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The Wintervestigation Quests were a set of Quests in Fortnite: Battle Royale, available from December 20th 2024 to January 7th 2025. Wintervestigation Quests were released in Chapter 6: Season 1 and rewarded players with Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite Season XP.



Naughty or Nice?
Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Timer - Icon - Fortnite


Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
Confiscate anything that looks dangerous! ANYTHING!
Collect Weapons
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 10

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
We need these for our stakeouts...
Collect Consumables
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 5

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
Canvass the ENTIRE area they said!
Travel Distance
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1,000

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
See if you can get them to confess to a crime. Any crime!
Talk to different Characters
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 2

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
Look for clues! To what? I'm not sure... but clues are important!
Search Chests
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 5

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
Safety is important in this line of work!
Gain Shields
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 200

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
What's a private domicile?
Bust through different doors
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 10

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
We need to check all of the different towns for leads
Visit Named Locations
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
Graduating IN the top of your class is very different from AT the top apparently...
Reach the top 50 players
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Guff Gringle - Outfit - Fortnite
This feels like more than a full shift, I hope I'll get overtime pay
Survive Storm Circles
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 5


Sgt. Winter (v31.30) - Outfit - Fortnite
Ready to see who's Naughty or Nice?
You're on the case! Almost.

Talk to SGT. Winter, about his Wintervestigation
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Sgt. Winter (v31.30) - Outfit - Fortnite
Talk to Noir on the top floor
Your detective career starts... soon!

Talk to Noir
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Noir's got a case for you... if you can handle it.
You're on the case! For real!

Talk to Noir to accept the first case.
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Your suspect can't be far.
Is that who I think it is??

Follow the trail...
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
No way. No way your Naughty candidate is...

Question the unknown traveler and find out what's going on
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Time to report, rookie.
Case closed!

Return to Noir with your findings
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
A SECOND case? You're coming up the ranks, detective!
Clues... Where are the clues...?

Talk to Noir to get your next assignment
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Look at you, investigating a serious crime!
Is this somehow the OPPOSITE of tampering??

Investigate tampered basketball equipment
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Let's find this mysterious sponsor...
That's your suspect, detective...

Go to the address listed on the charity receipt
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Time to find out: charity or CRIME?
So... It was charity after all.

Question the mysterious sponsor
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Someday you'll investigate a real crime.
Until then, paperwork.

Return to Noir with your findings
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Look at you, working your THIRD case...
Time to put a name on the Naughty list!

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
A perfect chance to do some investigating.
Hm. Something isn't adding up...

Investigate Canyon Crossing, collecting info about the suspected cat burglar
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Let's put the CAT in catching a a criminal.
Looks like this feline's not a felon...

Confront the sick and twisted individual
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Three Naughty candidates, all actually Nice. Odd.
Maybe it's a coincidence.

Return to Noir with your findings
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Another day, another case...
Let's solve some crime!

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
We've got claims Doughberman is using yeast supplements. Let's check it out!
Weird. Nothing untoward here...

Investigate Twinkle Town, collecting info about the yeast supplementing faker
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Maybe a confrontation will reveal a crime! Maybe?
Nope. Just a good dog eating the occasional treat.

Confront the suspect directly
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
I guess it's a good thing none of these are actually crimes?
Still disappointing, though.

Return to Noir with your findings
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
The daily grind of being a working detective continues...
You're not jaded. You're just experienced.

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Time to work the case, veteran detective.
Another day, another criminal to put away.

Collect info about The Suburban Saboteur in Hopeful Heights
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Let's see the damage in-person.
This is... Hope's art. In Hope's house?

Visit the graffiti'd home
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Naughty or Nice? That's the question.
So. Not a crime. Again.

Talk to Hope
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Naughty candidates. All nice. Something's off.
The final case awaits.

Return to Noir with your findings
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
We're almost at the finish line, detective.
Time to investigate the big man himself.

Talk to Noir to accept the final case.
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Is this an inside job, or another dead end?
The culprit's been here the whole time.

Find the Secret Files for Sgt. Winter's Naughty or Nice list
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 3

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Time to get some answers.
It's in your hands now, detective.

Check the list one more time...
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1

Noir (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Make your choice, detective.
Where'd you land, detective? Naughty or nice?

