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Fortnite Wiki
Disambig gray This article is about the wildlife in Battle Royale. For the Save the World version, see Wildlife (Save the World).

Wildlife (also known as Animals) are NPCs first introduced in Chapter 2: Season 3, and expanded upon in Chapter 2: Season 6.

Wolves, Boars, Raptors, and Sharks can be ridden, making them function as Vehicles.


Wildlife are a type of NPC which will roam around certain areas of the map, Some wildlife are AIs and can potentially attack or flee from the player when they get close. Wildlife has a wide range of uses, from mobility, to taming them to aid in battle. The most common use of Wildlife however is for Meat. Players can tame most Wildlife using Meat, and with the aid of a Hunter's Cloak.

Players can ride Sharks, Wolves, Boars, and Raptors, which enables them to control the animal as if they were a vehicle. This method also instantly tames the wildlife, but doesn't allow the player to tame more than one. Riding an animal allows the player to move in any direction, jump and sprint. Animals have a stamina bar which stops them moving if depleted. This bar must be refilled with Meat. Riding on an animal allows the player to use all items that they can normally, even allowing Healing Items to be used whilst moving. The player can also build in this state. However sharks function differently, they can only be ridden with a fishing rod and don’t have a stamina bar, but also can’t stop moving. Players cannot perform their usual actions while riding a shark, only being able to seer it, boost, and jump. Sharks also can’t be tamed. When an animal’s health bar reaches zero, it will be eliminated, but wildlife can be healed via Chug Splash, a Campfire, or any other method of healing another player.

List of Wildlife[]

Unvaulted AIs (Chapter 5: Season 2)[]

Unvaulted Wildlife
Image Description
Chicken - Animal - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 60
Attack: Peck (1 DMG)
Neutral Wildlife which flees from the Player and drops Meat. Attacking Chickens may turn them hostile, which can attack players. Chickens can be grabbed by the player and held above their head to decrease the player's gravity and to attack enemies when near. They drop 1 Meat when eliminated. Chickens can also be found in a Malfunctioning Vending Machine. Will sometimes glow Orange or Purple, indicating that it will drop a Legendary or Epic weapon when eliminated.
Frog - Animal - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 20
Passive Wildlife which flees from the Player and drops Meat. Frogs are very fast and are hard to eliminate. They do not have much HP however. They drop 1 Meat when eliminated.
Shade Wolf - Wildlife - Fortnite

Shade Wolf
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 250
Attack: Bite 15 DMG
Hostile Wildlife that drops Meat. Shade Wolves will be summoned by Cerberus to attack the player. They drop 3 Meat and ammo when eliminated. Shade Wolves have a faster walking speed than Boar and Raptors and can perform an Underworld Dash when their target is too far.

Vaulted AIs[]

Vaulted Wildlife
Image Description
Wolf - Animal - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 250
Attack: Bite 15 DMG
Hostile Wildlife that drops Meat. Wolves can be tamed to aid the player in battle and spawn in large groups of three or more. They drop 3 Meat when eliminated. Will sometimes glow Orange or Purple, indicating that it will drop a Legendary or Epic weapon when eliminated. Players can ride on Wolves. Wolves have a faster walking speed than Boars and Raptors. Wolves are not present in Competitive Modes.
Zombie Chicken - Animal - Fortnite

Zombie Chicken
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 80
Attack: Peck (2 DMG)
Hostile Wildlife that drops Meat. Similar to Chickens, they can be grabbed by the player and held above their head to decrease the player's gravity.
Spring Chicken - Wildlife - Fortnite

Spring Chicken
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 60
Neutral Wildlife which flees from the Player and drop Heal Egg or Golden Egg. Chickens can be grabbed by the player and held above their head to decrease the player's gravity. They drop 1 Meat when eliminated.
Hop Rock Chicken - Wildlife - Fortnite

Hop Rock Chicken
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 60
Neutral Wildlife which flees from the Player and drop Hop Egg or Golden Egg. Chickens can be grabbed by the player and held above their head to decrease the player's gravity.
Gold Chicken - Wildlife - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 60
Attack: Peck (1 DMG)
Neutral Wildlife which flees from the Player and drop a Golden Egg. Chickens can be grabbed by the player and held above their head to decrease the player's gravity. They drop Bars when eliminated.
Boar - Animal - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 120
Attack: Charge Attack (15 DMG)
Hostile Wildlife which drops Meat and Mushrooms. Boars are slower than Wolves and drop less Meat, but can still be Tamed by the player. They will flee after being attacked. They drop 2 Meat and 2 Mushrooms when eliminated. Players can ride on Boars. Boars have a faster sprinting speed than Wolves and Raptors. Boars are not present in Competitive Modes.
Frog - Animal - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 20
Passive Wildlife which flees from the Player and drops Meat. Frogs are very fast and are hard to eliminate. They do not have much HP however. They drop 1 Meat when eliminated.
Raptor (C4S3) - Animal - Fortnite

Type: Hostile
  • Bite
  • Jump Attack

Hostile Wildlife which drops Meat. Raptors are very fast, and can be tamed to greatly aid the player in Battle, dealing damage to enemies. They drop 1 Meat when eliminated.
Loot Shark - Bot - Fortnite

