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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki
Regal Visage (Decal) - Spray - Fortnite This article is about a location that has been removed from the map.

Weather Station was a Landmark in Fortnite: Battle Royale added in Chapter 2: Season 1 to the island Apollo.


Chapter 2: Season 1[]

Chapter 2: Season 2[]

Chapter 2: Season 4[]

Chapter 2: Season 5[]

  • Update v15.00:
    • A book written by the YouTuber SypherPK titled "How To Win" was added to Weather Station. It is indestructible.
    • Choppas have also been Vaulted, and thus one no longer spawns at the Helipad at Weather Station.

Chapter 2: Season 6[]

Chapter 2: Season 7[]

  • Update v17.00: Zenith has been removed as a Character and thus is no longer at Weather Station.

Chapter 2: Season 8[]

Chapter 3: Season 4[]

Quests/Challenges List[]


Uncommon J.B. Chimpanski
J.B. Chimpanski - Outfit - Fortnite

0 / 1
Deliver a car to the Weather Station XP - Icon - Fortnite
Bars (Small) - Currency - Fortnite
We need compact cars for some low-profile surveillance.

I'd get it myself, but the thumbs on my feet keep getting in the way?


Visit 15 different Landmarks Season XP - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 15

Search 10 Chests at Landmarks Season XP - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 10


Stage 1 of 3 - Visit the Weather Station as Storm

0 / 1



  • The indestructible book at "Weather Station" originated after Youtuber SypherPK asked Epic Games to add his book (or something small) to the location as it was his favorite place to land in matches, and to see if Epic listened to the community. Epic listened and in C2S5 it was added to the inside of the station.
    • The book has physics and can be hit around, though it will not be destroyed.