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Fortnite Wiki

Ziplines are a gameplay mechanic in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They were introduced in Season 7.


Ziplines are a method of transportation which lets the player travel along a predetermined path. The player can move in either direction on a zipline, as well as shoot, use items and even build (building is only limited to around where the zipline is placed). Players cannot stay still on a zipline and will continuously move.

Players attach to a zipline using the interact button, and can dismount one by pressing the jump button. Ziplines will negate fall damage, and once the player touches the floor this protection is removed. If the player initiates a zipline when a structure is in the way, the zipline will destroy it in order to create a clear path. Players can perform emotes on a zipline, if they interact with one whilst the emote plays; they cannot emote whilst already on a zipline. Vertical ziplines have the same properties, but will move the player vertically rather than horizontally.

As of Chapter 2: Season 6, some ziplines will move according to gravity, and will bend and curve downwards with the player's weight. This is purely visual, and client side only.

Strategy Guide[]

Calculated - Emote - Fortnite
This section outlines a strategy.
Feel free to add tips, tricks and general advice about the topic.
  • If you are able to attach to a zipline before hitting the floor, you can jump back off it and negate all fall damage.
  • If you need to quickly get down from an area, attach to a zipline and then jump off it for quick vertical distance.


Season 7[]

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

  • Update v11.00: The new map contains several new zipline locations.

Chapter 2: Season 6[]

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Chapter 4: Season 2[]

Chapter 4: Season 4[]