Loot Shark
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 2,000
Attacks: Jumps out of water to attack (50 DMG)
Hostile Wildlife which drops varying loot. Loot sharks will consume loot, with the highest rarity of it indicated by the glow of the Shark's mouth. A Loot Shark can be ridden with a Fishing Rod or Pro Fishing Rod, turning it into a vehicle.
Alien Parasites - Animal - Fortnite

Alien Parasite
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 30
Hostile Wildlife that can stick to player can give speed boosts.
Cursed Llama - Wildlife - Fortnite

Cursed Llama
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 1,500
Passive Wildlife which flees from the Player. Cursed Llamas have a very large amount of HP, and will drop a Hollow Purple & Straw Doll Technique on elimination. Supply Llamas will drop Small and Regular Shield Potions, as well as Ammo and Materials as they flee. If the player cannot eliminate a Cursed Llama in time, it will rift out.
Klombo - Wildlife - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: Invincible
  • Acid Ball (15 DMG)
  • Stomp (20 DMG)

A giant Passive Wildlife which can be fed Klomberries. Players can ride on Klombo by standing on its top. Feeding it grants the player a weapon or item, and the ability to be launched into the air for Glider Redeploy from the blowhole on the back of its head. It can become hostile if it takes 10 damage.
Sky Jelly - Wildlife - Fortnite

Sky Jelly
Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: Single Shot
Passive Wildlife that spawn in groups. Touching a Sky Jelly heals 20 effective health and bounces the player. Eliminating them will fall to the ground, then explode like Shockwave Grenades, and will drop nothing upon elimination.
Wildwasp - Wildlife - Fortnite

Health - Icon - Fortnite HP: 500
Wildlife that group up in the Jungle Biomes, they can spawn naturally or through Wildwasp jars, Wildwasps are Hostile however they will stop attacking you if you're covered in mud or in water.

Ambient Wildlife[]

These wildlife are for environmental ambience and have no gameplay function.

Ambient Wildlife
Image Locations
Mystery Reward - Fortnite

Can be found in various spots.
Seagull - NPC - Fortnite

Can be found in various spots.
Parrot - NPC - Fortnite

Can be found in jungle.
Mystery Reward - Fortnite

Can be found in the desert.
Reality Roots (Rift Butterfly) - Landmark - Fortnite

Rift Butterfly
Can be found in Reality Bloom Biome.
Tiny Jungle Fishes - NPC - Fortnite

Tiny Fishes
Can be found in the water of the ancients jungle.
Bat - NPC - Fortnite

Can be found in the ancients jungle.
Worm - NPC - Fortnite

Can be found in the ruins of ancients jungle.
Crab - NPC - Fortnite

Can be found on the beaches shoreline.


Chicken Voicelines
Walking 1
Pecking 1
Clucking 1
Spawn 1
Picked Up 1
Held 1
Worried 1
Startle 1
Alerted 1


Update v8.00[]

  • Added Seagulls.

Update v13.00[]

  • Added Loot Sharks. They spawn in the water.

Update v14.00[]

Update v16.00[]

  • Removed Loot Sharks. Added Wolves, Chickens, Boars, and Frogs.

Update v16.10[]

  • Added Raptors.
    • Changed Wolf damage dealt to 15 HP.

Update v16.20[]

  • Re-added Loot Sharks, they now drop meat.

Update v17.00[]

  • Removed Raptors.
  • Supply Llamas are now wildlife, and move around.

Update v17.10[]

  • Added Alien Parasites.

Update v17.21[]

  • Parasites now consume HP capping at 75 HP remaining, instead of 60 HP. They now fly slower. The distortion effect when a Parasite is attached to a player has been removed.

Update v17.30[]

Content Update v17.30[]

  • Reduced health from 60 to 30.

Update v17.40[]

  • The distortion effect when a Parasite is attached to a player has been re-added.
    • The distortion effect has been removed through a hotfix.

Update v18.00[]

  • Added Crows.
  • Removed Alien Parasites.
  • Re-added Raptors.

Update v18.10[]

  • Some Crows will now drop an Epic or Legendary weapon when eliminated.

Update v19.00[]

  • Removed Raptors.

Update v19.10[]

  • Added Klombos.

Update v19.30[]

  • Raptors were added to Solid Gold LTM. They are still inaccessible in normal modes.

Content Update v19.40[]

  • All wildlife spawns, aside from Crows, are replaced with Chickens for the current Wild Week.
    • Chickens will now attack players, dealing 1 damage per attack.
    • Like Crows, chickens can have a chance to drop an Epic or Legendary weapon when eliminated. These Chickens will glow the respective color.

Update v20.00[]

  • Removed Klombos and Wolves.

Update v21.00[]

  • Re-added Wolves.
  • Removed Chickens.
  • Wolves and Boars can be ridden.
  • Added Rift Butterfly.

Update v21.50[]

Update v22.00[]

  • Re-added Chickens.
  • Re-added Frogs.
  • Wolves, Boar, Loot Sharks, Chickens, Frogs, and Crows can spawn as Chrome versions, which behave the same, but get health regeneration.

