole block! The MultiSelect tool is here to make moves a piece of cake.
  • Military Base Theme - Reinforce your fort with sleek, new military style buildings.
Capture Area - Promo - Fortnite
  • Capture Area - Deposit an object into the area to score a point. Use this device to set up all sorts of capture the flag style games!

Save the World[]

What's New?[]

  • BombSquad Kyle - Bolster your Hero’s armor with this new Legendary Constructor. This Hero is “The Bomb”.
  • Lost in Transit Beta Storm - Don’t get Lost.. in transit to this new Beta Storm. Locate the supply trucks and put them back on course!