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Fortnite Wiki

Disambig-iconFor the article on the the location of the same name, please see The Vault

Vaults are a type of location in Fortnite: Battle Royale.


All Vaults consist of a treasure room concealed behind indestructible walls. When the entry conditions are fulfilled, the Vault door will slowly be pushed back, revealing the interior. On the outside, some Vaults are guarded by Sentry Turrets. To get past them, you need to either destroy them manually or avoid the detection beam.


So far three types of vault have been introduced: Keycard Vaults, Squad Lock Vaults and Key Vaults.

Keycard Vaults[]

Keycard Vaults can be found in Faction Bases. To open them, players must collect the corresponding Keycard and interact with the terminal next to the vault. The keycard can be obtained by eliminating the location's AI Boss - Icon - Fortnite Boss.

Broken Vaults are similar vaults but already broken-open. Many of these vaults exist after their Bosses have rotated out of the location.

Squad Lock and Key Vaults[]

Squad Lock Vaults were located at Seven Outposts and Rave Cave. They were only accessible in team modes and require the full squad to gather near the Vault for it to open. This requirement, however, can be bypassed bringing an animal near the vault.

Key Vaults are vaults added in Chapter 3: Season 4, found in bunkers or locations underground. Players need to collect Keys in order to open them.

  • Low Security Vaults are the most common vaults and need 1 Key to open them. However, they have fewer Rare chests guaranteed than the High Security Vaults and no supply drops or Safes inside.
  • High Security Vaults are rarer than Low Security Vaults and need 2 keys to open them. The number of Chests and Ammo Boxes is similar to the Low Security Vault, however, there are 2 supply drops & 1 safe.


  • The most vaults ever on one map was in Chapter 3: Season 4, with 15 vaults. However, were easily accessible as most only needed keys to be opened.

