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Weapons are the primary mechanic to deal damage to Husks and Wildlife in Fortnite: Save the World. Each weapon can be crafted if the Schematic for them has been acquired by the player. Weapons that other players have can be dropped and given to other players of lower or higher power Levels. Weapons span across classes, levels, stats, abilities and Rarities.


RangedNav MeleeNav

Statistics and Functionality[]


Weapon Rarity
Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Mythic
Predator - Schematic - Save the World
Knight - Schematic - Save the World
Zapotron - Weapon - Fortnite
Argon Axe - Schematic - Save the World
The Instigator - Schematic - Save the World
Storm King's Scourge - Schematic - Save the World


Weaponry in Fortnite Save the World comes in two categories: Ranged and Melee. Ranged weapons are the most common, with almost every weapon, aside from a handful being ranged. Ranged weapons allow the player to attack at distance, where Melee weapons require up close attacks. Melee Weapons do not require Ammo but have low durability. The following list includes every statistic for each weapon in the game, alongside its application to ranged or melee weaponry.

Statistic Description Measurement Weapon Type Notes
Rarity The chance the weapon can be found, alongside its uniqueness. Label Both Rarity is normally associated with Drop Rate, but oftentimes it only affects the unique weapon. For example, a Common Weapon will be found more frequently than an Uncommon one in the world or a Llama Piñata, but may drop less frequently than a Rare Weapon of a different type.
Damage The amount of health taken away from an enemy, when attacked with the specified weapon. Number Both Damage is only a measurement of damage to enemy. It does not account for damage dealt to structures, nor does it account for headshot multipliers, or falloff damage.
Fire Rate The amount of times a weapon can attack in one second. Number per second Ranged only Fire rate is a general term applied to attacks per second, the weapon doesn't need to actually 'fire' anything for this stat to be calculated.

Weapons with a Magazine Size of 1 will reload after every attack, but still have a set Fire Rate, even though it is inapplicable to the actual weapon.

Damage Per Second The fire rate of a weapon, multiplied by its damage. Number (Sometimes Decimal) Both Damage per second is only calculated with Damage and Fire Rate, it does not include Reload Times. As such, weapons with a Magazine Size of 1 will have a higher Damage per Second than it does in practicality.
Magazine Size How much ammo that can be fired before needing to reload the weapon. Number Both For weapons which do not reload, such as Melee weapons or those with cool-downs, the statistic is listed as infinite, or just missing entirely.
Reload Time The time it takes to fully reload the weapon. Seconds Ranged only Reload Time is applied to weapons that do not have a cooldown. Once the weapon's magazine is empty, the player will reload the weapon, taking a few seconds depending on the weapon's stats.

Reload Time for shotguns is calculated by a full dry reload. Many shotguns reload one or more shells at a time, meaning a full reload isn't needed to fire the weapon. However, for the sake of consistency, reload time for shotguns is for reloading every bullet.

Structure Damage How much damage the weapon will deal to structures. Number Both Structure Damage for a majority of weapons is the same as their regular damage outputs. As such, it is often not included.
Bullet Type The type of bullet fired, such as if it will instantly connect to a target, its speed, how it is affected by gravity. Label Ranged only Bullets can range from Hitscan (The bullets connect instantly with the target), to a Beam Type (Continuous beam fire, similar to hitscan), to Projectiles (Bullet is a physical object, and takes an amount of time to connect with a target). Some bullets such as those fired from many Sniper Rifles, will be affected by Gravity,
Ammo Type The ammo type used by the weapon. Label Ranged only Weapons with infinite ammo still use an ammo type, but do not need to reload using it.
Damage Falloff If the weapons attacks deal less damage at longer ranges Binary Ranged only Damage falloff is commonly only applied to Hitscan weapons, to balance their effectiveness at long ranges. As such, all ranged weapons have essentially infinite range.
Headshot Multiplier The damage multiplier applied to the attack from a weapon, if the attack hits the head hitbox of an opponent. Number (Sometimes Decimal) Both Critical Hit Damage Multipliers are different drom Headshot Multipliers as one goes for the head.
Weapon Spread The area in which bullets will be randomly placed, in relation to size of the crosshair. Visual Indicator Ranged only Shotguns use this stat differently, spreading 10 pellets at once in a random arrangement, versus each shot having one randomly placed bullet.
First Shot Accuracy If the weapon's first shot after a small cooldown, will be 100% accurate. Binary, with timer Ranged only Scoped weapons are always accurate on every shot, ignoring the kick of the weapon.
Durability The amount of hits a weapon can take before breaking. Number Both Different rarities have set durabilites. Epic Weapons have a durability of 250 whereas Legendary Weapons have one of 375.
Impact An extra bonus amount of damage to an enemy, Number Ranged Impact varies from weapon to weapon and is calculated by multiplying the Critical Hit Damage Multiplier by the damage.
Attack Speed The speed a melee weapon can attack per second Number Melee Attack Speed is the Melee Version of Fire Rate, both are similar in terms of function.
Heat Capacity How heated a weapon can get before having to cooldown. Number Ranged Heat Capacity is a replacement for Magazine Size for weapons lacking a magazine and using the overheating system.
Heat Generation How much heat a weapon will generate per shot. Number Ranged The amount of times a weapon can be shot for a weapon before overheating can be calculated through Heat Capacity divided by Heat Generation.
Cooling Speed The amount of heat taken off of a weapon every second not fired. Number Ranged Cooling Speed does not come into effect when the weapon overheats.
Overheat Cooldown The time it takes for a weapon to be usable after overheating. Number Ranged