Confront Sgt. Winters
Season XP (Universal) - Icon - Fortnite
0 / 1


Case Assignment[]

Talk to SGT. Winter, about his Wintervestigation[]

Sgt. Winter: You there! I need help investigating the last few naughty or nice candidates
Player: Don't you have Elves to help with this sort of thing?
Sgt. Winter: These candidates are highly likely to be naughty and therefore dangerous, so we have to send in professionals like you
Player: Dangerous??
Sgt. Winter: Go see my man on the ground, Noir. He will get you sorted and on track with all of the cases.
Player: ...
Sgt. Winter: And remember, this holiday season relies entirely on YOU.
Player: No pressure, then...
The Looper: And that was how it started, I was just a cog in the machine. Tossed into a world I had no way out of. Given an offer I couldn't turn down.

Talking to Sgt. Winter again[]

Sgt. Winter: I Already told you! Go see my man on the ground, Noir. He will get you sorted and on track with all of the cases. And don't forget, this holiday season depends almost entirely on you alone!

Talk to Noir[]

Noir: I keep my office small so that people can tell I'm smart.
Player: It doesn't seem so small to me...
Noir: You must be the new rookie. Sgt. Winter let me know you'd be stopping by.
Player: That's me.
Noir: We'll have new cases coming in every few days as he narrows down the Naughty List.
Player: ...
Noir: For now, help Junior Detective Guff with his daily assignments and get outta my hair.
Player: Alright then...

Case #17 The Unknown Traveler[]

Talk to Noir to accept the first case.[]

Noir: We have a new Naughty List candidate, rookie.
Player: ...
Noir: We're getting reports of an unknown traveler who has been causing disruption at the cabin.
Player: ...
Noir: He's apparently been drawing large crowds.
Player: That sounds... not that scary. But okay.

Talking to Noir again[]

Noir: You already have a case! Get to investigating!

Follow the trail...[]


The Looper: Looks like some sort of turntable?


The Looper: What's a mic doing out here?

Dogg Statue[]

The Looper: Wait a minute...

Question the unknown traveler and find out what's going on[]

Santa Dogg: Happy Holladizzle!
Player: Wait, the 'unknown traveler' is SNOOP DOGG??
Santa Dogg: That's me! Here to spread the holiday cheer. You feel?
Player: Always, Snoop. Always.

Return to Noir with your findings[]

Noir: Rookie. Report!
Player: Your 'unknown traveler' was legendary rapper Snoop Dogg!
Noir: Alright what about the crowds of people yelling and cheering?
Player: ... It's Snoop Dogg. Duh.

Talking to Noir again[]

Noir: I don't have anything for you at the moment, check back in a few days and im sure there will be a new case to work on!

Case #29 The Sporty Smuggler[]

Talk to Noir to get your next assignment[]

Noir: We have a new Naughty List candidate, rookie.
Player: ...
Noir: We're getting reports someone has been tampering with the local basketball equipment
Player: ...
Noir: Go out to Hopeful Heights and investigate.
Player: Now, THIS sounds actually naughty. On it!

Investigate tampered basketball equipment[]


The Looper: There seems to be an address on this one...


The Looper: Looks like these were donated...


The Looper: This looks like some kind of receipt...

Question the mysterious sponsor[]

Santa Shaq: Hey, man. What's up?
Player: Shaq! Do you know anything about all this new sporting equipment showing up?
Santa Shaq: I donated it because it's what I was taught. I just want to make people smile.
Player: Oh, uhh...Thanks for helping the community.

Return to Noir with your findings[]

Noir: Rookie. Report!
Player: That's the second nice person you've sent me after!
Noir: Hm. That's concerning. I'll look into it.
Player: You do that.

Case #31 The Cat Burgler[]

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.[]

Noir: This one's gonna be naughty. I can feel it in my bones!
Player: ...
Noir: We've got reports of someone smashing people's belongings in Canyon Crossing!
Player: This one seems cut and dry. Let's go!

Investigate Canyon Crossing, collecting info about the suspected cat burglar[]


The Looper: This one is fine as well...


The Looper: Doesn't seem smashed to me...


The Looper: Looks intact?

Confront the sick and twisted individual[]

Nyanja: What do you want, mrow?
Player: Oh, you're... a cat. So knocking things off tables is...
Nyanja: It's just kind of in my nature. I didn't break anything, either.
Player: I don't think I can count this as naughty...

Return to Noir with your findings[]

Noir: Rookie. Report!
Player: The culprit was a cat. And nothing was harmed.
Noir: That's 0 for 3. This is... a really well-behaved Island?
Player: Call me if you find an ACTUAL naughty candidate.

Case #45 The Half Baked Bun[]

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.[]

Noir: Hey there, rookie...
Player: ...
Noir: I've got reports of a muscle-head taking unnatural supplements out in Twinkle Town!
Player: I'll check it out.

