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Fortnite Wiki

Spend upgrade points for improved gadgets and capabilities.
— In-Game Description

Upgrade is a menu in Fortnite: Save the World where you can upgrade Gadgets and Tools. It is found in the Command Tab.


  • Icon Gadget Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush (Restores health to players alive/downed)
  • Icon Gadget AirstrikeAir Strike (Drops bombs in a designated area)
  • Icon Gadget BannerBanner (Healing all player built structures in a 1 tile, creates a shockwave and acts as a respawn point for friendly players.
  • Icon Gadget Turret BotHover Turret (A stationary hover turret {max:2})
  • Icon Gadget Proximity MineProximity Mine (Deploys mines that deal massive damage in a 1.5 tile)
  • Icon Gadget SlowfieldSlow Field (Reduces movement of enemies)
  • Icon Gadget Supply DropSupply Drop (Drops a box of materials from the sky)
  • Icon Gadget TeleporterTeleporter (2 teleporting pads)


To fully upgrade a tool would cost 20 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points. Reaching max tier in every tool would cost 100 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points.

Note: The upgrades in the table are from tier to tier not from tier 0. Example: Backpack Size Tier 2 to Tier 3 is 20 extra slots, from tier 0 would be 60 extra slots.

Tool Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8
Upgrade Points Cost 1 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 1 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 2 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 2 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 3 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 3 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 4 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points 4 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points
Backpack Size 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots 20 extra slots
Build & Repair Speed + 15% + 15% + 45% + 45% + 90% + 90% + 150% + 150%
Harvesting Tool Upgrade + 10% damage + 10% damage and Tech Axe + 45% damage and Hydraulic Wrecker + 45% damage and Vindertech Elite + 90% damage and Laser Pick + 90% damage + 150% damage and Axehammer + 150% damage
Building Health + 15% + 15% + 45% + 45% + 90% + 90% + 150% + 150%
Storm Shield Storage Vault Unlocks Vault at 20 slots 20 extra slots

(40 total)

20 extra slots

(60 total)

20 extra slots

(80 total)

20 extra slots

(100 total)

20 extra slots

(120 total)

20 extra slots

(140 total)

20 extra slots

(160 total)
