Update v9.00 of Fortnite was released on May 9, 2019.
Battle Royale[]
What's New?[]
Season 9 - Battle Pass
New Season, new Battle Pass. 100 levels, over 100 new rewards. Available in-game right now for 950 V-Bucks.
Get around locations quickly with the new Slipstream wind transportation system.
Weapons & Items[]
- Added Combat Shotgun
- Semi-Automatic
- Holds 10 Shells.
- Fires 9 pellets per shot for 73 / 77 / 81 base damage.
- Tight spread and fast fire rate.
- Headshot multiplier of 1.70x.
- Reloads 2 shells at a time.
- Available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants.
- Available from Floor, Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines
- Semi-Automatic
- Adjusted Tactical Shotgun damage
- Base damage increased from 66/70/74 to 71/75/79
- Reduced Drum Gun availability from 16.732% to 7.155%
- Reduced Boom Bow availability from 1.292% to .755%
- Unvaulted Grenades
- Vaulted Clingers
- Vaulted Buried Treasure
- Vaulted Pump Shotgun
- Vaulted Poison Dart Trap
- Vaulted Scoped Revolver
- Vaulted Suppressed Assault Rifle
- Vaulted Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
- Vaulted Balloons
- Slipstreams
- These tunnels of wind passively carry players down the stream.
- Players can move faster and change direction when actively trying to move down the Stream.
- Use directional input to gain extra velocity. Experiment with bobbing up and down for higher speeds.
- Players are launched when exiting the tube based on their movement speed and exit angle.
- Projectiles and Vehicles can also enter the Slipstream.
- These tunnels of wind passively carry players down the stream.
- Air Vents
- The powerful gusts of air from these environmental items can launch players short distances and grant immunity to fall damage.
- Fortbytes
- Fortbytes are a series of 100 collectible computer chips available to Battle Pass owners. As you collect Fortbytes, you’ll decrypt a mysterious image. Collect them all to unlock rewards and uncover the secrets of Season 9.
- On the first day of Season 9, there are 18 Fortbytes available to find. At least 1 new Fortbyte will be unlocked each day. Check the Challenges Tab for detailed information on which Fortbytes are currently available and when the others unlock.
- Fortbytes cannot be collected after Season 9 ends.
- Disconnected players will stay in the world for 60 seconds. They still take damage and count for elimination points.
Limited Time Mode Rotation:[]
- Trios
- Classic Battle Royale with Three-Person Squads.
- Solid Gold
- Fight to the finish using Legendary weapons!
- One Shot
- Low Gravity. Every player has 50 health. Sniper weapons are the only weapon, Bandages are the only healing item. Jump high and aim well!
What’s New?[]
Neo Tilted - Build your own imagined version of Neo Tilted using futuristic prefabs sets and gallery options!
Hover Platform - Hover platforms allow for sky-high construction and are great for platforming!
Creature Manager - Customize creatures’ health, damage and score for advanced games!
- Added Meadow Island - a 105x105 tiles flat, grass island.
- Updated the look of the Creative and Playground’s hubs.
- Added Team Rotation option which causes players to rotate between teams.
- Disabled, Every Round, Every Other Round.
- Use in attack / defend games to give players a chance to play on each side.
- Added new Flight options to Game Settings
- Player Flight Sprint - Sets whether players are allowed to sprint in games where flight is enabled.
- Flight Speed - Sets the speed at which players will fly in games where flight is enabled.
- Added “Allow Out of Bounds” option to Game Settings to keep players from leaving the bounds of an island during games.
- On, Off (Default: On)
- Added Resource Cap option.
- None, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 450, 500, 750, 999, 2000 (Default: 500)
Weapons + Items[]
- Added the Jewel (Crystal Llama) item to the Consumables tab of the creative inventory.
- Use it with the Item Spawner and Capture Area to create your own heist.
- Combat Shotgun
- Semi Automatic
- Holds 10 Shells.
- Fires 9 pellets per shot for 73 / 77 / 81 base damage.
- Tight spread and fast fire rate.
- Headshot multiplier of 1.70x.
- Reloads 2 shells at a time.
- Available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants.
- Semi Automatic
Creative Tools + Phone[]
- You can now “sprint” while flying to move much more quickly.
- Simply hold down the regular sprint button to fly faster.
- Added the ability to change base Flight Speed
- Choose between 0.5x, 1.0x, 1.5x, 2.0x, and 3.0x speeds. (Default 1.0x)
- To change speeds while flying:
- On keyboard, press the C button
- On controllers, press D-Pad Down.
- (Mobile controls will be added soon, with a totally revised control scheme for toggling options!)
- Increased the Multi-Select limit on selectable objects from 20 to 100.
Prefabs & Galleries[]
- Added 6 new Neo Tilted Prefabs.
- Added 3 new Neo Tilted Building Galleries.
- Added a Neo Tilted Prop Gallery.
- Added a Neo Tilted Car Gallery.
- Added a Neo Tilted Hologram Gallery.
- Added Neo Tilted Sidewalks to Street Gallery B.
- Added the Neo Tilted Tree to the Nature Tree Gallery.
- Added the Neo Tilted Flowers to the Nature Jungle Gallery.
- Added more props to General Props Gallery B.
- Added the Creature Manager device to the creative inventory. This allows you to customize the attributes of the creatures that the Creature Spawners create.
- Use one Creature Manager per creature type that you want to customize.
- Type: Fiend, Red Fiend, Brute, Red Brute, Ranged, Megabrute
- Health: Default, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000
- Score: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100
- Damage to players: None, Default, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500
- Damage to the environment: Default, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500
- Added the Hover Platform device.
- This can be placed anywhere and allows building in the air.
- Make sure you place the hover platform first; placing it on an existing building can cause the building to be destroyed.
- Added the Air Vent device.
- Boosts players into the air.
- Added Bacon to the Challenge Gallery.
- Added new options to the Capture Area device.
- Added Team option to restrict item captures to a specific team.
- 1-16 or All (Default: All)
- Added Accent Color option to help visually distinguish Capture Area devices from one another.
- White, Sky Blue, Red-Orange, Golden, Apple Green, Fuschia, Orange, Aquamarine, Beige, Purple, Neon Green, Cerulean, Aqua, Pink, Green (Default: Aqua)
- Added Team option to restrict item captures to a specific team.
- Added new options to the Objective device.
- Added “Show Damage Numbers” option to show how much damage is dealt to the Objective when it is damaged.
- On, Off (Default: Off)
- Updated the health bar on the Objective Device; it now shows whether it’s a Friendly or Enemy target by its color (Friendly shows blue, Enemy shows red)
- Added “Show Damage Numbers” option to show how much damage is dealt to the Objective when it is damaged.
- Added new option to the Explosive Barrel.
- Added “Show Damage Numbers” option to show how much damage is dealt to the Explosive Barrel when it is damaged.
- On, Off (Default: Off)
- Added “Show Damage Numbers” option to show how much damage is dealt to the Explosive Barrel when it is damaged.
- Added new option to the Coin.
- Added “Collecting Team” option to specify which team can collect the coin
- All, Team 1-16(Default: All)
- Added “Collecting Team” option to specify which team can collect the coin
UI + Social[]
- Matched the color for the in-world markers of attack/defend objectives to the color variations in their respective HUD elements.
- Friendly shows blue, Enemy shows red
- Renamed “knockdowns” to “eliminated” in the scoreboard
Save the World[]