Investigate Twinkle Town, collecting info about the yeast supplementing faker[]


The Looper: Seems pretty normal...


The Looper: Nothing strange here...


The Looper: Seems pretty normal...

Confront the suspect directly[]

Doughberman: Hullo, friend! What seems to be the issue?
Player: Are you taking illegal yeast supplements to give yourself unfair volume??
Doughberman: Nuh-uh, bud. These buns are naturally enriched.
Player: Really?
Doughberman: Yup! And unfair to who? I don't compete or anythin'. I just fight demons!
Player: Huh. You've got me there.

Return to Noir with your findings[]

Player: Just a goodest boy with a freshly-baked six pack, sir.
Noir: How does this keep happening?? Dismissed.
Player: Alright.

Case #50 The Suburban Saboteur[]

Talk to Noir to accept the next case.[]

Noir: Hey there... rookie...
Player: You sound kinda down.
Noir: I've got another report... and I hope this one checks out.
Player: Me too. If only so you'll be less depressing.
Noir: Report is clear. Someone's disturbing the peace and graffitiing homes in Hopeful Heights.
Player: ...
Noir: I've even seen photos of the damage. It's real.
Player: We'll see about that, I guess...

Collect info about The Suburban Saboteur in Hopeful Heights[]


The Looper: Why am I even checking books...


The Looper: Radio's blank as well...


The Looper: Nothing about it in the papers...

Talk to Hope[]

Shadow Blade Hope: Hey. Been a minute, what's up?
Player: Hope! I've got concerning reports you're disturbing the peace and damaging homes!
Shadow Blade Hope: Damaging homes. You mean... the artwork... I've done... in MY OWN HOME?
Player: Oh. Yeah, I guess that's... not exactly 'damage' then.
Shadow Blade Hope: And disturbing the peace?? You mean like, inspiring people to rise up against tyrants??
Player: ...
Shadow Blade Hope: Which I haven't even done since I got here, also.
Player: Oof. Yet another uselesss report. Sorry, Hope.
Shadow Blade Hope: I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.

Return to Noir with your findings[]

Noir: Rookie... Just hit me with it.
Player: The graffiti was IN Hope's own house. Another dud report.
Noir: Rats. Something smells fishy, and it goes all the way to the top.
Player: ...
Noir: I think I know what our last case is, rookie. I'll be in touch.

Case #63 The Double-Checked List[]

Talk to Noir to accept the final case.[]

Noir: Alright. Time for our final case together.
Player: Who is it this time? Someone's nice grandma?
Noir: Nah. These reports, they're off. And I think I know why.
Player: ...
Noir: I need you to investigate the big man himself, Sgt. Winter.
Player: ...
Noir: Find me the Naughty list. You ready to do that... Detective?
Player: Let's do this.

Find the secret files[]

Search the files[]

The Looper: Wait a minute, it says here the only naughty person this year is...

Check the list twice[]

The Looper: ...SGT. Winter himself!

Confront Sgt. Winter[]

Sgt. Winter: If it isn't the rookie detective who couldn't find me ONE name for the naughty list.
Player: You're cooked, Winter. I know you're putting Nice names on the Naughty list.
Sgt. Winter: I woulda gotten away with it, too, if you'd just been a little less meticulous.
Player: I'm a detective, sergeant. It's what I do.
Sgt. Winter: Look, I'm sure you've done the math. If those names are Nice, the only Naughty one...
Player: you. That sounds kinda lonely.
Sgt. Winter: It is. I'm not allowed to move my own name. Part of the job.
Player: ...
Sgt. Winter: If you could keep this quiet... I'd appreciate it.

Player: Put me on the Naughty List too. Nobody should be alone at Winterfest.
Sgt. Winter: Wow, you'd do that for me? After everything I did? Thanks!
Player: ...
Sgt. Winter: Happy Winterfest, detective.

Player: You need to know your actions have consequences. I'm telling everyone.
Sgt. Winter: I.. guess that's fair. I'm the only Naughty one, I better take my lumps of coal.

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Winterfest 2024 Quests - Promo - Fortnite
For the first time this Winterfest:
Complete festive challenges for additional XP!
December 22nd 2024
Winterfest 2024 Quests (List) - Promo - Fortnite
Full Winterfest 2024 Naughty List revealed: January 4th 2025

Image Description Date
Winterfest 2024 Quests (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite
Winterfest Quests
It's time to cool down the competition! Complete Winterfest Quests to earn XP in Battle Royale until January 7!
December 20th 2024