Update v22.20[]

  • Added Zombie Chickens.
  • Removed Chickens and Boars.

Update v22.30[]

  • Removed Zombie Chickens.
  • Re-added Chickens and Boars.

Update v22.40[]

  • Avian Ambush Week: Increased spawn rate for Chickens and increased the chance for Chickens containing loot. All Chickens will become hostile when attacked.

Update v23.00[]

  • Added Sky Jellies.
  • Vaulted Sharks.
  • Boars, Wolves, and Chickens can spawn in different colors.

Update v24.00[]

  • Removed Boar, Wolves, Frogs, and Crows.

Update v24.10[]

  • Removed Chickens.
  • Added Spring and Hop Rock Chickens.
  • Chickens are no longer hostile when attacked.
  • All Chickens receive new sounds.

Update v24.20[]

  • Re-added Chickens.
  • Removed Spring and Hop Rock Chickens.
  • Re-added peck attack for Chickens, can be hostile when attacked.
  • Reverted sounds for Chickens.
  • An accolade was added for riding a shark, but they are still vaulted.

Update v25.00[]

  • Added Worms, Parrots, Bats, and Tiny Fishes.
  • Added back Boar, Wolves, and Frogs.
  • Removed Chickens.
  • Added new blue Raptor design.

Update v25.10[]

  • Removed Sky Jellies.

Update v25.30[]

Update v26.00[]

  • Added Crabs.
  • Removed Boar and Wolves.
  • Re-added Chickens.
  • Removed Cursed Llamas and added back regular ones.
  • Updated Supply Llamas expressions and animations.

Update v27.00[]

  • Vaulted all Wildlife.

Update v28.00[]

  • Unvaulted Chickens and Frogs.

Update v29.00[]

  • Added Shade Wolves.

Update v29.01[]

  • Added Golden Chicken.

Update v29.10[]

  • Shade Wolves can now use Underworld Dash.

Update v29.10 Hotfix[]

  • Vaulted Golden Chicken.

Update v30.00[]

  • Vaulted Shade Wolves and Frogs. Chickens are also unobtainable through normal means, but they still have a chance of being randomly purchased from malfunctioning vending machines.


Promotional Images[]

Concept Art[]

Former Icons[]




  • The chickens are codenamed as "Nug", a joke with chicken nuggets.
  • When an Alien Parasite is attached to a chicken, the chicken can 'lay' parasite eggs.
  • Chickens will not become hostile towards a player during a match if they don't kill a single chicken.
  • If an enemy shoots the player's chicken, they will immediately fall to the ground, likely taking fall damage. Squad members can also shoot and eliminate the chicken.
  • Being able to glide with a chicken is inspired by a similar action in The Legend of Zelda series, where Link can use a Cucco to float gently.
  • While gliding with a chicken, it can be heard clucking the tune of Ride of the Valkyries in reference to the movie Apocalypse Now (1979). It can also cluck the tune of The Blue Danube.
    • This is the same song used by the Loudspeaker on the Choppa.
  • Chickens can also become hostile if they take damage from The Storm.
  • Accessing the Mod Bench while holding a chicken will have a humorous message in the mod menu: "Tragically, this chicken is not moddable :(". The chicken is also given a weapon type of "Just a little guy :)" with a rarity of Bird.

Zombie Chicken[]

  • The zombie chickens are codenamed as "Nug Z".
  • When visualize audio is on, the icon is the same for chickens but has a purple arc instead of white.


  • Wolves will try to kill Boars and Chickens when they spot them.
  • Wolves appear in the Zero Crisis Finale, they cannot be attacked, nor do they attack the player during this time.
  • Wolves are codenamed as "Grandma", in reference to the fairy tale of the Little Red Riding Hood.


  • These are Velociraptors which are commonly shortened to "Raptor". It is not to be confused with the group of predatory birds, officially known as "Raptor".
    • The inclusion of large sized Velociraptors are likely a reference to Jurassic Park, where at the time of the film's creation, Velociraptors were mistakenly portrayed as several feet tall, when in reality Velociraptors were less than a meter tall.
      • Another Jurassic Park reference is that they are capable of opening doors by themselves, like in a scene from the film.
    • It is also possible that Raptors are based on Utahraptor, a large relative of Velociraptor.
  • There were Raptor egg props scattered throughout the Island, which hatched during Chapter 2: Season 6.


  • Crows are the first interactive flying Wildlife.
  • The Loot Pools of the Epic and Legendary glowing Crows update every season.
  • Crows will often shrink and disappear, in order to de-spawn them. Likely due to a bug, this can occur near the player.


  • A Klombo's blowhole could have been seen below Logjam Lumberyard before Covert Cavern was introduced.
  • Klombos are the largest Wildlife to ever exist in Fortnite.
  • Klombo is codenamed as "ButterCake".

Alien Parasite[]

  • Alien Parasites can attach to Boars, Chickens and Wolves, causing it to split off when eliminated by the player. Players can also 'free' these animals by eliminating the parasite.
  • A throwable Alien Parasite egg was in the works, but was ultimately scrapped. The prompt to collect them could be seen in-game by approaching them.

